
access all classes of ontology

dear all i have an ontology that it doesnt have only one root class. it has 4 seperated classes(4 sub graph) ---1---- with listclasses() method i can't access 3 of them. this method lists one root class and its subclasses! i want to get all classes of ontology.then i want to get "Thing" class to access all of classes!!! is this possib...

How to add OWL:imports to a .owl file by jena

Hello, I am new to Jena. I want to create a new OntModel and need to imports some other ontology to this model.If I write it to file, I expect the file can show something like follow: <owl:Ontology rdf:about=""> <owl:imports rdf:resource="http://test.owl#"/&gt; </owl:Ontology> Right now, I dont know how to import other ontolo...

Creating Java Classes from Ontology

Hi, I have an ontology file (in RDF) which expresses the entities in the app that I am writing. I am using Jena, and can access the Concepts and create/access the resources by directly manipulating triples. To make things easier, I created a set of Java classes, one for each type of resource in my ontology, keeping in mind their inherit...

how to know owl property type by jena

Hello, I have a question about jena and owl property type. If the property is an ontology property, I can know its property type by different type defination such as datatypeproperty, objectproperty. But if the property I get from some other place, such as How can I know its property type by jen...

How do I query/update a remote RDF-endpoint with Jena

I would like to send updates to a remote endpoint over http. I have found that joseki serves as such an endpoint. However, how do i send update queries to this endpoint, if I only know the uri of the endpoint? // To do a select-query you can use this: QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(serviceURI, query); // (Side... in Android

Hi, I am using a library (ARQ, with Jena), that uses Sadly, it appears that the package is not included in android. Has anyone else faced (and successfully bypassed) this issue? Pointers will be deeply appreciated. Thanks. ...

Implement a semantic search with in a web application

This web application is about posting different kind of posts to the web application where users can search those posts by a text-based search. Basically a post has following attributes. Title Description Category Budget Submit_date End_date Currently, Post content is store in sql server database under 'Post' table....

Java web service error

I got this error 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model' when I run my java web service which implement a jena framework function such as OWL reading function. But it worked as a standalone java application and read the owl file correctly. But when I host it as web service and execute the read method in a .net...

Managing transactions with AllegroGraph's Jena API

I'm uncertain as to the behaviour of the AllegroGraph triple store in regard to transactions. The tutorial talks about using two connections, but does not mention Jena models. If I use Model's begin(), commit(), and abort() methods, do I still need to use two connections? How does a model interact with the connection's auto-commit setti...

How to run Jena with GWT

I'm a noob to jena, and am having trouble running a a basic GWT web app with the jena libraries added to the build path. Does anyone know how to run Jena on google app engine, or any good resources for this? Thanks ...

Loading an ontology (owl) using jena and show its graph

Hello!!! Im working in a project where I have to load any ontology (is chosen by the user) in .owl language and display its graph as a tree menu. It means the ontology can be any size. The goal is to show a Taxanomy to be able to classify learning objects. At the moment, using jena I can load the ontology, but I wonder how to show the...

Build failures Jena on Android (Androjena)

I am currently working on a mobile application which uses OWL ontologies. I am planning on using the androjena lib which is a port of the java jena lib. As instructed in the documentation, I have added the 5 .jar files included with Androjena to the build path of the Android Project. This results i...

number of links between two resources in an ontology

dear all I am using Jena please help me. i need to compute distances between classes from a specific class. how can i calculate Distance(number of links) between two resources in an ontology,please? thanks ...

mincardinality of properties

dear all i am using jena how can i get mincardinality of a property? thanks... ...

I can not run some of SPARQL quesry in jena.!!

I create a simple query to show subjects with value of DataType property. this query run in the Protege3.4.3.but when i run in the Jena i revive this title "com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.ResultSetStream@16be68f".why? this is my query: PREFIX VB:http://VBnet# SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x rdf:type VB:LearnerInformation . ?x VB:Name ?y Lear...

how we can create a quesry based on SPARQL to see the value of some data type property?

I create this query: PREFIX VB: <http://VBnet#&gt; SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x VB:HasName ?y } HasName is one datatype property. When I run this query in Protege, system show me just the subject without any value for datatype property. mwans ?y is empty. Also when I run in jena system show me just:(String) How can I see the val...

how can i add some trrriple to my ontology by jena?

I have instance1 of class1 and instance2 of class2. Also i have defined HasName(object property)in my ontology .Now, how can i add the tiple (instance1 HasName instance2) to my ontology by jena? ...

Modify the predefined ontology by using jena.

Hi every one. I created my ontology by Protege. my ontology has some classes and instances. Now i'm going to add other classes and instances by jena that's why i write the below code to create a new class and one instance in this class. the name of new class is "person" and the name of new instance is "base". when i run this code in jav...

Help with basics of Jena

Hello everyone, I am new to Jena and would like to ask for some guidelines: Could some one please advise some good source of information on Jena? seems to have more theory, but I cannot find any practical examples. So, if you have some experience with Jena, please share how you gained that expertise. Many thanks i...