
Map-widget-like, draggable <div>

I'd like to embed my custom HTML in an area that is draggable, like the JavaScript Map widgets. For example, I want to put a 1000x1000 <div> inside a 480x320 <div>, without scrollbars (overflow:hidden) and be able to adjust the position of the inner layer by dragging it with the mouse. Ideally I'd like to catch scroll events too. I cou...

jQuery Validatation Plug-in How to show an Error Image but no text

Hello. I'm learning how to use the jQuery validation plug-in. What'd I'd like to do is only show an ICON (css bkg) if the field is valid or in error. Right now the plugin requires me to add text, but I don't want any... Ideas? Code Below: /* Sign In Form Validation */ $(document).ready(function() { // validate signup form on ke...

jqTransform:Width is gone when div is hidden using display:none in style.Whats the solution ?

I am using jqTransform plugin to enhance the look and feel of my form.It works well.Now i added a div to the page which has a style="display:none;" and in an event(a button click) in the page,I am trying to show the div.But it looks like the width of the divs which are created by jQtrasform become only 0 px. My HTML <div id="divUserIn...

Rails - jquery-html5-upload ?

Hello, Has anyone been able to get the jquery-html5-upload plugin to work with Rails 3 + PaperClip + S3? Know of any tutorials? http://code.google.com/p/jquery-html5-upload/ Thanks ...

On Row Click disable/enable a button depending on content of a cell in that row

I'm currently using the flexigrid.js plugin and there is a button that I wish to enable/disable depending on whether a certain cell in the currently selected row is equal to a certain value. Here is where I am currently at: I thought to add the following to the list of callback functions but am stuck as to what to put in the if statem...

jQuery Lightbox Not working in IE7/6

We are using a heavily modded version of the jquery lightbox plugin to create a lightbox with a gallery on the side. However, when I do $('.popup').lightBox({fixedNavigation:true}); IE 7/6 gives me an error on that line. This works on every other browser. Now of course, being IE 7 and 6, theres no actual error description, so I'm not ...

how to do partial page update with jquery

I have navigation menu when clicked only a content div in the page should be updated from html contect files that in the server withouod doing a full page refresh, how can i achieve this using jquery? ...

Insert textbox in jquey flexgrid in selected row at same specific column

Hi, I want to insert textbox in flexgrid row at specific column when i click on row. I want to edit the value of that column only when i select that column and that only column must be editable not all. This is the only forum where i got my ans for flexgrid and jquery as i am new to this. please guide me for this. ...

jQuery Validate Plugin Add Class errorPlacement Error Label

Using the errorPlacement hook I am able to add a certain class to a certain error element. However once the form has attempted to submit the second time, it looses that class I added. See the following code for the example. http://www.jsfiddle.net/NU63P/1 How can I keep that additional class on the element through the entire life-cyc...

How to hide the suggestions from the TexboxList (jQuery) plugin?

Hello guys, I'm trying to do something with the TextboxList (plugin) (jQuery) and I just can't get it to work. I have two "TextboxList" in my page one next to the other. When I'm in the first "textbox" and I press the "enter" key to select the item, I want to set the focus in the next "textbox". I managed to do that with the code below:...

jqGrid throws "Uncaught Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #"

Hello everyone :) I'm sorry for the long code listing, but I'm not sure exactly where I'm screwing up here. I'm writing an internal-use-only jquery plugin for editing access control lists. A component of the ACL editor is the jqGrid plugin, which is an excellent grid implementation, which comes with it's own AJAX loading facilities and ...

Rails - any plugin/gem for creating calendars

Hi, I was trying to find a gem or plugin that had a cool looking calendar control. Is there anything that someone can recommend? Is there a way to display a set from 2 different months like dec. 11 - jan. 11? ...

what is the best and lightest jquery plugin for tabbing?

hi, i need a light jquery plugin for creating some tabs. i am searching but i guess asking here may get a fast answer. ...

How can i open fancybox and from this fancybox open another box that displayed over the first box

I have a link in my page that open a div layer using fancybox, in this div i have link to javascript function, My question is : How can i open another fancybox that displayed over the first box, i need a div with confirm message (are you sure ?), i do not want that the user get out from the first fancybox. If you know about another j...

jQuery Template - Reverse Templating

Hello All, So i'm working on a document system with a templating feature built in. On one page you will create your template with 'tags' using the jQuery templating markup: ${RestaurantName} ${ContactName} Then on the documents page you would choose the template to use and then it would convert your tags into HTML markup. The docu...

Microsoft JQuery Template plugin: Script Stack Space Quota is Exhausted

I read a few questions regarding the Firefox "Script Stack Space Quota is Exhausted." The answers are usually "work with less data". However, how much "JSON" data we process is not the issue. We created a very small template, then loaded over 700 products with that template without an issue. The problem seem to be how much HTML is in...

How to dynamically set focus to next text box in ui:repeat

I have one text box immediately after that one button. If i click on that button dynamically i get one more text box, but the focus is not coming to new text box. Can any one suggest something. Thanks in advance Venkat ...

jQuery Gallery Plugin with Vertical Thumbnails

Looking for a jQuery gallery plugin similar to Galleria or GalleryView but instead of the thumbnail images on the bottom they located on the left or right vertically. Thumbnails also need to have a scroller as well, ie show 5 thumbsnails at a time but can page back and forth to see more thumbnails. Thanks for the help. ...

Select list change event not firing in Firefox or Chrome when using jQuery DataTables / Tablesorter plugins

In both plugins the "page size" select list is not functioning properly. When I change the page size from 10 to say, 20, the table is not updating/refreshing until I click on some random spot on the page. Why does it take this extra click in order to get the table to update / refresh? Other select lists on the page that serve as filte...

jcarousel does not work in IE6, if "jcarousel-clip" class has overflow property as visible

jcarousel does not work in IE6, if overflow property value is visible for "jcarousel-clip" class. If I use the CSS class as follows, the carousel does not work in IE6 Css Class: .jcarousel-clip { overflow:visible !important;} If I change into,"overlow:hidden", it works fine. For a particular requirement, I need to use "overflow:vis...