
Maven jetty plugin and the resources directory

Should I expect files in main/resources to be on the classpath when running the maven jetty plugin? Meaning will they be available to the app I'm running inside jetty? Will I be able to load them as classpath resources rather than via the file system? The same question goes for running junit tests inside Eclipse, using the Eclipse Maven...

Confusion about maven-war-plugin and jetty-maven-plugin

I am trying to get the run-exploded goal of the jetty-maven-plugin to work correctly. I find the documentation somewhat lacking on what I need to do to set this up. I believe I have a standard WAR-file setup. (The reason I wrote "believe" is that I find the maven-war-plugin documentation lacking as well.) When I build my webapp using ma...

Spring, JPA, Hibernate, Jetty 7 Integration

Have anyone successfully run any spring and JPA application in jetty 7? I am getting following exception. This application throws no error in jetty 6. INFO [main] org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging to org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerAdapter(org.eclipse.jetty.util.log) via org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog INFO [main] org.eclipse.jetty.uti...

Setting HTTP headers with Jetty

What's the best way to set HTTP headers (based on filename patterns) in Jetty 6.1? Is it possible via jetty.xml (or jetty-web.xml)? Or do I have to modify web.xml? ...

Error while deploying a web application in OSGI container using pax web

Hello I am trying to deploy a web application in a Felix container. I have all the required configuration done with my web app like the setting up of the manifest headers: Webapp-Context: Bundle-ClassPath: Bundle-Activator: Import-Package: Bundle-SymbolicName: etc The Pax bundles that I have dropped in the same container are: pax-web-se...

Best way to embed i-jetty server into android application?

Hi: I want to integrate i-jetty into an Android application and not the other way around. Has anyone included i-jetty before and got it to run under Android 2.1 or 2.2? ...

How to get jetty to send jsessionid-cookies with the secure-flag when using a secure channel

I am using Tomcat in my production environment and jetty in my testing environment (via jetty-maven-plugin). Tomcat sets the secure-flag on a jsessionid-cookie, when it is sendig it over a secure channel (https), which looks like a good idea to me, becaus it prevents the session from being exposed, when the user klicks on a http://-link...

How to prevent mvn jetty:run from executing test phase?

We use MySQL in production, and Derby for unit tests. Our pom.xml copies Derby version of persistence.xml before tests, and replaces it with the MySQL version in prepare-package phase: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.3</version> <executions> <execution> <id>copy-test-persistence</id> <p...

authentication of webapps when passwords are hashed with bcrypt

I created a GWT project which requires authentication. Initially, the users' passwords were in plain text, but now I would like to hash them with BCrypt. I searched but I cannot find a place describing how to make Jetty authenticate against a BCrypt hashed password. I'm sending the password to the server using a FORM in plain text and...

jetty - javax.naming.InvalidNameException: A flat name can only have a single component

I have been breaking my head against this for too much time now. I'm trying to get maven + jetty + jotm to play nice but it looks like its too much to ask for :( Below is my jetty.xml:- <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" ""&gt; <Configure id="Server" cla...

jaas authentication using jetty and gwt

Hello, I am trying to use JAAS to authenticate my users. My project is in GWT v2, which runs jetty. I use eclipse for development. From I found out that jetty doesn't like any realm definitions in web.xml, so I moved them to jetty-web.xml. I keep getting ClassNotFound ...

Can't reach wicket quickstart from outside firewall

I have a project which, for purposes of server configuration, is just a wicket quickstart archetype. I've added some application code, but haven't really done anything to change the default jetty configuration. I can run and test my application locally using: http://localhost:8080 or: http://bekkar:8080 (my PC's network name) or: http:/...

Jetty Maxidletime

Hi, When does maxidletime in jetty get triggered? ...

How to best cache server responses on server side with Jetty and Spring?

I'm using embedded Jetty 6 and Spring Web. What is the best way to cache served pages in this setup to avoid regenerating them on every request? ...

How can I use use JSP 2.1 with Cargo maven plugin and Jetty6x embedded?

Hi I have a webapp that is using JSP 2.1, Servlets 2.5 and JSTL 1.2 on Java 6. I do my testing using the maven-jetty-plugin 6.1.1rc1 without any problems. From this link:, I understand that jetty 6 will select JSP 2.1 if on JDK 5+, which is working fine. Here is the relevant sec...

Will AJAX (XmlHttpRequests) prevent my Jetty managed HttpSession from expiring?

I am using an embedded Jetty implementation as my servlet container. Here is a small config snippet: WebAppContext context = new WebAppContext(warUrlString, "/"); SessionHandler sessionHandler = new SessionHandler(); SessionManager sessionManager = new HashSessionManager(); // in seconds, low for testing sessionManager.setMaxInactiveI...

How to embed Jetty into Spring and make it use the same AppContext it was embedded into?

I have a Spring ApplicationContext where I declare Jetty server bean and start it. Inside Jetty I have a DispatcherServlet and a couple of controllers. How to make that DispatcherServlet and its controllers use beans from the same ApplicationContext where Jetty is declared? In fact, in that outer context I have a couple of daemon-like b...

How to deploy to jetty's container?

I have an application i can war up which i usually use with tomcat in an exploded-ear configuration. How can i get it to work most painlessly with jetty? I am finding the documentation a bit ambiguous in this area. ...

Which Jetty distribution to download to run a full blown Spring3.0 app?

I have noticed, that as of V7.x, there are two stand-alone distributions of Jetty. A Codehouse and an Eclipse distribution. Which one do I need to download if I want to run a full-blown Spring 3.0 (incl. Spring MVC/Webflow/Security, Annotations, Hiberate, REST, JSF, Comet ...) application? How to add missing depedencies? Since I would l...

Force Jetty 7.0 to Response with HTTP/1.0

I'm using Jetty 7.0 embedded mode and looking for a way to force Jetty to response with HTTP 1.0 and not 1.1 (which seems to be the default). Is there any setting I can use, to control the protocol version on the server response? ...