
How do i use animate() to slide (left-wards or right-wards) the jQuery tabs navigation menu?

Hi, I have a problem. I would like to use the animate() function to slide the navigation menu present jQuery tabs. I am using a fixed width style for the tabs container and the no. of tabs is more than what could be accommodated - hence the extra tabs overflow onto the next line. I would like to put two arrow buttons at both ends of ...

JQuery Tabs - HTML not displayed in any other tab except default tab

I'm pretty new to jquery, but I have a tab structure working and make a $.getJSON call to retrieve the JSON results from the backend. Now, I have 3 tabs: Tab1, Tab2 and Tab3. All the three tabs have the same divs but different content. The content shows up just fine in the first tab which is shown by default, but on clicking the 2nd tab,...

why would i get a different views when called from different controller actions in asp.net-mvc

I have 2 different controller actions. As seen below, one calls the same view as the other one. The fitness version has a bunch of jquery ui tabs. public ActionResult FitnessByTab(string tab, DateTime entryDate) { return View("Fitness", GetFitnessVM(DateTime.Today.Date)); } public ActionResult Fitness() {...

I had inserted a jQuery tab in my site. It was working fine till sometime ago. Suddenly it stopped working. Can someone figure out the problem?

Hello, I had inserted two jQuery tabs on my site. One div container had the id - tabs and another had the id tabs-for-views. Both of them were working fine till sometime ago, until i made some changes. I don't remember what the exact changes were.. Right now, the first tab uses the jQuery UI theme I am using. As in, I can see the ta...

jQuery UI tabs link for _blank webpage

Hi fellas, In our format some pages must be in Tabs that's ok. But some of them must be open in a blank page... Here is the html; <div id="tablar"> <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Tüm Liste</a></li> <li><a rel="ex" href="gtl.aspx?EventId=2">Yeni Ekle</a></li> <li><a href="#tab...

Jquery Tab link to another tab from content within a tab

I'm using the JQuery tabs plugin. I'd like to link content within tab 1 to take me to tab 3 instead of having to click Tab 3 to get to it. How do I do this? @redsquare... So, i modified it based on your suggestion that way I can make all the tabs interact with each other. This change works, thanks again, so I guess I'm wondering if the...

JQuery UI - Select specific tabs dynamically

Hi All. Im wanting to develop an entirely ajax back end for a website im developing, and im looking at using jquery ui. The tabs widget looks like it could be useful for my menu, however i want to know if theres a way to load a specific tab dynamically. So basically, if someone entered the url mysite.com/tab1 it would open the first tab,...

is there a better way to show loading message with jquery ui tabs ?

using jquery ui tabs, when you load a tab in ajax, the tab changes message to say "Loading . ." i think this is a little subtle. Is there anyway you can do something in this content area of the tab similar to what block ui does when you are loading a call in ajax. ...

Issues loading Jquery (Galleria) script from inside an i-frame (beginner javascript?)

the site in question: http://homecapture.ca/testset/index.html The scenario: I have a tabbed menu generated from an unordered list, when a menu item is clicked it reveals an iframe which links to the page containing an image gallery. I am using jQuery UI tabs for the tabbed menu, and the galleries to which I'm linking are jQuery Galleri...

First tab doesnt show with Jquery UI Tabs using Cufon

I'm using Cufon to render the font for my Jquery Tabs. A strange problem I'm finding is that with the first tab, the text isn't rendered. If I remove Cufon, the text is there, or if I remove jquery tabs (so that its just html list items) the text is there (properly rendered by cufon). There seems to be timing issue with the loading ...

Jquery UI: How to define different CSS styles for Tabs and Slider on the same page

Hello all, I have two elements on the same page that are using the same stylesheet: Jquery Tabs and Jquery Slider. I cannot redefine classes of slider since change of css will affect both elements. Tabs using these classes: ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all And these are used in Slider: ui-slider ui-slider-horizo...

is there anyway to clear the content before loading ajax tab in jquery ui

jquery ui tabs supports loading content through ajax here but if i have already loaded previous content and i click on it again, it stays on the old content until the new content is fully loaded is there anyway to clear the content right when you click the tab so its clear that a new set of content is loading. I see there is a load eve...

jQuery UI Tabs causes content to be cutoff on page load in IE6/IE7

--Update-- Upgrade to IE8 seems to be the answer... I installed IE8 on my box, since we are upgrading soon company wide, and the issue went away. Wish I knew what the real issue was... so it goes somedays. --Original Post-- I have a web page with jQuery UI Tabs on it. Some of the content is in an html table. When the page loads som...

Follow the links of the tab in jquery ui tab

Hello, I have jquery tabs like <ul id="tabsList"> <li><a href="#tab-1">Name 1</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-2">Name 2</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.google.com/"&gt;Name 3</a></li> </ul> <div id="tab-1">content 1</div> <div id="tab-2">content 2</div> the first two tabs load the respective divs. But the third one should go ...

beginner jQuery tabs - add easing effect

I'm using jQuery ui tabs with the following code but am having trouble adding easing or changing the speed of the effect: $('#tabs-mcr > ul').tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle' } }); standard opacity toggle but I'd like to either speed up the fade effect or add custom easing to it. ...

What files should be included to use jQuery tabs?

I'm having yet another wtf moment with jQuery. I am importing the following files (among others) <script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/jquery.ui.core.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="../../Scripts/jquery.ui.tabs.min.js" type="text/javascript"></s...

Jquery tabs - external page in tab (example google)

Hi all, Is it possible to load an external page in a jquery tab ? I try this but don't work : <li><a href="http://google.fr"&gt;&lt;span&gt;Google&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; Thanks a lot for your help... Regards ...

Howto clone/copy/mirror a jquery tab

How can i make jquery tabs, with exactly the same tabs on top AND bottom of the content? So these 2 tabs combined, and MIRRORing eachother: http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/default.html http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/bottom.html ...

multiple jquery ui tabs - target one tab from another page

I'm using jQuery tabs on a long home page (scrolling down). The page has 3 sections which each use tabs and the viewer scrolls down to each section. I want to target specific tabs from other pages which works fine if the tabs are at the top of the page. If the tabs are down the page the link opens the correct tab but the page is at the ...

jQuery dynamic tabs - animating borderTopColor breaks css

I am using jQuery dynamic tabs. I have the following set up for hover and selected effects: /* normal tab */ .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li { border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 3px; border-top-color: #fff; } /* hover tab */ .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li:hover { border-top-color: #f00; } /* selected tab */ .ui-tabs .ui-t...