
jquery ui-tabs widget , changing the color of the background with css causes problem with display

I'm using the jquery tabs plugin and want to have the background a light grey color. In the css section for tabs, I found this line of code where I manually added the background-color part: .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { padding: 1em 1em; display: block; border-width: 0; background-color:#EEEEEE;} The problem comes as seen in the picture ...

How to stop SWF inside of a jQuery UI tab from reloading

I have a SWF movie inside of a jQuery UI tab, and the problem I'm having is that the SWF gets reloaded everytime I click away from the tab onto another tab, and then click back. I can inspect the DOM and see that the div containing the SWF is still in the DOM when I click away, so I don't know why this it seems to reload it when I click ...

How to render a partial and and a javascript file in the same time in Rails ?

Hi. My main intention is to keep the functionality independent form the Javascript, to have it gracefully degradable. Maybe I am trying to go where I want the wrong way but the main idea is: there are some jQuery UI tabs and when the user presses a link, a new tab is added corresponding to that action $("#tabs").tabs('add', "/group...

jquery-ui-tabs copies the entire website ...

Link: http://www.dynamicweb.dk/Versioner-33012.aspx Whenever I activate my tabs, the entire website gets copied into the content for the specific tab. Any suggestions why ? Click 'se tillægsmoduler' to see the problem. ...

Applying effects to jquery-ui tabs

Is it possible to apply an effect to a jquery-ui tab, I haven't seen any examples of it, and I'm fairly sure that if it is possible the following is incorrect: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); $("#tabs").effect(slide,options,500,callback); }); </script> ...

Can you use jquery ui tab where some tabs are ajax driven and some static?

I see there is full ajax mode but I wanted to see if there is a hybrid mode where some tabs are ajax driven and some static. ...

Jquery UI Tabs: How do i hide a tab and its corresponding div when i close it.

I have used Jquery UI Tabs, and given close option to the tabs. By default i am creating three tabs and its corresponding three divs. Now when i close a tab then the tab and its div are removed. I need to just hide the tab and div and when i click Add Tab i should just show the hidden tab and div. I am not sure how to show/hide the tab a...

jQuery UI Tabs - 2 Problems

I'm using jQuery tabs and I'm having some problems. Let me detail them for you here and then I'll put code below: PROBLEM 1: I have a total of 6 tabs (default tab in local div, other 5 loading via Ajax). When the page loads, I need the 3rd tab to be selected by default. Easy. Problem is, say I link to http://example.com/index.html#...

jScrollPane jEditable DOM problems

Hello world, I am having a funky problem. See (this link won't disappear): www.skitzo.org/~el/bugjeditable.png for the firebug output screenshot. Here's my code. I run getJSON() to fetch the info from the PHP which pulls from DB and I fill a div with the result. I have jScrollPane and jEditable so a user can scroll down and click to ed...

How can I determine if jquery tab is shown because of user click or from tab rotation

I've been using the jQuery UI tabs for a bit now and an interesting request has come up. The current tab setup is using the rotation feature. I need to find a way to determine if the tab is shown because of the result of the rotation itself, or because a user physically clicked the tab. I've wired up all of the standard events, show and...

JW Player: cross-browser "display:none" player behavior

Is there a simple, upfront method to have FF and IE treat hidden JW Players the same? I am placing different instances of the player dynamically in jQuery generated tabs. In effect, switching tabs hides the parent div of each player. In FireFox, the tab switch and accompanying "display" change stops the player. This doesn't happen in IE...

jquery Tab group IDs

I'm having an issue with jQuery UI Tabs script which does not pick up tabs that have a dot "." in their name (ID). For instance like this: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#tabgroup\\.services").tabs(); }); </script> <div id="tabgroup.Services"> <ul> <li><a href="#tab.service1"> ...

jQueryUI Tabs: how to keep them on a single line?

Hi all, Maybe my question is wired: is there a way to prevent jQueryUI tabs from floating if browser window is too small? Explanation: I have a simple horizontal tab using CSS only. The content is floating but not the tabs. Important: there is no width set manually, the current width is taken automatically. Here is the code: <!DOCTYPE...

jquery ui cannot reload current tab

I need to reload the current tab in jquery ui (loaded with ajax). I'm doing this: function reloadtab(){ $('#tabs').tabs('load', $('#tabs').tabs('option', 'selected')); } Before you begin wondering: $('#tabs').tabs('option', 'selected'); returns 3. When I call reloadtab() I get no error, it simply doesn't work. Why does th...

Loading JSON-encoded AJAX content into jQuery UI tabs

We want our of our AJAX calls in our web app to receive JSON-encoded content. In most places this is already done (e.g. in modals) and works fine. However, when using jQueryUI's tabs (http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/) and their ajax functionality, only plaintext HTML can be returned (i.e. from the URLs specified in the a tags below). H...

Jquery-UI tabs : Double loading of the default tab

I use jqueryui-tabs to display a tabbed UI. here is how my markup looks in a MasterPage: <div id="channel-tabs" class="ui-tabs"> <ul class="ui-tabs-nav"> <li><%=Html.ActionLink("Blogs", "Index", "Blog", new { query = Model.Query, lang = Model.SelectedLanguage, fromTo = Model.FromTo, filters = Model.FilterId }, new{ title="Bl...

show/hide a link if certain jquery ui tab is selected.

When #my-text-link is clicked, i need to select tab 5 and when tab 5 is selected i need to hide #my-text-link. hope this makes sense, heres the code, and also what I have done so far, please feel free to show me a better way. Thanks in advance var $tabs = $('.tabbed').tabs(); // first tab selected $('#my-text-link').click(fu...

jquery 1.4.2 tabs problem

I'm new to this forum and jquery, recently i've updated new version jquery 1.4.2 after that, initially while loading the web page my first and default tab showing the last tab content, once we clicked on any tab then the problem solved automatically, again if we load the page again the same problem ocurrs. following is the code i used ...

Jquery UI Tabs remembers the position of current tab? Is there a way to disable this?

JQuery UI Tabs remembers the current selected tab when we navigate from the current page and come back to the previous one (use anchor links for such page transfer) Is there any way I could disable the feature that makes the tabs to remember their current position? I checked the JQueryUI documentation for tabs but could not find where it...

load google annotated chart within jquery ui tab content via ajax method

Hi, I am encountering an issue with trying to load a google annotated chart (http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/documentation/gallery/annotatedtimeline.html) within a jquery ui tab using content via ajax method (http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#ajax). If instead I use the default tabs functionality, writing out the code things wor...