
Horizontal Reorderlist in Asp.Net/Javascript

Hello, I want a horizontal reorderlist similar to ajaxcontrol toolkit reorderlist, issue with this list is that it shows only vertical data but i need horizontal data like in datalist repeated direction as horizontal i want to reorder two items with each other. ...

Ready-made Javascript library for modelling card games?

MVC 'architecture'. I would like a convenient way of specifying the rules of a card game including aspects such as hands or tricks, scoring, which cards from the deck or pack are used, and so on. Does anyone know of anything like this, preferably in Javascript? Thanks for any guidance. ...

Pros and cons of writing complete view logic of a web application in a javascript library (ExtJS) ?

I am a newbie in web development using javascript libraries. But I recently saw a J2EE web application that uses ExtJS extensively (say 90%) for rendering the web pages. The web pages in question are either simple forms or grids (tabular reports). The JSPs are fairly threadbare and simply delegate to the ExtJS framework (using onReady fu...

Why won't my dojo.byId work within a script library?

I have a web page with dojo code on it, including a function passed to dojo.addOnLoad with the following code: laborDetailHandler.RevenueTotalInput = dojo.byId('#{id:LaborRevenueTotal}'); if (!laborDetailHandler.RevenueTotalInput) { console.warn('RevenueTotalInput not found.') } If this code is in-line, even if it's above the LaborRe...

Supporting multiple JavaScript libraries in one script.

I'm working on a new project in JavaScript that I want to release later. Besides other functionality, this script requires a little DOM manipulation. To make this XB (Cross-Browser) and not inventing the wheel again, I need help of a existing JavaScript library. Because of the large number of great libraries I don't want to force one lib...

releasing a javascript library for the first time

Hi, I'm almost finished working on a useful (at least, in my opinion) JavaScript plugin. Having seen and used many JavaScript packages, both freely licensed (JQuery, YUI, etc) and partly or fully commercially licensed I'm not sure what other factors dictate which license I should release my own under and how to support the plugin. Some ...

Arbitrary precision Float numbers on JavaScript

I have some inputs on my site representing floating point numbers with up to ten precision digits (in decimal). At some point, in the client side validation code, I need to compare a couple of those values to see if they are equal or not, and here, as you would expect, the intrinsics of IEEE754 make that simple check fails with things li...

can I override/redefine "global" Javascript functions, like confirm() and alert()?

I want to do some browser automation, and those pesky confirm/alert boxes are a real pain. Disabling javascript completely in this case is not an option, unfortunately. Well, so I was wondering, can I just change the definition of those methods as seen by my browser's javascript interpreter to basically do nothing and return true? Note ...

Help, "this" is confusing me in JavaScript

Working with the JavaScript one of the confusing thing is when using this var x = { ele : 'test', init : function(){ alert(this.ele); } } However when dealing with multiple object and especially events context of this changes and becomes confusing to keep track/understand. So if anybody has better inputs/guidelines/thoug...

JS library to work with canvas

Do you know a good js library to work with canvas? I've already tried with Processing.js but i want to know if there are some good alternatives to it. ...

JQuery: My 'scroll' event is CRAZY slow. What am I doing wrong?

I have 4 DIV that I want to have a scroll event fired when you scroll on one of those div's. This is the code below. $('#div1, #div2, #div3, #div4').scroll(function() { alert('...'); }); In Firefox/Chrome, this runs fast; however, in Internet Explorer this runs so slow that it actually prevents me from scrolling the div. I'm usin...

Including large JS library with :cache => true into a rails app

Hi, I am thinking about the best way of including a JS library into rails app supporting :cache => true option for both JS and CSS. Let me take an example to describe the question: jQueryUI (that's just an example). It usually has the following structure when downloaded: +jq.ui +css +skin1 +images all_...

Good javascript library for drawing charts using json...

Can you suggest me some of good javascript libraries for drawing charts with json data... I thought of using Jqplot chart plugin for jquery javascript library... Some more would be useful... EDIT: List of chart types would be very useful for the suggested library... ...

Drawing lines with clickable points using JavaScript

I'm interested in doing some drawing using JavaScript. I'll get straight to an example: The green horizontal line would be static, and all the vertical lines would be clickable. An example of a clicked line would be the red one. I've seen many API's, but they all allow more complexity than I need, making it more complicated than neces...

SlowAES cannot decrypt properly without original size...

Hello, First time poster here. Awesome community here. After endless hours of searching, I'm unable to figure out the answer to this problem I"m facing. First and foremost, I'm no guru when it comes to encryption/decryption, cryptology, etc. I only want to go so far in this realm without getting lost. The primary framework I code on i...

A javascript function to format javascript code

Does anyone know of a javascript library that will take a chunk of javascript source and format it according to some set of rules. I can of course do it in my editor but I would like to be able to automate it as part of a build process. ...

translation in JS ?

Basically need to generate custom(some different then yes no) messeges(alert) in JS , how to deal with translation in it? ...

Handling special characters in javascript

In the below code: var id=obj.setid({{info}}); I get an error saying illegal character and {{info}} has the following string: "Website® is registered " How do I handle this error in javascript? Thanks.. Edit: setid looks like this setid: function (id) { var obj = $(this) ; ...

Limiting characters to a fixed size in javascript

In the below code var panel= '<div id="title" style="display:inline;font-size:150%;color:white;background:transparent;text-transform: none;width:150px;"> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</div> <div name="images" id="name" style="display:inline;position: absolute; margin-left: auto;margin-right:auto;left: 0;right: 0;width:350px;hei...

JavaScript image popup library that allows you to open several images on the same time?

I'm looking for a JS library that will allow me to open several images by clicking on their thumbnails and be able move the opened windows (divs) by dragging them. It has to allow you to open more than one image at a time (so you could drag them and compare them). ...