
Looking for recommnedation on JavaScript libraries in the leage of ExtJS and Qooxdoo for serious web application.

Hello. I'm looking for a JavaScript library for my web application. The application is very data intensive and has rich form controls (almost windows like). AJAX will be used liberally. The development platform is ASP.Net (mostly ASP.Net MVC will be used). I cannot pursue with ExtJs due to the price/license factor. I checked Qooxdoo but...

What future JS libraries have against ASP.Net and JSF components libraries?

Could you people share your opinions about future of JavaScript libraries as compared to ASP.NEt and JSF component libraries? Do you feel that Pure JS components are going to live around us for quite a some time? Or ASP or JSF would be a safe investment? ...

Modify url for bookmarking using JavaScript

I'm exploring my options for modifying urls in the browser bar for bookmarking purposes. Ideally, I'd like to add querystring parameters and cannot determine if this is even possible. I don't want the page to refresh and want to add querystring values on link clicks, ajax calls, etc. If I can't add querystring parameters, then I'd lik...

What's the point of the javascript navigator.javaEnabled function?

The navigator object has a javaEnabled function that indicates if the browser has javascript support. This seems to be a little odd: If JS is indeed enabled the function will return true, well obviously. If JS is disabled it will return <nothing> since it is never run, javaScript is disabled. I must be missing something here, or i...

IPhone UI - WebView VS Native screens

in terms of performance and user interface experience , which one is better developing application in Html screens and JQtouch or building screens in C++ ? ...

Advice needed on JavaScript control libraries

I'm looking for advice/opinions on Javascript control libraries like ext-js, dhtmlx, jquery-UI etc... I've got some background in and have found the various 3rd party controls to really boost development time. I'm doing a project in PHP and have considered some PHP specific controls, however I suspect I would be better served l...

jQuery/Javascript framework efficiency

My latest project is using a javascript framework (jQuery), along with some plugins (validation, jquery-ui, datepicker, facebox, ...) to help make a modern web application. I am now finding pages loading slower than I am used to. After some js profiling (thanks VS2010!), it seems a lot of the time is taken processing inside the framewor...

is it right to combine javascript framworks ?

I am wondering if it is OK to use multiple javascript frameworks for example (jQuery, Raphael) in the same script (handling event & ajax with jQuery and drawing with Raphael) ? ...

which is the best among jquery,moo tool and yui?

Hi Hi among the jquery ,mootool ,yui and glow have crossbrowser compatiblity ...

What things should I be aware of before moving to extJs as an asp.Net developer?

Hi, In the development environment where I code, there is a recent discussion on using extJs JavaScript framework in one of our upcoming project. My question is: As an asp.NET developer who is more or less familiar with JavaScript and jQuery, what critical points should I be aware of to not to be surprised or upset in the middle of my...

Using prototype with Jquery

Is there any way of using prototype to coexist with Jquery. What i mean is not Jquery with prototype with the Jquery NoConflict tag but the other way around. I have to override prototypes utility methods to coexist with other libraries? I have no control over the Jquery Scripts ...

How to get element by href in jquery?

i want to get an element by it href attribute in jquery or javascript, is that posible?? thanks! ...

Which Javascript framework to choose?

Possible Duplicate: Which Javascript framework (jQuery vs Dojo vs )? There are many Javascript Frameworks over the Web Development World. Among them most people choose JQuery but I am really complex which one to choose for the following reasons: Accessibility Input form widgets & validation Back button support (or) history...

How is something like Sproutcore/Qooxdoo helpful?

I am learning Python and building my first web app. I have been going thru the django tutorials and just beginning to think about how to do the client side. I want it to be web 2.0-ish, and will need some AJAX/javascript functionality for displaying lists from the database, and cool things like date choosers, auto-completion, etc. It s...

checkboxes code

I have this code that will check the top level checkbox if the checkboxes underneath it are selected. What I also want to do is to unselect the top level check box, if there are no checkboxes selected underneath it. How can I modify this. Thanks if(this.parentElement == pg.thePart) { var terminate = false; v...

selectors with variables

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#c1").hover(function(){ $("[id='gp1']").attr("bgcolor","...

Which version of SproutCore should I use for a new project.

I'm starting a project that is due to launch in about 4 months and I'll use SproutCore as the front end technology. There are two ways of installing described here and I'd like to hear opinions about which version should be better for starting a new project. AFAIK, version 1.0 is starting to g...

Dojo vs YUI javascript framework

I want to know what you guys think of these 2 frameworks, in terms of: robustness, code quality, core developers moving forward with new features, cross browser problems, module components, easiest to learn and integrate I already know and use jQuery, I recently found it lacking in terms of 'enterprise ready' components for large w...

What is the best framework to develop javascript applications?

Possible Duplicates: Which Javascript framework (jQuery vs Dojo vs )? What JavaScript library would you choose for a new project and why? Hi guys, I have a question which might be an easy and well-known issue for professional javasript developers: In our project, we are going to develop a heavy client-site unit-browser, w...

What is the easiest Javascript framework for a newbie web developer?

Put your foot inside the boots of an expert developer that is new to web development. Certainly he will must deal with JavaScript and probably he will encounter a bit of difficulties with choosing a framework for its job. For general purpose: which one do you suggest if the an easy usage is the first requirements? ...