
Just out of college. Lack of programming job opportunities. Career path.

I'm 21 years old. Just graduated with honors from college where I studied CS. I live in a small country in which at least IMHO CS is not highly appreciated. My passion is web development. I love programming in Java, PHP, ruby, etc. I might not be the best programmer out there, but I consider myself a very smart person and I am eager to l...

Unable to put "X" to RightPrompt to indicate many jobs in Zsh

I know the article which code does not work for me. I have pasted all its codes to my .zshrc. I have the following code in my .Zshrc RPROMPT='%{\[0;33m%}%1v%{\[0m%}' It should indicate whether you have jobs or not. However, it does not do that for me. I would like to get a X to the right prompt to indicate that you have a job open. ...

How do you "psychologically" adjust to writing software that you can't "see" or "use"?

I realize that this is a slightly strange and subjective question, but I'd still appreciate everyone's feedback. My entire life, since I was a kid, everything I programmed had fairly "visible" manifestations. I wrote toy games, publicly accessible database-driven applications later, IDEs and GUI based tools in earlier jobs and later, et...

Unable to terminate a job without opening it

I run the following code unsuccessfully sudo killall %4 where %4 is my Vim session. How can you terminate a job without foregrounding it? ...

Getting started with cron jobs and PHP (Zend Framework)

I am totally new to the subject of cron jobs so I have no idea where to start learning about them; when, why, or how to use them with my Zend Framework application, or PHP in general. Can anyone explain the process, with an example, or recommend some good resources to get started? ...

How important are grades when applying for a job?

When it comes to studying, I'm dead lazy. Most of the time I couldn't care whether I get 70% or 99%, besides being somewhat happy after getting a 99% back. As a result my grades aren't all that good, especially for the courses I find boring. However, when it comes to practical tasks that one would get in industry I'm better than many of ...

Do any of you handle more than programming at your job?

If this is out of line, please close it. I wonder if any of you have a "programming" job where you get to code but that is not all you do. For example, do any of you have a job where you get to code, but someone might call you for desktop support? Do you have the kind of job where you may get to code for days but often are a jack of a...

During interviews, should candidates write code on paper, on a text editor, or an IDE?

This is something I've been wondering about over the past year, as I've been interviewing: Why are almost all interview coding tasks taking place using pen and paper rather than using a computer with a text editor or a full IDE? I've only had one opportunity this year to actually type in code. I can see many disadvantages for pen and ...

How to edit the SQL Agent Job from within SSMS 2005?

I am trying to edit or view the SQL Agent's job (I am the owner of this job) from SSMS 2005 and I can't find out how to do this. When I am doubleclicking a job or entering job's properties I get empty "New Job" window. Is there some way to correct this behavior? Thanks ...

Using Windows Service as a scheduling service

Hi, I have this question from a client, to run some database scripts on a daily or biweekly basis, depending on the type of period. They have defined a 'busy' period and a 'quiet' period. They are using shared hosting for their applications and they can't add SQL Server jobs to their database. What I want to do is create a windows serv...

What blog every Software Developer should follow?

I couldnt find it, so here is my question: What blog every Software Developer should follow? Im talking about blogs that are less language-specific, and bring the greatest advices frequently about our job, our working-life, and career. I am pretty sure that there are a lot of good blogs out there waiting for me visit them. In my feeds ...

Value of computer science degree versus "practical" programming skills???

Duplicate: Is there any need to get a Computer Science degree?; Am I too young to be worrying right now?. I am currently a senior in high school and will be attending college (Cornell University) next year. Cornell happens to have a very highly regarded computer science department. From what I understand from current students and...

How does one handle "send links to examples of work" in job posting?

Lately, a lot of development/design job offerings I'm come across ask for "links to examples of your work". In the past ten years, I've worked primarily for three web companies. One of the websites is no longer in existing (a victim of the dot-com bubble burst). Also, I have had little to no impact on the design of the "public" pages for...

Does a cron job kill last cron execution?

Hey All, I have a cron job the executes a PHP script. The cron is setup to run every minute, this is done only for testing purposes. The PHP script it is executing is designed to convert videos uploaded to the server by users to a flash format (eg... .flv). The script executes fine when manually doing it via command line, however when e...

How should I recruit a maintenance programmer?

Our software team is growing and we need to get some focus on developing new features rather than being distracted by supporting our existing customers. Most of the team would rather not talk with real customers, don't want to travel, and prefer to work on the new features. This leaves us very short of good programmers to maintain th...

Take a QA job with relaxed short workweek or very pressuring dev job with significant financial rewards?

Hi All. I've been agonizing over a career decision and reached the point where I have to take one of the other. I'd appreciate any community feedback. I'm in my 30s, out of a long time in graduate schools, living in a small city. I got an offer from a nearby company to do QA-related dev (interesting but still QA) during work normal 9-...

Too old for sysadmin to change to a programming career?

I'm 41, currently a sys admin for a large-ish company. I graduated in 1989 with a Comp Sci degree, but never took a programming job. What would your advice be if I said I wanted to move into a programming career now? Too old? Naive? I have kept reasonably up to date over the years and know a fair bit of C++ and Java but only used for hob...

Do most software companies employ program managers?

According to Joel's post, a program manager is responsible for: Designing UIs Writing functional specs Coordinating teams Serving as the customer advocate, and (jokingly?) Wearing Banana Republic chinos I'm curious to know if most software companies have program managers or similar positions that fill the above responsibilities. In m...

Whats the Hierarchy of developer job positions?

Whats the Hierarchy or developer "programmer" job position? Please can you tell me this Hierarchy. Such as (just as example) : Junior Senior Technical Manager - .... .... ...

Will learning more new concepts in programming help me get a better job?

Hello, Would learning more and more concepts in programming through google help me find a better job? Thanks ...