
DevExpress ASPxComboBox, ASPxTextBox and JQueryUI Tabs

Hi, If I place a DevExpress ASPxComboBox or ASPxTextBox within a JQueryUI tabs widget, any data that is within a DevExpress control that is not on the initally active tab does not get displayed, although the DevExpress controls themselves are (they are just blank). Removing the tabs functionality for testing (by not calling the JQuery,...

JQuery UI tab slow response with 500+ row table

I am currently running into an issue with JQuery UI tabs causing the browser to slow down a lot when I load a large table into a tab. I am running JQuery 1.4.2 and JQuery UI 1.8.4. Clicking anywhere within the tab with this large table causes the CPU to jump up to 50%. The slowness is more apparent if you have a column of checkboxes t...

Using jQuery UI Tabs. How would I make one of the tabs link to a URL rather than load a tab panel?

I am using jQuery UI tabs to create a vertical tab section of a page, and want the last vertical tab to link out to a URL rather than load a tab panel. Any suggestions for the best way to do this? I can stick another element besides an LI into the list, but would rather have the last li just behave differently. Thanks for any help. ...

jqueryui tabs prevent from bubbling up

Does anybody know why this works $('#tourDetailsTabs').tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle'} }) .bind("tabsselect", function (event, ui) { event.stopPropagation(); //http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4110 }).bind("tabsshow", function(event,ui){event.stopPropagation();}); while that doesnt? $('#tourDetailsTabs').tabs( { show: func...

Jquery tabs loads current url in tab

Using jQuery's UI Tabs. This is my code. <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Find a Category</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-2">Business Name</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-3">All Categories</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-4">Business to Business</a></li> </ul> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <div id="tabs-1"><p>T...

tabbed jquery div in google maps?

I am folowing this example to display tabbed infowindo for google maps: combined with this using a static div like this below worked withh no problems: <div id="tabs" class="tabs" style="display:none;"> <ul > <li><a href='#tabs-1'>First</a></li> <li><a href='#tabs-2'>Second</a></li ><li><a href='#tab...

JQuery-UI: How to pre-select a specific tab depending on which view the user cames from?

Hello, Let's say I have a page view called "PagePreview.aspx". on that page I've placed a UI tab Widget with 3 tabs, tab 1, tab2, and tab3. there's a link on each tab that leads to different pages on the site. When the user accesses the PagePreview, I'd like a tab to be pre-selected depending on the view where he comes from. For insta...

Switching jQuery UI tabs lose scrollposition in IE

The issue is not happening in Firefox, but the userbase is completely on IE. On the below page, there is a mock-up of three tabs, with their height set to a value and an overflow of auto. When you scroll to a certain position in the Tab One and switch to any other and come back, the scroll position is lost in IE (have tested only with I...

Iterate through tabs in JQuery UI Tabs

I'm trying to load data to a tab panel (ui.panel) and then activate related tab through .tabs("select", ui.index). How can I iterate through all ui objects in jQuery UI Tabs? Those that are available through load method of UI Tabs object. ...

Implementing dirty indicator for 3 different divs within an ASP.NET page

I have an ASP.NET page that has three divs within the only form which renders as three jQuery ui tabs. All the three tabs have inputs and/or selects that gets submitted to separate web methods. On tab one there are two inputs of type submit, that redirects after committing the form to another page. Simultaneous edits are possible on al...

How to know if a tab is enabled on jQuery tabs?

Hi, I can't find in the API of jQuery UI Tabs ( http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs) a method to know if a certain tab is enabled or not, I want that because in an event of my application I want to enable a certain tab only if that tab is disabled.. Thanks in advance. ...

jQuery - trapping tab select event

Hi, I'm a jQuery noob and I'm trying to figure out how to trap the tab selected event. Using jQuery 1.2.3 and corresponding jQuery UI tabs (not my choice and I have no control over it). It's a nested tab with the first level div name - tabs. This is how I initialized the tabs $(function() { $('#tabs ul').tabs(); }); $(docu...

get the tab text on select jquery ui tabs

Hi I m using jquery ui tabs I can get the index of the selected tab on "load" (ajax) event $('#tabs').tabs( { load: function(e, ui) { if($('#tabs').tabs('option','selected') == 0) { } } }); Now i want to get the tab name for eg... <ul> <li><a href="newprofile.jsp"><span>Profile</span></a></...

Trouble with jQuery UI Tabs & Cookie Option

I am using the jQuery UI tabs interface and I want to set a cookie (using the jquery.cookie.js script they recommend, from stilbuero.de/jquery/cookie/) to remember which tab was last selected when the page is refreshed. That much was easy, going by the instructions at jqueryui.com. In context, these tabs are going to display search resu...

jQuery UI Dialog in Tabs Using

Hi There, I use jQuery UI Tabs. Tabs in the dialog with the windows opened, but the UI plug-in does not work properly. The tabs need to be side by side. Unfortunately we could not get the result. <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">tab 1</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-1">tab 2</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-1">tab 3</a></li> </ul> <d...

How do I check if a tab exists in jQuery UI?

Currently I use this to check if a tab(element) already exists: if(!$('#'+element).length){ //... code to add new tab if not exists. } else { Alert("Tab or portlet already exists..."); } This is very dirty and I get a "uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #" from FireBug. If element already exists, the "Ale...

JQueryUI Tabs Selection and Validation

I am trying to validate tab content(using ajax validation) before switching to the next tab. So when the user clicks on the tab, the current tab content is sent to the server for validation. And when result from the server is received I switch to the next tab. Here is some code: $('#tabs').tabs({ select: function(event, ui) { ...

Problem when using UI dialog in Jquery UI tabs

Hi All, I have a page with 4 tabs which are dynamically loaded. In each of the tab there are links which invoke dialog. The problem is when I refresh one of the tab the UI dialog which was created due to initialization does not get removed and it is recreating again causing the dialog to not function. Any ideas on how to fix it would b...

jquery ui tabs problem whith asp.net forms

hi I am using jquery ui tabs and content of tabs are asp.net forms my problem is that if i put updatepanel in content page Ill receive unknown error and without update panel clicking a button cause to redirect from my multi tab page to page which was in the tab and contained button ...

Reload jquery ui tabs in parent window from popup

I have parent window with some jquery ui tabs. I would like to know how I can reload the tabs from a popup window. Any help would be appreciated! This is what I've tried: var selected = $('#my_tabs', window.parent.document).tabs('option', 'selected'); $('#my_tabs', window.parent.document).tabs( 'load' , selected ); ...