
How can I pass java system property to jetty ?

How can I pass a system property to jetty startup something like -DSERVER="localhost" if it is in start.config what is the exact syntax ? and will it be available to my deployed war with this System.getProperty("SERVER") ? thnx in advance ...

Grails: How to run multiple apps in development env ?

I have two Grails apps developing in the same time that needs to comunicate with each other. How can I run both of them with grails run-app? If the server is already started and try to run the second app I get: Server failed to start: LifecycleException: Protocol handler initialization failed: Unrecognized...

Grails Enum Works on Jetty, breaks on Tomcat

I have developed this small app and run it on Jetty with no problems... Bug.groovy: package itsafeature class Bug { String name String description Priority priority Project project static belongsTo = Project static constraints = { name(size:10..150) description(size:25..1500) project...

Having trouble getting m2eclipse and jetty to load SunJCE

In the lower levels of the application I am working on, the application uses SunJCE to encryt something (I'm pretty sure exactly what it is doing is not relevant to this question). Please let me know if you need more info on that and I'll dig it up. We always use a Sun JDK,so the having the dependency of the SunJCE is not a big issue f...

custom taglibs cause "PWC6033: Unable to compile class for JSP"

When I try to use custom taglibs in my webapp it doesn't work on OS X (or Windows), using Eclipse, and Run Jetty Run. When I WAR up the files and run them on my linux server running apache-tomcat-6.0.20, there is no problem. I'm using 3rd party custom taglibs without problems in both environments. org.apache.jasper.JasperException: PWC6...

Jetty JDBCSessionManager not serializable

Hi, I have a bit of a problem using the JDBCSessionManager in Jetty 7. For some reason the it tries to persist the SessionManager when persisting the SessionAuthentication : ... 16:46:02,455 WARN org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Problem persisting changed session data id=b75j2q0lak5s1o2zuryj05h9y org.ecl...

How to configure Jetty programmatically to execute JSP pages?

I found some hints on Stackoverflow how to enable JSP support in Jetty by editing web.xml. But can this be done programmatically, without any web.xml? (Preferable without writing an own servlet for that) Even REST services support with Jersey can be enabled programmatically in Jetty. I can't beleave that it's so hard for such wide-spre...

jetty 6 rewrite handler not working web server

I cannot make rewrite handler to work on Jetty server 6.1.24. Here is my example in Scala: val server = new Server(8080); val contexts = new ContextHandlerCollection(); val rewriteHandler = new RewriteHandler(); rewriteHandler.setRewriteRequestURI(false); rewriteHandler.setRewritePathInfo(false); rewriteHandler.setOriginalPathAttribute...

How would node.js stack up vs jetty for an etherpad-like application?

I noticed that etherpad, when it was alive ( and living clones of it ) used Jetty. I'm considering writing a similar program but I want to use node.js instead. Could anyone offer some insight into the pros and cons of Jetty/node.js performance-wise? ...

Tomcat and Jetty differences when running Grails apps

Hi, has anybody worked with a Grails application in production in Jetty and Tomcat and has noticed any important differences ? I started having out of memory problems with tomcat 6.0.24 that were fixed when I updated to 6.0.26, and I was wondering if Jetty had that kind of issues too. ...

What is better in performance: Jetty or Tomcat for production needs?

Hi all im planning to use java/jsp for web application installed on virtual web hosting space i know tomcat very well but i keep reading about jetty that is small and fast what to you think from your experience about the two ? what is better ? i will use Nginx for static pages . ...

Running jetty from eclipse

Hi All, Please let me know how can I configure jetty server to run from eclipse IDE? Also, suggest me some good plugins for the same. I downloaded jetty launcher but not able create new configuration with it. Please help. ...

deployment for jruby on rails app

I am trying to deploy a jruby on rails application. Right now I am running mongrel + Apache2 using reverse proxy from mod_proxy. However, because mongrel_jcluster does not work for the latest versions of jruby, I am only able to run one mongrel server, and cant take advantage of load balancing from apache2. Is there any way other way ...

How To Start Jetty Properly

Hi, this really silly question probably, as no one else seems to be having this problem. In the Jetty documentation it says jar -jar start.jar starts Jetty, and it does. But when I close my SSH console, obviously it dies. How do I run it PROPERLY? ...

Jetty 6 always generates debug logs?

I am using Jetty 6.1.24 to develop a Web Service and my code uses slf4j, as Jetty does, and logging is working fine. What I want to do though is get debug logging from my code but not from Jetty (it's too verbose), but I cannot stop it from logging debug info. There are system properties to set debug mode (-DDEBUG), but not to unset de...

How to setup Jetty with Eclipse without plugin?

I would like to start with Java web development. First I would like to setup a good development environment using an Jetty server in Eclipse, which would allow for short development cycles. But I am struggling to set it up. There are other questions about it, but they are either old or incomplete for me. I have seen suggestions for usi...

No factories configured while using Jetty 7 embedded + Myfaces 1.2

I am using an embedded version of jetty 7 to load a web application using Apache MyFaces 1.2 in a junit 4 test class on the advice from another thread. While running the test i get this error. java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Factories configured for this Application. This happens if the faces-initialization does not work at all - m...

Maven - POM: How to make the jetty port changeable so that it can be retrieved later?

Hi. I'm working on an integration test suite and I've got a question for you. My parent pom defines the use of the jetty plugin with the goal: run-war. I need to make the port that jetty listens on changeable via the command-line. This can be achieved by passing -Djetty.port=8099 for example. In the child project, I need to use this p...

Java RESTful Web Service Tutorial with Eclipse and Jetty

Hello, I want to build a RESTful Web Service in Java, deployed using Jetty and developed usng Eclipse as IDE. I was wondering if anyone could post or link me to a beginner tutorial (even a "hello world!" would be good, for starters). Thanks in advance! ...

Solr + Jetty Gives HTTP 503 on Debian

(This is a cross-post from servefault. I'm posting it here because no one answered my post there, and I feel that this sort of hits an awkward space half-way between both stackoverflow and serverfault.) I have modified the example project included with Solr for my needs (removing things like the example stopwords and defining my own sch...