
How to debug a Jquery Dialog

I have a fairly basic dialog maker for jquery that works in 2 out of 3 places. In the 3rd instance where I try to use it, the fields in the form are disabled once the dialog is displayed. The general concept behind the code is that the form is on a different page of the website, and for convenience, when javascript is enabled, you can ...

jquery-ui sortable connected lists with hidden overflow

I have two fixed hight divs each containing a sortable list which are connected to each other. Is there a way to hide the overflow while still having the lists connected? E.g. if the overflow is set to hidden then the li doesn't show when it is dragged outside of the div. I know a possible solution would be to calculate the maximum numb...

Problem with jquery ui tabs

I am currently learning jquery ui tabs and included following things MY index file <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>jQuery UI Tabs - Open on mouseover</title> <link type="text/css" href="mouseover_files/jquery.css"...

ui.size not working in draggable() jquery-ui

For some reason I am getting a 'ui.size' undefined error. Here is my code: $('.canvas').draggable({ containment: $('.canvas'), refreshPositions: true, drag: function(e, ui) { area.css('border', 'none'); }, stop: function(event, ui){ var pinpointHeight, pinpointWidth, pinpo...

jquery ui button error

Why does this code (taken from the demo sample at jquery ui), doesn't work for me? It says .button() is not a function. Update: Tried loading from google no luck. Here is teh error $(".demo button:first").button is not a function Line 27 http://pastie.org/1039784 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html>...

Problem with jQuery load() and Facebook XFBML

Hi, The situation I open a layer (jQueryUI) like this. $("#dialog").load('userinfo.html #layer').dialog('open'); userinfo.html displays the photo and the name of a facebook user. <html xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"&gt; <...some code...> <div id="layer"> <script type="text/javascript"> $(functi...

Change the icon of a jQuery UI button with own image

Currently I have the following jQuery UI button: $('#button').button( { label: 'Test', icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-circle-plus', secondary: null} } ); I wish to use own image for the button called 'custom.png'. How I can achieve that? ...

How to make javascript Date.parse understand short years?

Hi I noticed Date.Parse can't handle only 2 digits dates. Say I have this mm/dd/yy = 7/11/20 Date parse will this it is = 7/11/1920. Can you set it to use the year two thousand? Like it's kinda weird I got the jquery u.i date picker and if you type in 7/11/20 it will figure out 2020. So it would be nice if date.parse could keep up ...

JQuery Dialog customization

How can I change the appearance of jQuery dialog box to a tooltip bubble? Does jQuery dialog supports this kind of customizations? ...

methods available for draggable

I have dragged a node from TreeView and dropped it by alerting the Text of the node as alert(ui.draggable.text()); How will I get the Value of the dragged node ? What all methods are there for draggable other than text() ? HTML : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-tr...

Jquery Draggable UI overrides normal browser behavior for HTML elements inside draggable-enabled div

I have a jquery ui draggable div, and the HTML contents do not behave normally because of the draggable. <div id="popup"> <!-- this popup is draggable --> This text is not selectable. When I try to select it, the popup div is dragged. <div style="overflow:auto; height:50px"> Lots of text here, vertical scrollbar appears...

Saving changes in SlickGrid

HI, I'm looking at SlickGrid and I can see example on how to edit the cell, however do I save these changes. I have yet to find an example that tells me how to do this. ...

asp.net mvc jquery UI Dialog

i am using jquery ui dialog .how would i make close (x) button on top right of the dialog disappear. ...

jQuery - How to select an element that is created after page load

I have a page that uses Ryan Bates nested_form plugin. The plugin is used when you have form based on one model and then additional fields that belong to another model. For example if I had a form that created categories, and at the same time I wanted to add items to the new category, my form would contain input fields for the category m...

jQuery: datepicker causes entire page to flicker!

when i set a custom yearRange for my datepicker (ie. +- 100 years), during the focusin event on the datepicker input field, a page flicker occurs. also, when changing the month/year inside the datepicker gui, the datepicker flickers. i think it is because more than +-20 years in the datepicker yearRange is maybe too much DOM for the dat...

jQuery UI accordion issue

I use the jQuery UI accordion widget, and between every item I have some space. The issue is that in IE 8 , when you slide an item, it slides fine, but it removes the space between it and the upward item. It works good in FF and other browsers, though. When I over with the mouse on that item, though, it creates that space. I use the H...

jQuery ui list sorting

Hi There, I have a requirement to manage a queue of items similar to the link given below http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/NetflixQueue.aspx I have to sort the UL's li items using jquery. Its similar to a netflix queue where the user can change the order of items by drag & drop and also we need to have a button to move the selected ...

In javascript, how do I remove an element from an array of objects?

In javascript, how do I remove an element from an array of objects? Here is the code: $.fn.mapImage.deletePinpoint = function(image, pinpoint){ var deleted = false; for (var i = 0; i < image.pinpoints.length; i++) { if(image.pinpoints[i].position == pinpoint.position){ image.pinpoints.remove(i); d...

jQuery UI Dialog with an embedded video problem in IE

I have a link which when clicked opens up a jQuery UI dialog, the data is loaded in the dialog through ajax which is an embedded flash video(using flowplayer). The probelm in ie is that when i click on the link the dialog opens and the videos starts to play and when i close the dialog, the video still continues to play. If i click on the...

Is there a way in jQuery to bring a div to front?

If I had a bunch of absolute positioned divs and they overlapped, how would I get a certain div to come to the front? Thanks again guys! ...