
Jquery Tablesorter 2.0 Question

Hey I've got a question about jqueryy plugin tablesorter 2.0 I'm using it to display all users from my database. Columns: Name, Firstname, Initial, Department Each initial should be clickable. For testing, I added following code: $("#initial a").click(function() { var userInitial = $(this).text(); $("#addedUser").append(userIniti...

Why do images need to be surrounded in div/span elements for effects to work properly?

I don't particularly understand why an image would work in a span, but not by itself. See complete example here. JS $(document).ready( function () { $('#banner').hover( function(event){ $(this).children().hide("slow");} , function(event){ $(this).children().show("slow");} ...

window.onbeforeunload tips and tricks

I'd like to create an onbeforeunload "You have made edits to the page. Stay On This Page, Leave This Page" jQuery plugin. The plugin will need to: Accept a containing element. $(".editableFieldContainer").beforeUnload() Autodetect changes to not(:hidden) input/textarea/selects. Prompt user to stay on the page if elements within the co...

Is there an HTML5 version/equivalent of Uploadify (the jQuery plugin) ?

Ideally, would like to be able to easily do drag and dropping of files to be uploaded. If so, where can I find it? Thanks. ...

fancyBox - passing variable to function

What I am trying to do is have FB display my image, and when the title loads, I want it to have a link that will trigger a function that will set the value of a cookie to the image ID. For example. If I have a series of a 100 images, each having it's own unique ID, the link that appears in the title area of FB would have an "Add To Car...

Javscript prevent drag and drop outside browser window

I've got a dialog screen which is placed on top of my web page. This dialog can be dragged around the page, but also outside the visible part of the page. How can I detect the 'limits' of the browser window and prevent dragging the dialog outside the page? The following part of an case statement is exectuted when I drop the dialog windo...

How do i call methods of custom jquery plugin from my own plugin?

I just created my own plugin and i am trying to call another plugin function from it. So i have in my code : <script src='jquery.js'> <script src='some_other_plugin.js'> <script src='my_plugin.js'> So when in my plugin i am trying to call some_other_plugins function through $jQuery object - it says that there is no such function... Ho...

"http error" when using Uploadify plugin for JQuery

I'm using the plugin from here: http://www.uploadify.com/ I have setup a simple test case, select a file etc & I get a "HTTP Error" when I try to upload. Here is the relevant code from my header.. <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/swfobject.js"></script> <script ty...

How to make jQuery Beauty Tip stay open as long as the cursor is over the tooltip text?

I am using jQuery beauty tips (which is also using hoverIntent plugin) and I would like to display an href link inside the tooltip text and allow the user to click on the link. However, as soon as we leave the anchor, the toottip text disappears after some timeout (that we can define) So I would like to keep the the tooltip text opene...

jQuery timepicker won't work

I can't seem to get my jQuery time picker to work at all. Nothing happens when I click the input box. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-...

Recreate "Styles" drop down area of Office Ribbon?

I am trying to recreate the "Styles" section of the Office ribbon: http://www.winsupersite.com/images/reviews/office2007_b2_06.jpg I like how it starts out as only one row, then you can scroll through the rows, then click the arrow to expand all into a table like above. Does anyone have any ideas on how to recreate this whole interactiv...

check if cached jquery object is still in DOM

Hi all: Does anyone know how to tell if a cached jQuery object has gone stale, e.g. is no longer in the DOM? For example: var $cached_elem = $('.the_button'); // .. and then later $cached_elem.text('updating...'); I have recently encountered the situation where the $cached_elem is removed from the DOM due to some other event. So ...

CKEditor RTL issue

I've added language:'ar', contentsLangDirection:'rtl', contentsLanguage:'ar' options to my CKEditor instance being initialized using the JQuery adapter. But the text is still left aligned. It declares the <html> tag with dir='rtl' and lang='ar', but on each <p> tag, it has an inline text-align: left style. How do I get rid of that styl...

Deserialization problem while posting data (jQuery, json, mvc).

On my site I have simple form (by the way I'm using razor view engine): <form method="post" action="Mail/SendMailMessage" id="mailForm"> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.UserFirstAndSecondName)<br /> @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.UserFirstAndSecondName)<br /> @Html.LabelFor(m => m.Email)<br /> @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Email)<br /> @Html.La...

Using plupload control with .NET

I downloaded the source project from the website, using as is, except I changed the target file from upload.php to upload.aspx, which contains the following code to receive the file data: int chunk = Request.QueryString["chunk"] != null ? int.Parse(Request.QueryString["chunk"]) : 0; string fileName = Path.GetFileName(Req...

Multiple instances of the same option?

I'm passing options to the qTip plugin like so: hide: { when: { event: 'unfocus', event: 'inactive', event: 'click' }, }, It appears to be working but should I bundle those 'events' somehow? ...

Sexy Alert Box is not a function

Hi to everyone, my problem is a plugin called "Sexy Alert Box" when I load the page, the firebug tells me that there is a problem: $ is not a function The line with the error shows... $(document).ready(function(){ You can check the website HERE and when I try to click on "Dile a un amigo" for open the box, because the plugin is no...

Image rotation with JQuery and rails

Hi, I'm searching for a plugin or a simple way to make an image rotatable by dragging (with the mouse) a button on this image. I want to be able to save the angle rotation too. Does anyone know how to do it easily please? thanks ...

JQuery UI TabPanel Ajax loaded page not working properly

Hi, I'm using Django and lastest JQuery, and JQuery UI in my project. Created a tabpanel using UI widgets, its loading sub pages with Ajax. But loaded pages with javascripts is broken and redirects back to current URL I.E $('#tabs1').tabs({ cache:false, cookie: { expires: 1 }, ...

What is the proper way to toggle a switchClass in jQuery?

Consider: <div id="obj" class="foo"><!-- --></div> Expected: What I'd like is to keep switching between class "foo" and "bar" on each mouse click. Toggle class just seems to add and remove "bar", which isn't good enough. I can accomplish the effect I want with using a combination of .hasClass(), a ternary condition, and swi...