
on hover thumbnails play

hi i have several videos on my server and three thumbnails for every video what i want is if i put mouse on the video it shows(play) all the thumbnails of that video thanks ...

How does codeandtheory's live search work?

I've been trying to figure out how the "live search" function at http://www.codeandtheory.com/#/work/ works. I've looked at in firebug, and have looked at a bunch of AJAX search tutorials but codeandtehory's seems to work a lot "smoother". Any ideas? ...

Compare .NET's AjaxOptions class with jQuery

I've just read an article detailing the functionality of MS's Ajax.BeginForm (http://www.aspnetpro.com/articles/2009/06/asp200906de%5Ff/asp200906de%5Ff.asp) and. Looking at the AjaxOptions members i find it very easy to understand the various functions that can be applied to a form submission. Just by looking at the table really help m...

Does jQuery's Ajax have anything like .NET's LoadingElementId

.NET's Ajax helper has the LoadingElementId: String property, gets and sets the ID of the DOM element to be displayed for the time it takes to complete the request. Looking for the easiest way to implement an 'In Process' spinner for forms submitted via jQuery's Ajax toolkit. mny thx ...

How to create a moving clouds using jQuery?

My previous javascript on moving clouds is not compatible with jQuery, I need a better codes that allows of looping and moving div. ...

jQuery ajax data post problem

Hello, I've been searching to the answer for a while, I want to be able to parametrise my plugins AJAX values. So e.g. rather than: $.post('test.aspx', { name: 'bob' }, function(data){ .... }); I want to parametrise name and the value used in the post so e.g. var var1 = 'name'; var var2 = 'bob'; $.post('test.aspx', { var1: var2 }, f...

Jquery UI Slider - Input a Value and Slider Move to Location

I was wondering if anyone has found a solution or example to actually populating the input box of a slider and having it slide to the appropriate position onBlur() .. Currently, as we all know, it just updates this value with the position you are at. So in some regards, I am trying to reverse the functionality of this amazing slider. On...

jQuery.ajax call returns empty data container but the raw URL works!

I'm using a Greasemonkey script to pull data from the RSS feed here http://www.instapaper.com/folder/48337/rss/11185/QBV0RZfH4KBO7GwgrR3D8b7sv90 and insert it into a page with jQuery. The address returns valid RSS, but when Greasemonkey fires ajax call below it always returns an empty request and fires the error callback. What am I missi...

Relative links inside jquery tabs

see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331674/fix-broken-links-with-jquery I think this is just a chaining/find issue but if I have: tab1 - loads /rootdir/dir1/page1.htm with link "page1b.htm" tab2 - loads /rootdir/dir2/page2.htm with link "page2b.htm" and the page with the tabs on it is /rootdir/tabpage.htm" So since jquery loads al...

How to use JQuery AJAX with ASP.net 2.0 ?

I want to use JQuery Ajax with ASP.net 2.0, VS2005. Please help me out.???? ...

Why Javascript calling to Page WebMethod results in "500: Unknown web method"?

I have a page with this method in CreateTicket.aspx.cs: [WebMethod()] public static string Categories() { var business = new CategoryBusiness(); var categories = business.ListRootCategories(); return categories.Json(); } And the javascript/jquery code on the page (same page, .aspx): function LoadRootCategories() { Pa...

how to use jQuery load() or html() in a javascript widget?

I'd like to customize the "indeed.com" jobroll in my page which usually appears as so: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- indeed_jobroll_format = "120x600"; indeed_jobroll_publisher = "19051066"; indeed_jobroll_keywords = ""; indeed_jobroll_location = ""; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://jobroll.indeed.com/ads/...

updating database from checkbox using ajax

im trying to update my database from the checkbox in a grid view. i want to do it using ajax so that the page doesn't have to refresh everytime i click o the checkbox. how am i supposed to do that? ...

uptodate marquee

Hii I have a marquee tag that shows news from my database I want to make this marquee uptodate without refreshing the page so I used ajax (update_panel+timer)to do that but the problem that the marquee doesn't revolve after the timer is working notice: my marquee is a literal(componenet) and I put my text with marquee tags inside the l...

Best way to pass multiple params from View to Controller via JQuery

Hi, I have a View for creating a customer that contains numerous textboxes. After the user tabs out of each textbox I want to use JQuery to call a Controller method that will check in the DataBase and look for any possible matches, the controller will then send content and I will use jQuery to dynamically show the possible matches (Sim...

how to make a jquery ajax call on an asp.net user control

I have an asp.net user control on which I want to use jquery ajax. It's basically a pop-up form which allows users to enter a name on an auto-complete control. I don't know how to make this happen using jquery ajax, because in the ajax jquery call i'm supposed to put in a page name in the url: section, and then the method to call. Howe...

I'm thinking of migrating ASP.Net Ajax ScriptManager Javascript to JQuery, what do I need to look out for?

I've been working on a website for quite some time that makes heavy use of ASP.Net 3.5 and it's many ajax features. I particularly use the ScriptManager to register WebServices (.asmx) a lot. I also use their $get('idnamehere') method all over the place. I'm not really using any Ajax.Net pre built tools (like from the Toolkit) everything...

Asp.NET MVC Ajax-Post a FORM and Ajax-Get

Hi all, I'm stuck, who can help me out? In my LogOn.aspx View I've login controls (Username, Password, RememberMe) inside a FORM tag: <form id="loginform" method="post" action="/Account/LogOn/"> Below that, I've a hidden DIV with a OPTION dropdownlist and a confirm-button, with a onclick_event: $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); $.ajax(...

Ajax request and callback update are triggering at the same time.

Hi All, I have some submit buttons that are defined in the following manner: <input id="add_200,231" type="submit" onclick="updatePage(401,27371,200,231)" value="Add"/> The corresponding javascript function referenced in "onclick" looks like this : function updatePage(slac,sci,tlac,tci) { var url = '/neighbouring?.state=add_cell&so...

Implementing "this is taking too long" message with jQuery

How to implement a gmail-like "this is taking too long" warning message using jQuery Ajax API? For those who have never seen this message on gmail, it appears when the 'signing in' process takes too long for completion, and then some solutions are suggested. I'm using jQuery Ajax on my website and I want to warn users when page loading...