
Ruby NLP Libraries

Hi, Does anyone know of any good NLP frameorks for ruby? I am considering using the Java open-nlp librabrary http://opennlp.sourceforge.net/ via JRuby. I am reluctant to go down the JRuby route for a few reasons and mainly because I have no Java background. Are there any ruby frameworks or should I go down the JRuby route with open-n...

How to create a Dynamic JNLP if JNLP is deployed on IIS ?

I have to pass SessionID from my .NET WebApplication to the Java Swing Desktop App. I am invoking the Java Swing Desktop App using JNLP. The user is to authenticate in the .NET WebApp & then the session id is to be passed to the Java Desktop App. By Dynamically generating JNLP we can pass session id. Although can we do dynamic generation...

Passing arguments on a jnlp file

Is it possible to pass maven-like arguments on a JNLP file? <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="${javafxCodebase}" href="Foo.jnlp"> <information> <title>${javafxTitle}</title> <vendor>${javafxVendor}</vendor> ... </information> ... </jnlp> And if so, who will pass these data to the jnlp file? What comes to m...

Generate java JNLP files?

I have a java application that reads a resource folder containing a bunch of .jar files. For some of these .jar files corresponding JNLP files must be created based on default schema and stored in the same directory. Are there good approach to create these JNLP file from a java application (and maybe add some data from the .jar files in...

Is there a way I can add Java Web Start service inside my server which uses my own TCP-based-protocol ??

I am building an applicaton in Java that will have some updates over time. This means that the client will have to download a new .jar and use it when available. I read about jws (java web start) and it works fine. But the problem is that my application uses a protocol I created, and it will just be able to connect to my server. It may n...

Are javaws exit codes really broken?

I was working to automate same java code execution using JNLP and I was surprised to discover that jawaws did not gave me a valid return code. Original execution line was: javaws -wait http://example.com:666/missing.jnlp This did showed an ugly window with "Unable to launch application." message. As you can image I tried to make thi...

How to prevent java-web-start from displaying error popups like "Unable to launch application"

I'm looking for possible ways to start a JNLP application from the command line unattended (no user intervention being required). This means that you will not get things like popup windows telling Unable to launch application if the JNLP file does not exists. ...

How to properly clean old jar versions from java web start caching?

The JNLP is used only to download and update the application, after this the application is started manually from the command line. I discovered that JNLP does not clean the old JAR files from the cache directory and due to that you may end-up loading the wrong JAR files if you load all JARs from the cache directory. I am looking for a...

Is it possible to force cache clearing when a java web start application is updated?

Is it possible to force cache clearing when a java web start application is updated from the command line? ...

Database connectivity credentials in JNLP applications

How to ensure that the database connectivity details cannot be hacked by the end user of a JNLP based java application ...

.JNLP web start app in C#

Is it possible to run a .JNLP File Internally in a C# application? Basically instead of the .JNLP being it's own application, be an application inside of a c# application with all the same functionality but with extra functionality from whatever is being built into the c# app itself? I'm not sure if that makes sense at all lol but i want...

Why does a dynamic JNLP generated from a JSP always fail with a locahost hef ?

I have a JSP that spits out a JNLP file as shown below. Work son localhost, when deployed to a remote server, Java Web Start errors out with an exception - Unable to load resource: http : // localhost:8080/jnlp/myjnlp.jnlp ExitException[ 3]com.sun.deploy.net.FailedDownloadException: Unable to load resource: http: // localhost:8080/jnlp...

Version property on jars in Web Start

In a JNLP file, is the version property for a jar resource related to any metadata (e.g. manifest) or is it just arbitrarily set by the user creating the JNLP file? ...

JNLP isn't cooperating JFileChooser Access Denied

I feel really dumb...... So I am writing a Java app, and if you can help me get this to work you'll be able to see it. so my jar file is here: http://team2648.com/OTIS2/admin/OmniNode2.8.jar I would like it to be able to be used as a Java web-start application, i was following the tutorial here: http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutor...

java webstart: Could not launch from cache. Will try online mode.

Hello I am getting the below error when I start java webstart application. Could not launch from cache. Will try online mode. [Some of required resources are not cached.] I am running in JRE6 environment. ...

Cancel a Java Webstart custom download

Hi, when you download a resource in a Java Webstart application there's usually a download progress window displayed which shows the progress of the download. If this window is the default progress window, it has a cancel button. I'm basically trying to implement this cancel button in a custom download progress window. As there is no m...

Hosted server, changing IP and JNLP

I have the following scenario for a customer of mine: He has a hosted server (1) (i.e. http://customer.net) which basically redirects to an address in this format: http:///app (server 2) The IP address changes frequently (they told me even each two weeks). There's an application in server 2 with a jnlp link which obviously is configure...

How to create a bootup jnlp?

I'm trying to create a jnlp that all it does is launch another. I'd like to do that because the other is bound to changes (names of the resources) for example, while I'd like the one calling it to never change. Has anyone ever did the same? Is it possible? Which of the two jnlps should be the installer-desc? ...

Where I can Find Path of resources *.jar in JNLP ??

Hi, i download a java app webstart.JNLP . After i opened in notepad, i found it listed some resource as below, i think, for the app to be able to load, those *.jar must be locate some where in my pc. Where can i find the path to *.jar ? does any one help ideas ? <jar href="sax2.jar"/> <jar href="soap.jar"/> <jar href="ssla...

Error with generating JasperPrint in the client side

I am using JNLP which fetches my jar files to client. When I run the application, I am getting error with generating JasperPrint(NullPointerException). I can figure out the cause partially. It is because JasperPrint instance cannot be stored on client side due to access permission. Is there a way to generate JasperPrint on client side. ...