
can google o3d and jQuery be used in the same page?

I would like to use both of these library on the same page but they seem to conflict when they are loaded at the same time. Does anyone know of any examples where they are both used or what might help prevent conflicts? ...

Choosing between ExtJS and YUI based on application parameters.

Hello. I need help in taking call to choose between Ext JS and YUI libraries. Here are the key factors I have derived from my application requirements & development process: Complex, windows forms like controls Widgets, Layouts, Utilities Inter widget communication Easy to extend Easy to learn Intuitive & concise coding Strong exceptio...

Javascript render jpeg binary data from variable

How to render JPEG/PNG file data contained in Javascript variable? Is it possible ? What javascript libraries needed ? Browser in use is FF / IE. Thanks ...

javascript csv validation

How to check for comma separated values in a text box and raise an alert if not found. And there is should be characters in it like A,B,C,D function validate() { //validate text box; } <input type="text" id="val" >A,B,C,D</input> <input type="button" id="save" onclick="validate()"> Thanks. ...

Validation of textarea

How to validate a textarea in a form.i.e, it should not be empty or have any new lines and if so raise an alert <script> function val() { //ifnewline found or blank raise an alert } </script> <form> <textarea name = "pt_text" rows = "8" cols = "8" class = "input" WRAP ></textarea> <input type=""button...

Will jQuery work in a javascript-disabled browser?

I really want to know: Will jQuery work in a javascript disabled browser? If so, why? ...

horizontal scrolling script

i need horizontal scrolling script in javascript, but don't have much time to write it, so could you give me some links where i can find it? could you help me please? ...

Identifying dynamically generated elements

In the following code, <script> function val() { //get alltextarea to validate } $(document).ready(function() { var html= '<form>' html += '<textarea name="test" id="test"'; html += '<textarea name="test1" id="test1"'; html += 'form'; $('#get_div').append(); }); </script> <div id= "get_div"></div> <input type="button" ...

How to use javascript-xpath

I am using Selenium RC with IE 6 and XPath locators are terribly slow. So I am trying to see if javascript-xpath actually speeds up things. But could not find enough/clear documentation on how to use native x- path libraries. I am doing the following: protected void startSelenium (String testServer, String appName, String testInBrowse...

JSINQ (Linq for JavaScript library) sub-queries (how-to)

I'm using this library: jsinq. I want to create a new object using subqueries. For example, in .NET LINQ, I could do something like this: from a in Attendances where a.SomeProperty = SomeValue select new { .Property1 = a.Property1, .Property2 = a.Property2, .Property3 = (from p in People where p.SomePrope...

Writing a Javascript library that is code-completion and code-inspection friendly

I recently made my own Javascript library and I initially used the following pattern: var myLibrary = (function () { var someProp = "..."; function someFunc() { ... } function someFunc2() { ... } return { func: someFunc, fun2: someFunc2, prop: someProp; } }()); The problem with this is that I ...

What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE?

I developed some javascript enhanced pages that run fine on recent Firefox and Safari. I missed to check in Internet Explorer, and now I find the pages don't work on IE 6 and 7 (so far). The scripts are somehow not executed, the pages show as if javascript wasn't there, although some javascript is executed. I am using own libraries with ...

Textarea maxlength check

Textarea validation, How to limit the characters in a textarea for not exceeding more than 50 characters. <textarea rows="5" cols="15"></textarea> Thanks..... ...

Focusing a textarea

Int he below code a textarea is added 6 times and initially the textarea conatins the text Enter Text. My question is, if the user enters data in first and third textareas. How to give alert to the user saying that the "textareas are empty" this is a general message but focus on the 2nd textarea and when the user enters data in 2nd the ...

Dragging a div along with all of its child divs

I have the following code: <body> <div id="container" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; z-index:1;"> <div id="div1" style="background-color:Red; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:256px; height:256px; z-index:0;" >&nbsp;</div> <div id="div2" style="background-color:Black; position:absolute; left:2...

Find the item index in jCarouselLite

Hi all, I use jCarouselLite for scrolling text, I use and as the content for scrolling, I need to trigger a javascript event when it reaches at the end of the content(). I need to change the scroll content when it finishes scrolling previous content. I tried adding a call back function but it does'nt work. This is my code: $("#scrollD...

Can I load multiple libraries using google.load(...) ?

On Google code playgorund, I tried to load multiple library like below google.load("jquery", "1"); google.load("mootools", "1.2.1"); But it breaks the code, why ? Thanks EDIT: In the left hand pane in playground, I select Library and then jquery, its runs just fine but when I also add mootools in the code, it won't work and I don't s...

Insert random <script> for using $(document).ready(function()}); in Joomla

Hi I have an article in which I use PHP code inside the text editor in Joomla, in the backend. I can see jQuery already called when the page loads, here is my code inside the Article edit textbox: <?php $username="XXX"; $password="XXX"; $database="XXX"; mysql_connect('localhost',$username,$password) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select...

Is there a javascript library that contains a rich set of very high level commonly used functions?

I find that many high level functions are missing in most well-known javascript libraries such as jquery, YUI...etc. Taking string manipulation as an example, startsWith, endsWith, contains, lTrim, rTrim, trim, isNullOrEmpty...etc. These function are actually very common ones. I would like to know if there exists a javascript library/ p...

Display contents of a file

there is a file as data.html.How to display the contents of this file using javascript or jquery Thanks.. ...