
How does one update and print a 'Rational' token in javacc?

I have added the new token RATIONAL that recognises rational numbers on my javacc parser. How can I update the output part of the program to print the numeric value of the rational number? For example ('2/5') value =0.4, (8/2') value = 4.0, (4/0') value = infinity, I will be gratefull if anyone could help me thanks. ...

Interpret a rule applying multiple xpath queries on multiple XML documents

Hi, I need to build a component which would take a few XML documents in input and check the following kind of rules: XML1:/bookstore/book[price>35.00] != null and (XML2:/city/name = 'Montreal' or XML3://customer[@language] contains 'en') Basically my component should be able to: substitute the XML tokens with the correspondin...

JavaCC for .NET?

Hi Guys, I've been spending some time doing JavaCC parser generation for assignments at University and was wondering if there is a similar simple parser generator framework for .NET available? I know there is ANTLR, but I found it a bit too big for my taste and really started to like the simplicity that JavaCC brings.. greetings Danie...

JavaCC: Please give me links to "real" examples.

Hello, everyone! I know that there are many examples of JavaCC parsers here, but they all do nothing. They just accept a string, or produce parsing errors. What I need is a few examples of real parsers, which actually do something during parsing. (Such as building a DOM tree during parsing an XML string). Please help! ;) ...

JavaCC: How can I specify which token(s) are expected in certain context?

Hello, everyone! I need to make JavaCC aware of a context (current parent token), and depending on that context, expect different token(s) to occur. Consider the following pseudo-code: TOKEN <abc> { "abc*" } // recognizes "abc", "abcd", "abcde", ... TOKEN <abcd> { "abcd*" } // recognizes "abcd", "abcde", "abcdef", ... TOKEN <element1...

Using JavaCC to infer semantics from a Composite tree

Hi all, I am programming (in Java) a very limited symbolic calculus library that manages polynomials, exponentials and expolinomials (sums of elements like "x^n * e^(c x)"). I want the library to be extensible in the sense of new analytic forms (trigonometric, etc.) or new kinds of operations (logarithm, domain transformations, etc.), s...

JavaCC: How can I make generated boilerplate classes package-private?

Hello, everyone! I know that I can specify the option SUPPORT_CLASS_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = false; inside a .jj file. But this makes only the generated class itself package-private. The "boilerplate" classes (such as ParseException) are still public. This is very annoying, since I use java.text.ParseException for public exposure of the API...

Java, JavaCC: How to parse characters outside the BMP?

Hello, everyone! I am referring to the XML 1.1 spec. Look at the definition of NameStartChar: NameStartChar ::= ":" | [A-Z] | "_" | [a-z] | [#xC0-#xD6] | [#xD8-#xF6] | [#xF8-#x2FF] | [#x370-#x37D] | [#x37F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#xE...

JavaCC: How can one exclude a string from a token? (A.k.a. understanding token ambiguity.)

Hello, everyone! I had already many problems with understanding, how ambiguous tokens can be handled elegantly (or somehow at all) in JavaCC. Let's take this example: I want to parse XML processing instruction. The format is: "<?" <target> <data> "?>": target is an XML name, data can be anything except ?>, because it's the closing tag...

Defining tokens at runtime

I want to write a parser for EDIFACT messages with JavaCC. My problem is that I cannot define all terminal symbols before parsing a message because at the begining of each message there is a so called "Advice Segment" ("UNA" Segment) which defines things like element seperator symbol, escape symbol, segment terminator symbol and decimal ...

Which is the best counterpart to ANTLR to create parsers in ruby?

Hi there, I've used antlr and javacc/freecc for a while. Now I need to write a bunch of parsers using antlr grammars but such parsers need to be written in ruby lang. I googled but nothing found. Is there any ruby parser generator that takes antlr grammars and create a parser? If there are many, which is the best one in your opinion? T... in debian

Hello, i try to compile a java program but in the import section of the code fails: import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import java.awt.*; //import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.*; //import java.awt.image.renderable.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; //import javax.sw...

Parsing latex-like language in Java

I'm trying to write a parser in Java for a simple language similar to Latex, i.e. it contains lots of unstructured text with a couple of \commands[with]{some}{parameters} in between. Escape sequences like \\ also have to be taken into account. I've tried to generate a parser for that with JavaCC, but it looks as if compiler-compilers li...

Generating parser in Python language from JavaCC source???

I do mean the ??? in the title because I'm not exactly sure. Let me explain the situation. I'm not a computer science student & I never did any compilers course. Till now I used to think that compiler writers or students who did compilers course are outstanding because they had to write Parser component of the compiler in whatever langu...

Why does my JavaCC parser not parse tokens smaller than 2 characters?

I'm working on a JavaCC parser that should parse BBcodes. My Javacc source code: (Junit test: here) The source code kind off works, but it does not want to accept tokens with a single character, only multi character strings are recognized. It does parse this string: "test[b]bold[/b]nothing[b]bold[/b]after" But not: "t[b...

How to match optional open/close tags in JavaCC?

What JavaCC syntax does implement grammar that can parse these kind of lines: [b]content[/b] content[/b] [b]content Although the JavaCC parser needs to parse all lines, it must distinguish correct and incorrect tagging behavior. Correct tags are like the 1st line, they have an open and close tag. When the tags are matched this will o...

Parser in JavaCC and SKIP instruction

Hi, I'm using JavaCC to build a complex parser. At one point, I would like to skip all the character I see until a desired token in my grammar... let's take for example the following /* bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla */ => I would like to define a kind of grammar like <OPEN_COMMENT> SKIP ~[] until <CLOSE_COMMENT> I want it to be t...