
Are there job websites that provide a RESTful API?

Are there any job search websites which offer a REST API to search for or within job offers? Something like how provides a product search API... ...

How to move from windows applications programming (WinForms using C#.NET) to web applications programming (ASP.NET)?

Hi all, I have been working on winforms using C# in my company for quite a long time, and I have a fair experience implementing those. However, I need to change my job and work somewhere else. The market in here is mostly in need for web applications developer which I never worked with before. How difficult is it to move to using ASP.NE...

Why do you think developing/programming a software is a skilled job?

People ask me this question a lot but I don't know how to answer it :( ...

Is Programming generally an overtime exempt field?

My manager told me that the industry doesn't pay overtime for programmers. Is this true? ...

University internship web-app cross-site scripting vulnerability.

My university is currently undergoing paid internship applications. Past terms have had a large number of positions available, but this term, as one might expect, there are not many positions available and the field has become very competitive. The web-app has every student upload an HTML formatted resume which is "Validated" server-sid...

Best book for a "good" functional programmer to learn C++ thoroughly?

Hello all. I'm a "good" programmer. I know Haskell, OCaml, and other functional languages very well. I know also Smalltalk, Objective-C, and other OO languages. I spend my time on LtU, I know a fair amount about programming language theory and compiler design, and above all, I'm, ahem, incredibly brilliant. That said, I'm also hungry, a...

Do you consider yourself a business person (while being a programmer)?

In the early days of my job as a programmer, I remember being proud of wearing a stupid t-shirt and coming late to work: just sitting with a bunch of nerds like me in front of the computer, doing stuff that felt like sci-fi. I was pretty happy that I could differentiate myself from business people. After several years of developing busi...

Does Google use Ruby for application development?

Does anyone know if Google uses Ruby for application development? What are the general job prospects of Ruby compared to other languages like Perl or Python? ...

Best way to run a nightly process that manipulates data and sends email via SQL Server 2005

I have an asp app that runs against SQL Server 2005 and I'd like to run processes that: query data, manipulate data, and send emails containing particular data and analysis What is the easiest way to do this in SQL Server 2005? Can I do this in an SSIS package? Should I use CLR procedures? ...

How some developers move from one platform to another?

I have noticed some developers picking up new skills and moving from one platform to the other? How do they do it? How do they justify for the lack of experience in the said platform they get the job? Is it based on relevance to their previous experience? do they get certified in the target platform and work at a junior level accepting ...

Which international city has the most Ruby on Rails jobs?

I would like to ("need to" might be a better way of putting it) move to a city where I have a better chance of finding my first Rails job. Within the United States, my best guess is maybe San Francisco. Outside the US I have no idea, although I want to avoid countries where wages would not be on a par with the US. How could I determin...

How should an American software developer go about finding a job overseas?

Are there any tech recruiters who specialize in international placement? Any websites? I've looked around on Craigslist, but it seems like a lot of the ads in English are for American companies looking to outsource to remote workers. This doesn't seem like something that would help me. What are some good places to start? ...

Does Blogging affect Job Prospects?

Would a hiring manager at a small-to-medium consulting firm/corporation consider active blogging by a candidate about Programming/software/technology as a positive? Should the candidate disclose this information during the interviews or put it on the resume? Thanks for the answers, So far the views about this topic has been.. Don't m...

How does someone without a CS degree get an interview in a sluggish economy?

I've been programming off and on since 4th grade (for about 20 years). Technology is one of my passions but after working in the field for a couple years out of High School, I spent nine months and $15,000 getting an accredited certificate in music performance instead of CS. I've been doing lots of self study but I think a CS degree is ...

how to install SQL Server job using scripts?

Hello everyone, I have a SQL Server job in my SQL Server 2008 server. Now I want to write some scripts using PowerShell which could deploy the job into other computers automatically through command line. Any samples or documents to recommend for this topic to learn? thanks in advance, George ...

Is Silverlight more lucrative than ASP.NET?

Lately I've seen an lot of Silverlight jobs being advertised, with very high rates. Is this just temporary because Silverlight developers are in scarce supply at the moment? Or is there something about Silverlight development that makes it better paid than normal .NET or web development? Or do you think Silverlight will, in the long-te...

Does it make sense to have a B.A. in Business and then go for an MSc. in Computer Science?

Yes or No? Why? Let me clarify why I am asking: Would it be a 'weird' choice in the eyes of interviewers that somebody doesn't go for a Bachelor CS foundation, but later did the MSc? And is the MSc much more difficult than the BSc in CS? ...

What industries value their IT departments the most?

Different industries treat IT in different ways. Some pay well but treat their staff poorly while others view IT solely as a cost center. What industries have you worked in where IT is truly valued and treated with respect and as an equal partner in the business? ...

Opensource making developer lose their jobs?

Possible Duplicate: Does free open source software hurt programming jobs? Sorry about my english not good, because i come from hongkong. Do anyone think about opensource will make developer lose their job on future? opensource in this topic not mean some library ,class from sourceforge or codeplex etc...because it still need peo...

selling products as a freelancer

I have a certain program that I would like to sell over the Internet world wide. Unfortunately, my country is not supported by PayPal when it comes to getting paid. I can only buy with PayPal. I am aware that there are other sites that let you charge credit cards from your customers and get paid, but I would really like to know what is t...