
Google Maps + Jquery: Marker bug in IE

I was hoping someone could shed some light on this. I have a jquery-based web application I'm building. The application has a page that it loads, then generates a Google map on the loaded page once the ajax call is complete. My problem is that the marker 'bubbles' don't render correctly in IE7 or IE6 (screenshots provided). They are fi...

jQuery UI, select tab with text link and load link specific ajax content

I am using jQuery UI tabs to have a tab where I can search for records and then other tabs where I can view individual record details. I am trying to have search results link clicks open the relevant tab and load the specific ajax content for that search result. I am able to switch tabs using an href with something like the jQuery UI t...

Jquery: Why am I getting an OPTIONS request insted of a GET request?

With this code http://paulisageek.com/tmp/options.html : <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> $.get("http://metaward.com/import/http://metaward.com/u/ptarjan", function(data) { alert(data); }); </script> in Firefox 3.5 on Vista it does an OPTIONS requ...

jquery with boxy plugin - load and submit a form via ajax

I am using JQuery with Boxy plugin. When a user clicks on a link on one page, I call Boxy.load to load a form onto the pop-up. The form loads and is displayed inside the pop-up without problems. However, I can't bind the form to a submit event, since I can't select the form element. This is the event handler: $('#flag-link a.unf...

jquery ajax post callback - manipulation stops after the "third" call

EDIT: The problem is not related to Boxy, I've run into the same issue when I've used JQuery 's load method. EDIT 2: When I take out link.remove() from inside the ajax callback and place it before ajax load, the problem is no more. Are there restrictions for manipulating elements inside an ajax callback function. I am using JQuery with...

MVC Ajax form not submitting on IE

I have an ASP.NET MVC ajax form fully working on FireFox. Here's how the code looks like: <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("SendMessage", "Contact", new AjaxOptions { OnComplete = "ProcessResult" })) { %> <div id="inputArea"> <label for="Name" class="contactLabel">Your Name:</label> <%= Html.TextBox("SenderName", Model.Contact.SenderN...

jQuery: why does $.post does a GET instead of a POST

I'm trying to do an ajax call and populate the "Data" div with the results of the ajax call, but i get an error saying: "Server Error in '/' Application. The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. Requested URL: /Home/GetStuff" When I look with Firebug the request was a GET to /Home/GetStuff and the answer was 404 Not found. Wh...

How to check user has clicked refresh button or close x

I have to check in my page that page is unloaded by refresh button or close window button, How is it possible using java script / jquery? ...

Keep impromptu "up" while performing a jquery Ajax/MVC post

Is there a way to keep the impromptu dialog box displayed during a post? Here's the javascript code $('#linkPostTest').click(function() { openprompt(); }); function openprompt() { var temp = { state0: { html: 'Are you sure you want to post?<br />', buttons: { Yes: true, No: false }, ...

Problem with jQuery Ajax timing

I have a very simple javascript class that does an ajax call to a web service of mine via jquery. It returns the data successfully, but I am unable to retrieve it via a variable I set the data to. I don't think it is a matter of the ajax call being asynchronous or not b/c I have set up event handlers for all the ajax events, but some d...

Simple page submit - vs - Ajax loader

There are many ways to handle forms. one is to simply submit the form and the get variables on php and another one that i'm thinking of, is to send data with ajax and during this process we can show a dialog and show the information about processing the data with a progress bar. despite the fact that ajax is faster than the standard tec...

jquery event.target is changed to show an irrelevant element inside ajax post callback?

I have two types of links that are event-bound. If the clicked-on link has the class 'flagged', the event handler calls recallFlag, else doFlag function. $(document).ready(function() { $('div.flag-link, span.flag-link').bind('click', function(e){ if ($(e.target).attr('class')=='flagged') doRecall(e); else doFlag(e); return false; }...

Returning a collection with Ajax Request

I have the following in my view: <ul id="statements"> <% foreach (var s in Model.Statements) { %> <%Html.RenderPartial("StatementControl", s); %> <% } %> </ul> Now I want to use Ajax to return a new Statements object when user clicks on one of several links: <ul id="statementChoices"> <li>group1<li> <li...

jQuery image src change after load

Hi, I'm using jQuery to replace an iframe sort of environment on a page by loading the pages content into a div instead of a url into an iframe...I don't have anything against iframes or anything but it just seems to be cleaner and more versatile (returning fragments of html etc) than having whole pages for that... Anyway, using a simp...

Query about Apache (httpd) dumpio log entry for the Request body which is coming NULL on Tomcat side

Hi, I am working on a hosted application running on Apache Tomcat 6.0.18 and it is hidden behind Apache (httpd). They are connected through mod_jk. We have take VPS and therefore Apache has been hosted as VirtualHost. The OS is CentOS 32 bit. The problem is that very randomly Tomcat is getting NULL request (it may have some URL specifi...

Is this possible?

I have a question, I'm using uploadify, and every time when a file finishes to upload, the script runs a code which is located in the onComplete statement, and the code from the onComplete statement it's an ajax call to a page, let's call it X , how can I know when the script access the page X for the first time? ...

Ajax - I need to check whether a valid session exists before every AJAX requests

Hi all, I'm working on a project which uses user authentication. I'm facing a issue with my AJAX requests if there is no authenticated session present when the request is made. I've a session timeout of 3min, so if the user keeps idle for 3 min then do some action which causes a AJAX request then the request will fail and return a 403 ...

CakePHP: Deleting on a field other than the primary id

I am trying to delete a list of entries form my table corresponding to a particular id. I get the id and post it through an ajax function to the controller and use the Delete function of the model to delete the particular entry. But the entries are not deleted. This is my ajax function in the view file called reports.ctp where I call th...

How to post ASP.NET MVC Ajax form using JavaScript rather than submit button

I have a simple form created using Ajax.BeginForm: <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Update", "Description", new { id = Model.Id }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "DescriptionDiv", HttpMethod = "post" },new {id ='AjaxForm' })) {%> Description: <%= Html.TextBox("Description", Model.Description) %><br /> <input ty...

How to post data using jQuery and MVC

The data on my page is such: var userIdCol = '3,67,78,37,87'; This collection of used Id's is obtained from a Listbox via jQuery on my page. All I want to do is post this list of UserId's to my controller and display a success message somehere on my page. "Users have been updated." I am not sure what the signature of my controller s...