
System requirements for Cometd/Bayeux Usage on Android

Hi all, I'm trying to implement a Cometd/Bayeux server on Android using iJetty. The Jetty implementation itself works just fine serving static pages along with servlets. I am trying to up the ante a bit and create a Bayeux application on the phone but I'm having some trouble. I can hit the page that has the dojo cometd scripts on it,...

Wicket WAR in Jetty: .html files not on classpath

Hi, I deployed a Wicket-based app's .war file to Jetty 7.0.2. The problem is that Jetty copies the classpath to a temp dir, but only copies *.class, so *.html is not available for the classloader and I get the error: WicketMessage: Markup of type 'html' for component '' not found. Copying the war as an ...

Groovlet not working in GWT project, container : embedded Jetty in google plugin

Hi, I am working on a GWT application which uses GWT-RPC. I just made a test groovlet to see if it worked, but ran into some problems here's my groovlet package groovy.servlet; print "testing the groovlet"; Every tutorial said we don't need to subclass anything, and just a simple script would act as a servlet. my web.xml looks like...

How to launch a web server and point the browser to it when it finishes?

I am writing a windows batch file to do the following things: Display a picture in the middle of the screen, showing the beautiful icon of my software. Kick of the launch of the web server. Finish displaying the picture. Point the browser to the start page. I have already know how to do it in step 2 and 4. However, I have the followi...

Get MAC address from Jetty HTTPServletRequest

Hi all, Does anybody know if there is a way to get the sender's MAC address from an HTTPServletRequest in Jetty? (Note: by sender, I mean immediate sender aka the last hop before my server). If there isn't a direct way, does anybody know a way to translate an IP address to a MAC address in Java? Other note: I completely realize th...

Wicket app in embedded Jetty causes UnsupportedClassVersionError

I've tried to run a Wicket app in an embedded Jetty, using this code: public static void main( String[] args ){ Server server = new Server(8080); Context root = new Context( server, "/", Context.SESSIONS ); FilterHolder filterHolder = new FilterHolder( new WicketFilter() ); filterHolder.setInitParameter("applicationClassName"...

Using HTTP Pipelining with Jetty HTTPClient

I'm trying to figure out how to use HTTPClient (org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient) so it will pipeline HTTP Requests. I've tried to create some ContentExchange instances and applying the send() method for each, in an asynchronous mode, but each HTTP request has waited for it response before the next request was sent. Can you please s...

Find hosted directories Jetty/Apache

Hi, Let say I have a directory which is being hosted by Jetty or Apache (i'd like an answer for both), i know the URL including the port and i can log into the server. How can i find the directory that is being hosted by a certain port? I'd also like to go the other way, i have a folder on the server, which i know if being hosted, but...

port binding "problem" with Eclipse, Java, & Windows

Hi All, I use eclipse to develop a web based java application. My normal course of business is grab the next task tracking ticket. If there is a problem that needs to correcting, I run the application locally, which loads of a Jetty webserver, and binds to port 8080. After verifying the problem, I fix the problem, rebuild, and the r...

Incremental build with NetBeans and Maven for jetty hot deployment

After my unsuccessful attempt to run Tomcat with hot deployment from NetBeans with Maven, I've tried jetty. The jetty-maven-plugin doc gave me an important hint: The plugin will automatically ensure the classes are rebuilt and up-to-date before deployment. If you change the source of a class and your IDE automatically compile...

Scala/Lift Framework runs just over jetty web server?

I am new with Lift and want to know if it is developed to just run with Jetty but no other web server. Any idea? ...

How to reduce the Bandwidth Consumption in flex app,while its launching application ?

Recently i designed one Abode air Chat application, which gets the chat messages from admin-Application(we bApplication), band width consumption is too high while each client launching air application to pull the data from database to my-amf endpoint. in this am using blazeds,Jetty server,simple java classes(not servlets) calling with r...

Jetty embedded: How to run the same config as with `mvn jetty:run-exploded`?

Hi, I'd like to have the same Jetty server configuration, created programatically. When I run mvn jetty:run-exploded, my app works fine. When I run it from my code, the static content is not loaded. I know that I have to add a static content Servlet, so I tried: Server server = new Server(8080); Context ctx = new Context( server, "/", ...

Jetty servlet respons to Ajax always empty

Hi I try to run a java server on Jetty which should respond to an ajax call. Unfortunately the response seems to be empty when I call it with ajax. When I call http://localhost:8081/?id=something I get an answer. The Java Server: public class Answer extends AbstractHandler { public void handle(String target, ...

Jetty RewriteHandler and RewriteRegexRule

I'm trying to rewrite a URL for a servlet. The URL gets rewritten correctly, but the context doesn't match after that. Any idea how to get this to work? RewriteHandler rewriteHandler = new RewriteHandler(); rewriteHandler.setRewriteRequestURI(true); rewriteHandler.setRewritePathInfo(true); rewriteHandler.setOriginalPathAttribute("reques...

Embedded Jetty resourceBase classpath URL

I'm embedding Jetty in a Spring based application. I configure my Jetty server in a Spring context file. The specific part of the configuration I'm having trouble with is this: <bean class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext"> <property name="contextPath" value="/" /> <property name="resourceBase" value="????????" /> <prope...

Jetty offline documentation

Is there any more-or-less comprehensive documentation for Jetty (e.g., similar to Tomcat or, really, in any form)? Theirs online wikis seems to be quite informative, but servers seem to be slow. Maybe, there some way to build docs from Jetty source distribution? I tried mvn site to no avail. ...

Low overhead Java Web Services container?

I want to provide a Java-based Web Service, but I don't require the features of a full-blown J2EE Application Server. I would like it to start as quickly as possible, though that's not a hard requirement. The Web Service will handle multiple connections and require access to an Oracle database so it will at least require a thread pool ...

Restrict access of web application other than localhost

Hi, I hv 3 java web-apps running in jetty and i want one of them to be accessed only through localhost. I dont want to write filter. Can it be done by modifying some jetty configuration? ...

How to reduce the Number of threads running at instance in jetty server ?

i would like to reduce the live threads on server to reduce the bandwidth consumption for data(data pull while application launching time) transfer from my application to clients in my application. i did setting like is this setting enough to reduce the bandwidth consumption on jetty server ? Please help me any one 1) in Jetty.xml...