I can't figure out why prototype suppressess the error messages in the dom:loaded event, and in AJAX handlers.
Given the following piece of HTML:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Conforming XHTML ...
Hey all, I am trying my best to figure out another way around this problem I seem to have encountered. On my website I have a jquery calendar and also a jquery div tab slider (this: http://www.queness.com/resources/html/tabmenu/jquery-tabbed-menu-queness.html).
The problem comes into play with the DIV tag. The calendar loads up inside a...
new Ajax.Request('Handler.ashx',
method: 'get',
onSuccess: function(transport)
var response = transport.responseText || "no response text";
//alert("Success! \n\n" + response);
var obj = response.evalJSON(true);
DeCheBX = $('MyDiv').insert(new Element('input', { 'type': 'checkbox', 'id': "Img" + obj[i].Nam, 'value': obj[i].IM, 'onClick': SayHi(id) }));
DeImg = $('MyDiv').insert(new Element('img', { 'id': "Imgx" + obj[i].Nam, 'src': obj[i]...
I have a portion of code to update a cell value like this:
jQuery("#myGridDiv").jqGrid('setCell', myRowToEdit, myColToEdit, myNewValue);
that's about it, and sometimes it happens that a blank 'dummy' row is inserted at the end of the grid, this behavior is somewhat random but occurs often,
any help will be really appreciated
DeCheBX = $('MyDiv').insert(new Element('input', { 'type': 'checkbox', 'id': "Img" + obj[i].Nam, 'value': obj[i].IM, 'onClick': 'SayHi(this)' }));
DeImg = $('MyDiv').insert(new Element('img', { 'id': "Imgx" + obj[i].Nam, 'src': obj[i].IM }));
Lastly I've been feeling like jQuery is slowly becoming the defacto standard in JS libraries (I might be wrong!), or at least that is more active than the rest of the frameworks.
For example, I've been looking for a fine open source calendar like Componente and found http://fullcalendar.vinsol.com/ which is based on jQuery.
We've been ...
I recently made my own Javascript library and I initially used the following pattern:
var myLibrary = (function () {
var someProp = "...";
function someFunc() {
function someFunc2() {
return {
func: someFunc,
fun2: someFunc2,
prop: someProp;
The problem with this is that I ...
i am new in extjs.
i want to build a page using extjs
| p1 <|p2 |
| | |-->will be a viewport (will resize on window resize without any
| | | Scroll bar
| | |
| | |
| | |
DeCheBX = $('MyDiv').insert(new Element('input', { 'type': 'checkbox', 'id': "Img" + obj[i].Nam, 'value': obj[i].IM, 'onClick': 'SayHi(this)' }));
DeImg = $('MyDiv').insert(new Element('img', { 'id': "Imgx" + obj[i].Nam, 'src': obj[i].IM }));
import net.rim.device.api.io.*;
import net.rim.device.api.system.*;
import javax.microedition.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class SendSms extends Application
private static final int MAX_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH = 32;
private String addr = "15191112222";
private String msg = "This is a test message.";
function reload(form)
var val = $('seltab').getValue();
new Ajax.Request('Website.php?cat=' +escape(val),
onSuccess: function(transport){
var response = transport.responseText ;
Hi all, I use jCarouselLite for scrolling text, I use and as the content for scrolling, I need to trigger a javascript event when it reaches at the end of the content(). I need to change the scroll content when it finishes scrolling previous content. I tried adding a call back function but it does'nt work.
This is my code:
I find that many high level functions are missing in most well-known javascript libraries such as jquery, YUI...etc. Taking string manipulation as an example, startsWith, endsWith, contains, lTrim, rTrim, trim, isNullOrEmpty...etc. These function are actually very common ones.
I would like to know if there exists a javascript library/ p...
function Psend()
new Ajax.Request('Handler.ashx',
method: 'get',
onSuccess: function(transport) {
var response = transport.responseText || "no response text";
//alert("Success! \n\n" + response);
var obj = response.evalJSON(true);
Hi, If i press the any column of the table the entire row will show as editable row format (Ex. if i use ||||..etc. when i click on any column all column should be editable row.) save and cancel options. while we click on save or cancel option work as properly.
How can i add, delete, update, edit the rows dynamically using PrototypeJS wi...
I'm developing a cms that allows editing everything on the page (generated server-side with a template engine) by just clicking on it — the area turns into input field, textarea or a full-featured tinyMCE editor, Template defines editable elements like "page heading", "copyright footer text", "image", "rich text block" etc.
Along with ...
Below is a sample of a filteringSelect populated with user data. My goal is to have perform wilcard match on the displayed values. for example, if the user types 'son', the dropdown matches will be "homer simpSON' and 'carl calSON'.
By default, the match will only be on the beginning of the label.
I tried changing dijit.byId('userselec...
Hi all,
I'm pretty sure this a trivial problem and i'm just being a bit stupid. Your help would be hugely appreciated.
In controls/dashboard.js I have:
Ext.ill.WCSS.controls.dashboard = {
margins:'35 5 5 0',
columnWidth: 1,
Hi everyone,
I'm having a hard time trying to make jQtouch and Google Maps api V3 together. I've tried almost everything. It seems that the only source of information is here I checked every single post. I'm starting with jQuery and css... so there's a lot of stuff I don't understand.
First of all, I'm using jQtouch framework to build ...