
ASP.NET MVC routing with jqGrid

I am trying to create a link to an url such as home/details/1 in a jqGrid column. The documentation shows : showlink {baseLinkUrl: '', showAction: 'show', addParam:'&key=2'} Note: the addParam should contain &. For example: formatter: ’showlink’, formatoptions: {baseLinkUrl: ’someurl.php’, addParam: ‘&action=edit’} This will output:...

Using jqGrid on IIS7

I have jqGrid running fine locally in VS 2008 in a ASP.NET MVC project. When I upload the project to the server (W2008, IIS7) I get an error in IE 8, Object doesn't support this property or method on the call to jqGrid. In Firebug - jqGrid is not a function. All other JQuery plugins works fine (before and after the upload). Any ideas wh...

Jquery Jqgrid + Asp.Net don't work too easily?

Hello, I have been struggling quite a bit to get this JQgrid to work with Asp.Net. I found asp.net samples online...but if I modify them according to my database,it flops. Do I need to change the DataTable to JSON functions as well? Out of my search,I found these 2 articles getting me pretty close... http://arahuman.blogspot.com/2009/...

jqgrid. change theme.

How can i change the look of the jqgrid without changeing the stylesheet. Basically im using jqueryui to style my site but i want to use different background images for just the grid. Is this possible? ...

Custom data tooltips in jqGrid 3.4

Hey all, I've been working with the excellent jqGrid plugin, and it works great. Recently though, I was asked to implement some custom tooltips for the grid. Now, the documentation is very thorough, but it doesn't address how (if it is at all possible) to accomplish this. Here's an example of what I'm looking for: |col A | col B |....

Trying to understand jqgrid for jquery. How do I change the URL for my AJAX call?

Hi, I have everything working from the tutorial, replacing it with my data, but it is a hardcoded situation. For example, in the tutorial, which is what I have working, I have: jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ url:'', datatype: 'x...

Add javascript event to jqGrid

Hi, I'm using jqGrid plugin and I want to add onKeyPress event to each field of edit form. This code works for IE8, but fails in FF and IE7 {name: 'name', index: 'name', width: 200, editable: true, sortable: false, search: true, editoptions: { readonly: false, size: 32, 'onKeyPress': 'if($("#cbLanguage").attr("checked"))to...

How do I use jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC?

I have just started using jqGrid, and I have some tables that I would like to display within it. Can anyone tell me what the proper way would be to populate this grid using ASP.NET MVC? How do I pass information from my controller to the jqGrid? Does it need to be a particular format? If anyone can provide some information regardin...

jqGrid 'url' parameter causes errors in pages in deeper URLs

I'm trying to deploy an ASP.NET MVC site to a Windows 2003, IIS 6.0 server with the 3.5 framework installed (but not ASP.NET MVC - it's just in the bin folder). The site makes use of jqGrid, but on the deployment server the grid is failing in certain cases. The web site's master page is at /Views/Shared/Site.Master. It has a script tag ...

how to display hyperlinks in jqGrid

I'm new to jQGrid. Is it possible to display hyperlinks in the columns of jqGrid? In our UI, we need to display Edit and Delete links next to each row of the table. is it possible with jqGrid? ...

jqGrid - Default Add/Edit buttons - Processing Server Response

I am working on my first implementation of a jqGrid. I am using the standard add/edit buttons that appear in the navGrid but am having problems identifying how process the server response when I click Submit in the edit/add forms. .navGrid("#product-codes-footer",{edit:true,add:true,del:false}, {afterShowForm:afterShowEdit}, {afterShowF...

jqGrid Form Editing with drop downs - how to set initial value.

i have an object with 3 values ID Abbreviation Description in the jqGrid I set the grid up to display the Abbreviation. when I click to edit (using the Form Edit feature) I fill the drop down with the ID/Description combination of values via the edit options: editoptions: { value: "ID1:Description1;ID2:Description2;...;IDN:Descript...

How to show all rows in the jqGrid?

jqGrid exposes a property rowNum where you can set the number of rows to display for each page. How do you set the grid to just display ALL rows? Right now I'm just setting the rowNum to something really high like <%= int.MaxValue %> but I'm wondering if there is a better way. ...

Placing an empty div between jqGrid's Caption and The grid itself

I want to put some custom items (filters inputs) between the Caption and the grid itself on the jqGrid. Is this possible, I have searched the api and nothing jumped out at me that would enable this. For now, I have simply removed the caption and just put an all the stuff I want above the grid (including an H2 for what I wanted the capt...

Progressively Enhance HTML table with jqGrid?

I can't find an example of jqGrid being used to "paint" an existing clean HTML table. Is this possible? I am currently using datatables http://www.datatables.net/ because it is easy to implement on existing HTML but would prefer jqGrid's theme support and hooks. ...

JQGrid / Date Picked within Add/Edit window

I have been able to work the Date Picker into JQGrid when editing inline, but I am unable to use it inside the add/edit window. Does anyone have instructions on how to do this or an example I can look at? demo from that site of what I am trying to do: http://www.the-di-lab.com/demo/apples I read that I could use the following method bu...

jqGrid adding new row with XML Data

Hi Everyone, I am using jQGrid in my ASP.NET MVC application with add row feature. My problem is I have to save XML data in some of the row fields. But while posting the new row with some fields having plain xml, to server I get Internal server error. By default jqGrid perhaps expects json or text data to be posted on server while addin...

Coldfusion + JSON issue for jqGrid

I'm working to setup a jqGrid JSON web service to populate JQUERY's jqGrid plugin. Currently I am outputting the following with my code: Current: {"total":2,"records":13,"page":1, "ROWS":{"arrUsers":[{"1":1,"4":"bgf","3":"faaff","5":"ASD","2":"asd","7":"1231231233'","6":"123asd"}]}} The desired output which is what jqGrid expe...

JSON is undefined when using jqGrid 3.5 in IE7

I am trying to switch from jqGrid 3.4 to 3.5. On the HTML page I'm using JSON.parse and after changing the jqGrid reference to the new version I get "JSON is undefined". This is happening in IE7. I had the impression that JSON is part of Javascript in IE. Adding an explicit reference to a JSON implementation solves the probolem of cour...

Save edited cell to mysql - How can i send an Identifier with the edited cell data?

Hi, i have the problem that i can't send any identifier for the edited content to the edit.php file. it sends automaticaly an id=1 parameter for the first row in the grid for example...but this is not the same value as in mysql table column "id". the correct id is shown in the grid..it says id 3 in the first row, but when i edit data and...