
ASP.NET - AJAX request via jQuery to get dynamic page and insert as table row

Hello, I'm doing a jQuery AJAX request to get an aspx page in my project and inserting it into a table. The aspx page contains a single table row (as in, it starts with tr and ends with /tr). Because of this, I cannot add anything before or after those tr's. My problem is the following: If I try to type in < asp: into Visual Studio ...

$.ajax misfire in ie6

Hi, I'm using the flickr api to create a simple gallery based on images pulled in by their tag. The gallery is working fine in every browser except ie6. When you navigate to the page (by clicking a link) in ie6, the $.ajax success/error code blocks refuse to fire, however when the page is reloaded, or navigated to directly (by entering...

jquery: $(window).bind('load', function()) and $(document).ready(function()) in ajax loaded content

I am using facebox (http://famspam.com/facebox) to hold some content loaded via an ajax call. The content being loaded has a jquery ui slider element inside of it. In non-ajax loaded content I can use either the $(window).bind('load', function()) or $(document).ready(function()) methods in order to trigger the construction of the slide...

Processing XML with jQuery cross-browser

I am new to jQuery and am having cross-browser inconsistencies. I am trying to populate an HTML drop down using jQuery to parse the XML document. Eventually, I will swap the XML document with an HTTP call, but for now, I am doing a GET of the local XML copy. My approach works in Firefox (2 elements show up in the drop down) but IE7 isn't...

ajax push server

Alright, I recently wrote a ajax push script which had php on the backend sleeping while waiting for someone to make an update. However, the sleeping processes took up a lot of cpu. Any ideas on how I can prevent this? I am guessing I will have to either find a program which can do the sleeping with threads or write my own in python or c...

jquery $.ajax, success: textStatus silently ignored....firebug says nothing.

i dont know what is happening here. ajax is posted successfully. firebug doesn't complain. however, success: function(){alert("complete");} never fires. its almost as if it is ignored. success: alert("coomplete"); will of course fire everytime this ajax request runs. please help! ...

Load a Javascript and execute it...

I have a website that loads once and then each time a user clicks a button instead of loading a new page, the content is just replaced via ajax. However on one of the pages I'm using jquery-ui and for example, if I land in "index.html" and then click to go to that page the script is not loading but if I go directly to that page the scrip...

Can't get $.ajax or $.get to work...

I have this $.ajax (using jquery) code, it originally was the $.get that is now commented but for some reason I'm always getting the error and I can't find anything wrong with it =/, am I overlooking something? $.fn.randomContent = function(options){ var contentArray = new Array(); var dType = "html"; var defaults = { x...

jquery change event on external select component

I have a few selects that I have built as external components in a php page and then load into an html page. For example, I'm likely to use the component "usersList" in several places throughout the site, so my php generates this list and then I use load in jquery to call the component, like this: $("#samaritan").load('usersList.php'); ...

Loading Facebook fb:profile-pic via AJAX in Facebook Connect site

After a page loads, I'm making an AJAX request to pull down an HTML chunk that contains tags representing a Facebook user profile picture. I append the result to a point in the DOM but the logos don't load, instead all I see is the default silhouette. Here's simply how I'm loading the HTML chunk with jQuery $.ajax({ url: "/faceboo...

Output results from a jquery ajax call

I'm calling a webservice using jquer's ajax method and it seems to work since the 'success' function is executed. I need to output the raw results returned, but when I use alerts, the messagebox shows the output as: event='' XMLHttpRequest=success ajaxOptions=undefined What am I doing wrong and how can I output the raw results? $.ajax(...

jQuery ajax is throwing an error code 302... what is this?

Hi everyone! I'm working with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery and I have a UserControl that is repeated in every page. And in every page request, a ajax callback occurs... so far so good. But this is when I'm in localhost. When I publish the site, I notice that this ajax is throwing an error 302, but this only occus in HTTPS pages and in FF and...

What does "async: false" do in jQuery.ajax()?

Specifically, how does it differ from the default (async: true)? In what circumstances would I want to explicit set async to false, and does it have something to do with preventing other events on the page from firing? ...

Saving data using ajax: sending large text in querystring is good or bad ?

I want to add a comment feature in my ASP.NET website that is similar in stackoverflow.com. Here the entire page is not getting posted, instead ajax is being used i hope.How does the value entered inside the textarea is passed to the server page ? as querystring for an ajax get/post call ? .I believe its not a good idea to do so when th...

jQuery elements created using .append(html) not available

I have the following <script> $(document).ready(function() { $(".mapLink").click(function(){ pos = $(this).attr("id"); alert(pos); }); }); </script> <a class="map" id="test">Test</a> When I click on Test I get an alert...great. But I also have the following... <script> $(document)....

I'm losing data when manipulating xml with jQuery!

Related Question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489402/manipulating-a-variable-containing-xml-with-jquery I have a jsp which returns an xhtml document that looks something like this: <root> <p id = "myId">Text text text <img id = "myImgId" /></p> </root> Now, when I pull this data into a variable via an ajax call through jQu...

jquery ajax error json response

i have jquery global error event set, like following: $("#message_alert").ajaxError(function(event, XMLHttpRequest, settings, thrownError){ ajax_error(XMLHttpRequest); }); and ajax_error method gets the XMLHttpRequest parameter totally fine init. now the request which XMLHttpRequest gets, it also have json data from the backend in...

Calling a class method with jQuery AJAX?

I am moving from the PHP AJAX library xajax to jQuery AJAX. With xajax, I could contain all my AJAX calls inside class methods by binding public class methods to javascript function names (eg. $this->registerFunction('javascriptFunctionName', &$this, 'classMethodName')). I am hoping there is a way I can do something similar with jQuery...

Wordpress with JQuery with PHP Service Endpoint with SQLite

I am using Wordpress with JQuery to create a vehicle selection form. Vehicle information is retrieved by JQuery Ajax calls to a PHP backend script. The PHP scripts query an SQLite database for vehicle information. Wordpress form -> JQuery get -> PHP script -> SQLite DB I have three distinct queries that need to be executed: Vehicle...

Binding click event to appended link with jQuery

I've got a lightbox that uses jQuery's $.ajax to retrieve data. If i get back no data, then I append a "no data found" message to my list, and a link to reset the search parameters. Basically I'm trying to add a .click() event to a link that I've appended. The problem is that the function is running immediately, not waiting for a clic...