
Using JQuery to retrieve a physical file and then display it in the browser.

UPDATE: Most of the answers given have just been some way of injecting the returned document into the html of the page, but this does not seem to be working. It might help if you could see what the aspx code is doing after all: Try RenderDocument = Session("docSelected") If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("download")...

Jquery or Basic XmlHttpRequest for MVC AJAX

Hi Getting JSON at client side via AJAX is something i am looking for in my ASP.NET MVC app. I found Jquery and basic XmlHttpRequest script for the purpose.I know the easiness with dom manipulation is one aspect for Jquery.But concerned with the file size of Jquery. But still cannot find Why i need to chose and study Jquery over the l...

Problem with Ajax Click on Asp.Net MVC

I have a AJAX action link. On Click this posts to the controller. The controller sends back ascx view that is supposed to update a div in the original page. This works fine when running from WebDev server. However, in IIS environment, the original page is gone and the new view ends up showing on its own. Please help. Environment: II...

How to get form input inside ModalBox with Jquery

I am developing my website using jQuery. For the Private Messaging feature, what I had right now is showing a ModalBox(dialog box). So, whenever user wanna check message, they will be displayed with a dialog box with the inbox shown. Now, inside that ModalBox, I have a "Compose" section where users can send message. My question is, when ...

How do I filter data in MVC partialview using jQuery

How do I update data using Ajax, jQuery when I change a dropdown on my Index.aspx page? I have a page with a ProjectList dropdown which should show all issues related to that Project. If I change the return value on my Controller action, see the commented code, it either removes the master page and just loads the PartialView Or does not...

How to process JSON using jquery?

I have a controller that returns a list of custom linq-to-sql model objects in JSON format to jquery ajax calls: List<MyAppLibrary.Model.Search> listSearches = search.ToList(); return new JsonResult { Data = listSearches }; I have the following javascript which gets the response: $.getJSON("/ajax/getbrands", function(data...

Possible to load ASCX with jQuery.load() function?

Is it possible without encapsulating these controls in aspx files? The Register tag makes me think that it is not. ...

Jquery-upload-progress cross domain issue. Suspected GET request problem.

Hi, I am doing a site which submits a form to a different server. For upload progress tracking I use: for server side the NginxHttpUploadProgressModule und for client side - jquery-upload-progress. I have tested the setup by submitting the form to the same server and everything worked fine. Submitting to another server doesn't show the p...

dynamic updating of a web page

I need to change a part of my web page content dynamically without refreshing the entire page. Like Myspace or Facebook users gallery. Does anybody know of any useful scripts with a working back button and changing address URL accordingly? ...

Using jQuery to get json data returns invalid label error

I have this code, and have also tried something similar using the $.getJson function: jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var kiva_url = "http://api.kivaws.org/v1/loans/newest.json"; jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: kiva_url, data:"format=json", success: function(data){ alert("here"); jQuer...

Can't the browser just use its cache from prior ajax calls?

I am trying to rely upon the browser cache to hold JSON data returned from AJAX calls in jQuery. Normal browser activity relies upon the browser cache all the time. Example: jpg and gif images are not refetched on a page reload. But when I try using jQuery getJSON ajax calls, I cannot seem to avoid fetching the data from the server. M...

Rails destroy confirm with Jquery AJAX

I have got this working for the most part. My rails link is: <%= link_to(image_tag('/images/bin.png', :alt => 'Remove'), @business, :class => 'delete', :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :id => 'trash') %> :class => "delete" is calling an ajax function so that it is deleted and the page isn't refreshed that works great. But because the page...

Jquery tab reload with a parameter

Hello: After some events in a tab, I would like to reload it. I need to send a parameter to the page that loads into the tab. The following reloads the page: $("#tabs").tabs( 'load' , 6); But, how can I send a parameter with it? ...

change event doesn't fire on ajax loaded forms

Hello I have an HTML document, with the jquery code $(function(){ [...] $("#newNotice").click(function(){ $("#properties").load("testDiagramm.html #NoticeForm"); return false; }); function showFormValues(){ var s = $("form").serialize(); [... Do things ...] } $("input, texta...

load options via. jquery

Hey people :-) I'm trying to load some data via. jquery $get_desc = "SELECT tekst_id,overskrift FROM rr_tekster WHERE beskrivelse_id = '". $_POST['beskrivelse_id'] ."' AND status = 1"; $select = mysql_query($get_desc)or die(mysql_error()); while($row_option = mysql_fetch_array($select)){ $output .= '<option value="'.$row_option['...

Can't get current user for AJAX requests in App Engine

I'm using Django+Appengine on a page that has both a normal HTML request to get the page, and an AJAX request using jQuery. On normal requests, it loads the current user and session information just fine. However, for the AJAX requests, self.user isn't set and users.get_current_user() doesn't return anything. Both handlers are on the ...

Assign jQuery.get() to a variable?

What is the correct way of assigning to a variable the response from jQuery.get() ? var data = jQuery.get("output.csv"); I was reading that jQuery.get() must have a callback function? why is that? and how would i use this callback function to assign the response back to the data variable? Thanks in advance for your help and clarifica...

Escaping slashes in jQuery for passing paths in an AJAX request

I have a problem with slashes! I have some jQuery for handling generic dialogs on a page. In some cases the fields are passing /-delimited paths... var fieldValues = []; // pull values from all the fields belonging to the dialog... $.each($(this).find('input, textarea, select'), function(n,field) { // escape the path fields var valu...

Asynchronous Ajax call in SCORM API

I am creating a javascript API for SCORM 2004 4th Edition. For those who don't know about SCORM, basically it is an API standard that eLearning courses can use to communicate with an LMS (Learning Management System). Now the API has to have the following method: Initialize(args) GetValue(key) SetValue(key, value) Terminate(args) Comm...

Lazy load values in paginated datatable using jquery

Hi, I'm trying to use the jquery datatable plugin in my project. It supports ajax loading of values in the table. But my question is does it support lazy loading of value? means If the table is paginated, can I load data required by each page using ajax when it is requested than load all the values at the startup of the page? Now what ...