
Websphere Portlet migration, missing parameter in DispatchAction

I'm migrating an old portlet application from WPS5 to WPS6. The application is using IBM legacy container. According to the migration guide, I only renew some portal library and some tag reference. The application is still using IBM legacy container and the modified Struts Portlet. When I create a link like by: <html:link page="/page1....

Can you add multiple jars in a jar file and then launch that jar file

I am working on a GUI application and would rather distribute just one jar as opposed to multiple ones. Can you control this with the manifest. ...

Eclipse color themes - java and flex

I use Eclipse for both Java and Flex development. Recently, I changed its color scheme to make java code look nicer. But that messed up the flex color scheme somehow. Is it possible to have my new color scheme for java and default color scheme for flex code? Or, how can i edit the color scheme for flex code as well? ...

JUnit before and test

What is the use of a Junit before and Test package in java? how can i use it with netbeans? ...

Initialising an instance variable with a method from the class (Java)

Hello, can I initialize an instance variable in Java, when I initialise it when I declare it, and initialise it with the return value of a method, which I define later in the class. Something like this: public class MyClass { integers[] myArray = new integers[length()]; int length() { .... } } length() gives me...

Transformer in apache collection15

What is the use of the Transformer function in the apache commons collection ? How do I use it in programs and at what times? ...

Three tier layered application using Wicket + Spring + Hibernate. How would you handle transactions?

Hi, I'm thinking about using the Open Session In View (OSIV) filter or interceptor that comes with Spring, as it seems like a convenient way for me as a developer. If that's what you recommend, do you recommend using a filter or an interceptor and why? I'm also wondering how it will mix with HibernateTemplate and if I will lose the abil...

How to do a http redirect to https in Sun Application Server / Web Server?

Anyone have any idea? ...

Where to pass runtime argument in wrapper.conf file in java service wrapper?

Hi All, Iam trying to create window service for my jar application. Application needs an argument and System property value while runtime. I dont know where to give argument value and system variable value in wrapper.conf file. please help me. I am getting the below error wrapper | Launching a JVM... jvm 1 | WrapperManager: Initiali...

Java bean event in netbeans 6.1

I'm having a JPanel bean which inside has two JToggle buttons.I compile and add this bean to the netbeans palette and then i add it to a frame.Then i right click the bean and from events i choose a mouse event let's say 'release'.This event corresponds to the JPanel and NOT in the two buttons inside.Thus i cannot catch mouse events comin...

How to use a property-file with GlassFish

I'm creating a web service, which run in GlassFish, and I want to have some custom properties. For this I'm using the Properties class. The code I'm using is: Properties p=new Properties(); File f=new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), ""); p.load(new FileInputStream(f)); But how do I get the

How can I get System variable value in Java?

Hi all, How can I get the System Variable value which is present in MyComputer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables in Java? ...

Post a KeyEvent to the focused component

What is the best way to post a Button Press to a component? I tried using the Robot class and it works, normally. However, this class has some problems under some Linux platforms, so I wonder what is the best Java-only way to post an event to a component. In this particular case, I want to post backspace events to a JTextField when I ...

please tell me where i made error in this jsp program..

<%@ page import="*" %> <%-- <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" %> --%> <% int iLf = 10; char cLf = (char)iLf; File outputFile = new File(generate.xml); outputFile.createNewFile(); FileWriter outfile = new FileWriter(outputFile); outfile.write(" <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> "+cLf); outfile.write(" <playl...

Comparing a string with the empty string (Java)

Hello, I have a question about comparing a string with the empty string in Java. Is there a difference, if I compare a string with the empty string with == or equals? For example: String s1 = "hi"; if (s1 == "") or if (s1.equals("")) I know that one should compare strings (and objects in general) with equals, and not ==, but I a...

Pretty alternative to JProgressBar?

I'd like a nice progress bar for long running processes. Are there any pretty alternatives to JProgressBar out there, specifically for indeterminate processes? I'm thinking of Web-2.0-looking twirls, spinning wheels, what have you. Imaginary bonus points for no cost, LGPL-licensed stuff. ;) ...

JavaService and QTP

Can I test/call a Java Service from QTP and how? ...

JYaml: dump object without including class name

I have an ArrayList of objects being dumped to a YAML string and have been comparing the performance of JYaml and SnakeYaml in handling this. ArrayList<HashMap> testList = new ArrayList<HashMap>(); HashMap<String, String> testMap1 = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, String> testMap2 = new HashMap<String, String>...

How to actually use Swing Application Framework?

Hello, I'd like to learn how to effectively use Swing Application Framework. Most of the the examples I've found are blog entries that just explain how to great it is to extend SingleFrameApplication and override its startup method, but that's about it. Sun's article is almost two years old, as is the project's own introduction, and the...

How to run jetty:run-exploded in maven but prevent from assembling war again?

We are using the maven jetty plug-in to run exploded wars. We have a script that copies certain configuration files to the directory which is used by maven to assemble the war (basically spring configuration + web.xml for stand-alone test environment). The problem is that it seems the webapp is being built again before jetty:run-explo...