
JSP application scope objects in Java library

I am working on a preexisting web application built with JSP, which uses an external Java library. I want to make some JavaBeans that were instantiated with jsp:useBean tags available to the Java code. What would be a good practice to do that? I suppose I can pass the objects in question to every function call that requires them, but I...

How are get and set methods on javabeans called by frameworks?

If you have a bean with a getFoo method, how does whatever framework you're using know how to call the getFoo method when you ask for the value of foo? Is this done using the reflection API? Or is it somehow done using annotations? Obviously I know how you can derive the method given the name of the property, I just don't know how the me...

Date or String declaration in a javabean

Should I declare an attribute in a javabean that holds a date value a user types in on an HTML form as a String or Date? I feel I should declare as a Date, however, since I do server validation on all form data, if the date doesn't validate, when I pass the form bean back to the jsp view for correcting, I lose the date value that the ...

[java bean]hibernate Session breaks a java bean?

Hi all, i have a simple JPanel bean in my projects, now i want to drag my panel bean class into my jframe. My panel bean class is like this: public class BeanPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel { /** Creates new form BeanPanel */ public BeanPanel () { initComponents(); Session session=HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession...

what is "Java beans"?

Possible Duplicate: places where Java Beans used? Can anyone tell me what exactly "Java beans" is and why is it used? ...

What are the best Spring converter strategies in the case of a String to convert to a set of object ?

I have the following (simplified) form in one of my view: <form:form commandName="entry" method="POST"> <form:input type="text" path="name"/> <form:input type="text" path="tags" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/> </form:form> Which is going to be bind to the following JavaBean: public class Entry { private String name; ...

What is a non-visual bean?

Using JForm Designer I am trying to change the class of a JPanel in the properties window from JPanel to various custom classes, all of which subclass JPanel. Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails with the message: panel1: Can not morph non-toplevel component to non-visual bean. What is a non-visual bean? Why are some of my subclass...

Red X in NetBeans Property Sheet

I've created a JavaBean with a custom editor and custom editor user interface for one of the properties. The value field in the property sheet for this property displays a red x- how can this be removed? And, what caused it to be there? ...

Deep bean copy with strategy for null property instantiation

I am looking for the simplest way to do a deep copy of a flat Map<String, String> of nested properties to a bean. Some of the nested properties are interfaces for which I would like to provide a strategy for instantiation. For example: Map<String, String> customer = new Map<String, String>(); customers.put("id", "123"); customers.put(...

Hibernate property name capitalisation issue

Hi all, I have a problem with how hibernate/JavaBeans constructs property names. Here's my property. private boolean aNumberFl; @Column( name = "aNumberFl", nullable = false ) @Type( type = "yes_no" ) public boolean getANumberFl() { return aNumberFl; } public void setANumberFl( boolean var ) { this.aNumberFl = var; } Every...

Dynamically changing the visibility of the JSF components

Hi, My requirement is like this: I am having a text input and whenever a value change event occurs, a select many list box has to be populated. If there is no matching records found, then a text input has to appear instead of a select many list box. <h:column> <h:selectManyListbox size="3" value="#{hostInfoBean.gateKeeperendPoint...

How can I convert a java bean to a properties file?

What libraries are available that can do something like public class Person { private Long id; private Name; private List<Long> associations; // accessors } public class Name { private String first; private String last; // accessors } into something like id=1 associations=1,2,3,4,5 name.first=Franz name.last=See ...

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find any information on property 'sName' in a bean of type 'AddUserBean'

Hi, I have a html page with a user registration form. I collect the data and action is : <form name="register" action="../JSP/Register.jsp" method="post"> Then on the jsp page i have <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Reg JSP</TITLE> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="commonstyle.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <jsp:useBean id ="user" class ...

Get virtual directory mapping information in backing bean?

Hi all, Is there a way to get the virtual directory map information of weblogic in backing bean? Thank you very much. ...

JasperReports accessing method on bean datasource?

Hello, I'm using JasperReports and I'm using the provided JRBeanCollectionDataSource class to wrap a List of beans. Everything works fine in my reports when I'm accessing a simple property of the bean, but what I really need to do is access a few methods on the class. For example I would like to access the method: public List<Date> getC...

Does an EJB project typically contain only one Enterprise JavaBean or a collection of them?

I'm working with IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere; it is based on Eclipse, though I'm not sure of its differences from Eclipse's Java EE features. I want to have two Enterprise JavaBeans. Do I create two separate EJB projects, one per JavaBean, or do I put them as different classes in one project? What are the considera...

jsp useBean with hashmap

How do I use jsp:useBean with collections like Lists and Maps correctly? I can get Lists by using type="List<MyObject>" but I cannot get the List to instantiate if nothing is passed. class="ArrayList<MyObject>" And the above attribute gives an error: The value for the useBean class attribute ArrayList`<MyObject`> is inval...

Is there any way to load an application context using a custom BeanWrapper implementation

I would like to be able to use Spring using setter injection into Scala components. Unfortunately, Scala's native setters are named differently from than the JavaBeans standard, foo_= rather than setFoo. Scala does provide a couple of workarounds for this, annotations which force the creation of JavaBeans setters/getters as well as nat...

convert HashMap to JavaBean instance given javabean class

Hi, is there a utility out there for creating a bean (which has simple String attributes whose name match with HashMap keys ) given bean class as input along with properly set hashmap? thanks, Amit ...

Display single record from database in JSP page through Java Servlet based on GET parameter, how?

I have a servlet that correctly returns the data I want from the database when it's doGet() method is called. I would like the doGet() to populate a java bean, which we then reference in the product.jsf page. I'd like call a URL like And have the single record returned based on the ID based in the...