
Fusion Chart Free Time Line graph

I need a graph exactly like the above figure using Multi-series line graph with time gap of one hour from 9am till 11pm for a singe day. Please help me. ...

Multiple OHLC datasets in one image

How can I chart multiple datasets in one image using JFreeChart ? Essentially I want to chart a stock's price and it's moving average line in one image. I've tried getting the XYPlot and adding the second dataset, but it does not work. DefaultOHLCDataset dataset = new DefaultOHLCDataset(symbol, items); DefaultOHLCDataset dataset2 = ne...

JfreeChart: Scroll XYBarChart Horizontally - (chart translation and navigation)

Hi all, I am trying to scroll my XYBarChart horizontally, I am following one of the JfreeChart's Demo "TranslateDemo1.java" in which the source code you can find here: http://code.google.com/p/cori-chenxx/source/browse/aliper/trunk/aliper-core/src/test/java/com/alibaba/aliper/TranslateDemo1.java?spec=svn148&r=148 The source code ...

JFreeChart : obtain data source value on mouse click

I have a JFreeChart instance that displays process memory status, initialized as follows: m_data = new TimeSeriesCollection(); TimeSeries vmsize = new TimeSeries("VMSize"); TimeSeries resident = new TimeSeries("Resisdent"); TimeSeries shared = new TimeSeries("Shared memory"); TimeSeries code = new TimeSeries("Code"); TimeSeries data = n...

jFreeChart: Possbile to combine StatisticalBarRenderer and LayeredBarRenderer?

Hello everyone! I want to create a chart that consists of couples of two bars. one of them a regular bar, the second one is layered and has a deviation. something like this (photoshopped): This is a snippet of my code: private static JFreeChart createStatisticalBarChart(DefaultStatisticalCategoryDataset dataset, String chartTitle, Str...

jFreeChart: Setting different positive and negative standard deviations on a bar chart

Hello! I need to create a StatisticalBarChart that not just has one value for standard deviation but a positive and negative standard deviation. So that the deviation is not symmetrical around the mean value. This is how it's supposed to look: Any ideas? Thanks in advance! ...

After updating a dependency to a new version (jfreechart from 1.0.12 to 1.0.13) I get "the type cannot be resolved..." errors

Hello! I changed the version from jFreeChart in the pom.xml of my maven project from 1.0.12 to 1.0.13. Now I get the error "The type org.jfree.ui.layer cannot be resolved to a type. It is indirectly referenced from required class files." What does this mean? I just updated the jfreechart dependency. ...

jFreeChart: Change Bar color regardless of series

Hello! I need to change the color of Bars regardless of their series. so setSeriesPaint() is not useful in this case. Is there another way? ...

jfreechart: different setItemMargin() within Category possible?

I need to have different spacing within one category. The arrows show where there's supposed to be a spacing. I used setItemMargin() on the renderer, but the different colored "couples" need to be separate. ...

jFreeChart: How to hide items from legend?

Hello! I need to hide every second/third/forth item from the legend. IS there a way to achieve this in jFreeChart? thanks! ...

JSP code to display a JFreeChart using Struts2

All, I have been trying to use this guide to render a JFreeChart on a JSP page. Could someone help me out with the JSP code required to show this on a tabbed panel using the struts-dojo-tags. Eventually I want to render a different graph on each tab and refresh them using AJAX. At the moment I have configured everything as shown in th...

How to dynamically create params for Cewolf ChartProcessor ?

Hi folks, I have an issue trying to create a pie chart in my JSP. I am using Cewolf (and Jfreechart). My code is the following : <cewolf:chartpostprocessor id="pieChartPP"> <c:forEach items="${requestScope.statsClientGlobal}" var="statClient"> <cewolf:param name="${statClient.siteName}"value="${requestScope.colorMap[statClient.siteCode...

jFreeChart: Is this kind of chart possible?

Is this kind of XY Chart with deviation possible to create in jFreeChart? Thanks! ...

How to generate a bar chart in JFreeChart with default components' size ?

I am trying to generate one bar chart but it's forcing me to control width and height by calculating size of labels from domain axis and causing problems when they are too large (the start of the columns' values get in the middle of the chart). Do you have any suggestion ? Thank you. ...

jfreechart: set Item Shape position

I use setSeriesShape(seriesindex, new Rectangle(5,5)) to draw itemshapes. But somehow they end up not being centered. Is there a method to set position? ...

jFreeChart: DateAxis to behave like a CategoryAxis. Only discrete datevalues to be printed.

Hello! I have a TimeSeries Chart with a XYdataset which has the milliseconds of each dates. Now I want to have a chart that only displays each date one time on the axis, no matter what the range of dates is. I already got it so far, that only the date is printed, not the time (via setNumberFormatOverride() method). What I have now, is th...

JFreeChart PolarPlot: mathematical orientation

I'd like to create a polar plot where the data is plotted in mathematical orientation (thus, the series starts and the east and continues counter-clockwise). The default behavior of JFreeChart's PolarPlot is to start north and continue the series clockwise. Is there any support for this built in the PolarPlot class? I know how to transf...

IE "Object Expected" error trying to get img from Java Servlet

I have the following image tag in a JSP: <img id="validationGraph" src="/myapp/MyServlet?mode=myMode" usemap="#validationMap" border="0" onLoad="getImageMap()" /> A Java servlet uses JFreeChart to generate a png image and write it to the output stream. This works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but I am getting an intermittent error in...

Determine the value between 2 points in JFreeCharts

Imagine an XY Line Chart. The X axis is a number range, as is the Y axis. There are 3 series on the chart The domain cross hair is NOT locked on data: plot.setDomainCrosshairLockedOnData(false); I would like to know what the Range value is for each of the three series for the selected DomainCrossHair values. The issue is not each s...

Tapestry dynamic generated image

Hi all. My Tapestry5 application generate dynamically images with jFreeChart every day. My problem is that i don't know how to show. I have tried to save them into the webapp folder, but it seems impossible, no file is created inside. I have tried a solution with StreamResponse without result. Another one is about IEngineService but ...