
How do I externally call a method within a jQuery plugin?

Is there a way to call a method defined in a jQuery plugin directly in my script? update (function($){ $.fn.myPlugin = function (options) { return this.each(function() { function doSomething() { // do something } function doSomethingElse() { // do something else } doSomething();...

jquery colorbox plugin breaks when links are brought in via ajax

I'm building a rudimentary ajax calendar using jquery and colorbox. Here's the link to the site in progress: When a user clicks on a link in the calendar controls, a script requests that page via ajax and updates the calendar. The issue I'm having is with the pop up links in the calendar table. When you...

jQuery plugin for Excel like filter functionality

I need to implement a feature that would allow users to filter table data in Excel like style, i.e. dropdown menu in column headers with list of checkboxes or checkboxes grouped hierarchicaly. For instance for date column I would like to show treeview with year as root node, then month when year node expands and day on the last level. Al...

quickSearch jQuery plug-in - Handling Live Content?

Hi! I'm using the quickSearch jQuery plug-in: http://lomalogue.com/jquery/quicksearch/ The reason it's not working currently in my app, is that while my search box remains constant, the table does not... It's a web app, and the table changes. Problem is the QuickSearch plugin will only search with the first table, if I AJAX in new tab...

get iframe's document variable from within jquery plugin?

Hello, I create a new iframe, append it to body, and then try to get its 'document' variable, like this: var $iframe = $( "<iframe name='my-frame'>" ); $iframe.appendTo( $("body") ); var doc = null; if($.browser.msie){ doc = window.frames["my-frame"].document; // 'access denied' in IE } else { doc = $iframe[0].contentWindow.d...

jquery plugin: run code in variable?

hi there, I am making a jquery plugin. I am trying to create a jquery plugin, I am attempting to add the ability for users the run a function at certian times. so, in the option array the user could have {created: function(){alert('created called!');}} Now in the plugin, How do i run that code? i tried just options.created and e...

jquery plugin: multiple call to a function, passing different parameters

Hi everyone, I've got a tricky problem. I've made a jquery Widget plugin : $.fn.Widget=function(id_place,id_event,options){}; I call it once when the page is ready : (specifying that I want a last sorting) $(document).ready(function() { $('#mydiv').Widget(13,50,{"sort":"last"}); }); But in this plugin, I generate a little ...

How to check input string with no spaces & special characters except two special charaters (that is & and Ñ)

Hi, I am trying to validate an input string (which can be copied & pasted in the textbox). The input entered should contain caps alphabates (one or more than one), numbers and two more special characters as (& and Ñ). Also there should not be any spaces in between. NB: Alphabates must present, but numbers & those two special characters ...

jquery form plugin: how to catch server errors

Hi I'm using the jquery.form plugin, it works except that I can't catch server errors. Even when I'm using the 'error' option, it doesn't seem to catch anything. For example, if the server returns a 500 error code, it will still says 200 code, which means 'Ok'. So I can't do handle the 500 response at all. What's happening? //Define a...

JSON2 vs. jquery-json

Probably, a simple question, which I can't seem to find a solid answer to. Why would one choose JSON2 over jquery-json plugin ( http://code.google.com/p/jquery-json/)? Given that a web application is using jQuery to begin with. Everyone's writing about how great it is that JSON2 falls back on the native implementation... Well, so doe...

How to load a jqgrid with data, onclick of a button...?

hi, i am new to jquery. i was able to load data from mysql table into a jqgrid on loading of the page. but how can i do the same thing on click of a button. sinario: initially the page will have an empty grid. When i click a button (say "load data") on the page, the grid should be populated with the contents of the mysql table. pls help...

JQuery plugins : Use jquery-upload-progress and jquery validation together

Hi ! I would like to use these two JQuery plugins on the same form : JQuery validation plugin : http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/ JQuery-upload-progress : http://github.com/drogus/jquery-upload-progress The behavior that I would like to have: Validate the form with the validation plugin If no error sta...

Resize and Center image with jQuery

Hello, Looks like I haven’t explained myself well. I do apologize for that. I have edited this question to make it more clear. The scenario We have a website that doesn’t host the images. What it does is a reference to an image in other server. The plan Resize images keeping proportions. Center resized images. Flexible so it c...

Is there a jquery plugin that you can use to gray out an image and add another image partially over the grayed out one?

I'm working on a page where I need a way for when the user mouses over an image, it grays out and a shows a gear icon over that image. If there's no way for the image to gray out, then is there a way just to overlay the gear icon on the top-right corner of the image? ...

Can't get selectors to work with the JQuery SVG library

I'm having trouble getting an externally loaded SVG to do what I want it to with Keith Wood's SVG library. I can load an external SVG fine with: $(document).ready ( function () { $("#some_id").svg({ loadURL: 'my_file.svg', onLoad: my_function, settings: {} }); }); I can ...

How do I render a jQuery.tmpl Template to a String?

The documentation for jquery.tmpl uses .appendTo to insert the template into the DOM during the rendering process: $.tmpl( myTemplate, myData ).appendTo( "#target" ); I am attempting to convert an existing app from another templating engine, and my code needs to render a template into a string first before it is added to the DOM. Is t...

Fancybox is not a function

Hello I am using the jQuery plugin fancybox to display bing maps when somebody enters an address into a textbox and hits the submit button beside it. And a fancybox is loaded and a map for that address is displayed. This is working well with my application, but the problem is, it is only working well on one page and on the other one, whe...

JQuery AnythingSlider usage..

Hello. I just downloaded anythingslider but I'am completely lost on how to use it. Can anyone point me to some basic example... something that explains how to implement it, how to change themes etc.. Thanks ...

jquery form plugin, no error handling

Hi, It seems that there are no error handling facility in the Jquery.Form plugin, which is very frustrating. Even though the documentation says we can use the $.ajax options, I still cannot make use of the 'error' option when the server returns an error, especially the 500 and 400 series. Is it that this plugin cannot handle any error a...

Is there an ajax `select`?

Autocomplete inputs make life easier. However, I am working on a project where the customer insists on having ordinary inputs (radio buttons, checkbox groups and drop down selects). I don't want to change sever-side code and plan to write a javascript function to create these form elements on the client side. I think the best approach is...