
jQuery/UI Auto complete but only allow existing words to be typed in

Hopefully I am explaining this correctly, I have a long predefined list of items (products in my db) and I would like the user to be able to type and auto complete a product, however if that product / word is NOT in the list, I don't want to allow additional characters to be typed. So the auto complete would ideally block additional inp...

Scroll to a position in page Jquery Asp.net ?

Hi fellow, I have a long form which I want to be scrolled at a point where my gridview is located after a successfull partial postback with an update panel. How can I achieve this with JQuery. I am using update panels in VSS 2005. ...

How do I stop anchor tags from shifting div content upwards

I'm having a strange problem with anchor tags shifting divs upwards which is causing quite a bit of headache, but because there are so many different pieces in the mix, I don't know which one is causing the issue. I'm attempting to build a UI that uses a modal dialog box from the jQuery UI library to display a horizontal accordion styl...

how to call jquery ajax on click event

i made a jquery modal. am trying to populate data using Ajax inside modal. I am getting an id , using that i wanna populate data using AJax. how shud i call ajax on click event... is there any other event the modal is open or loaded... modal is just a div show hide thing... ...

Adding an edit button to a JQuery UI dialog box, and loading in a new dialog

There must be a cleaner way to do what i'm trying to do here... I have a jquery Ui dialog box that opens when i click on the eventClick handler in the FullCalendar plugin. The dialog box contains the details of the event. On the bottom of the form there should be an edit button, that will close the dialog box down and open a new one w...

JqueryUI Draggable in Firefox Extension

Hello, I am building a firefox extension and using JqueryUI in it. In my extension I have certain elements which needs to be dragged and dropped, but I guess Jquery's UI document model is not working for the FF extension. I have been able to reference $ to firefox document with various events like this: var ff = window._content.docume...

FullCalendar to load external file inside jQuery UI modal dialog box

So I am trying to use FullCalendar and jQuery UI dialog box. And i'm not sure to sure how to go about placing the 2 together very well. When I select or click on an empty day event, I want the jQuery Modal Dialog Box to pop up. ALTHOUGH I would like to have it load an internal file (php include). But the downfall with this is that I can...

Filament Group Menu controls not working in JQuery 1.4/JQueryUI 1.8?

I downloaded the menu from Filament Group, which was designed for JQuery 1.3.2. I tried it in JQuery 1.4, and it works, but the rest of the page gets messed up. Any help would be appreciated. The widgets that do not work are autocomplete and checkbox. ...

JQuery X/Y co-ords for image onclick()

Hi, I wonder if someone can help me. I know JS quite well but am completely new to JQuery... I've got an image which is being loaded dynamically vis a call to UpdateImage() $.fn.image = function (src, f) { return this.each(function () { var i = new Image(); i.src = src; i.onload = f; ...

jQuery Datepicker keeps showing when closed in IE7

I have an issue with datepicker continually reappearing when the Done button is clicked. But only in IE7, not Firefox - it stays hidden. I suspect the problem is datepicker is shown on focus and the host input is being refocused in IE when datepicker is closed, triggering it to come up again. JQ 1.3.2 (also tried 1.4.2) JQUI 1.7.2. $...

Getting rid of float:left on ui.helper draggable?

Hi, I have a draggable connected to a sortable: <ul id='target'> // sortable <li></li> </ul> <ul id='draggables'> <li id='draggable1' style='float:left'></li> // draggable </ul> whenever I start dragging draggable1 over the sortable list, it seems its helper always has a float:left style applied to it, even if I override and gen...

ui-wrapper suddenly gets activated

Hey.. I have a thumbnail and a full size image that i want to load dynamically on my page. The thing is.. if I load the smaller image - ie., the thumbnail - then it shows properly on screen. But if I load the actual full size image, then another div, with a class of ui-wrapper is created around my image. And it would not show the im...

jquery.ui.datepicker is not loaded with ajax

i have an html page(mypage.html), which uses jquery.ui.datepicker <table> <tr> <td valign="middle"><input type="text" name="from_date" id="from_date" ></td> <td width="6"><script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#from_date").datepicker( {dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy', showOn...

JQuery UI dialog vs AJAX modalpopup

I want to add modal frame to my web site where i want to place a form that will be submitted when a button is clicked. Which one is better to use? ...

Show/hide lists using a slide animation?

Hi, I have a list. When the user performs some action, I want to replace all the list content, but present it as if the new list data is sliding in from right to left, with the old list data being pushed off to the left. Example: <ul id='content'> <li>red</li> <li>green</li> </ul> now when the user pushes a button for example, I'...

jquery delete label on response

In the below code i send a json request for delete_st() on response i need that particular label and the two <br> to be removed.How can this be done <script> function manage_profiles() { var html = '<div name="tlist" id="list"><b>Profile</b><br><br>'; {% for groupid,empname,uid in response_dict.emp_arr%} if('...

Reverting jquery animations back to original css states

I've got a page of elements, each of which, depending on user interaction, may be animated away by the given function: function slideAndFade(id){ $(id).animate({opacity: 'toggle', width: 'toggle'}, 500); } I want to create a reset function that brings all the elements back onto the page. Running all the elements through the toggl...

Select date from jQuery calendar and display the date of the following saturday in a textbox

I'd like to use the jquery calendar control to populate a date into an asp.net textbox. When the user selects a date I want the date populated in the textbox to be only Saturday dates. So if the day they select is not a Saturday I want the date of the next Saturday after the date the selected. How can this be done? ...

Best JSON format for UI developers

What's the best format for the JSON object for use in common Grids? I know this is a subjective question. I've been writing a method to return a JSON object to represent some of our server side data. I've spent the last couple of days trying to fit the JSON object into a view, jqGrid in particular, I was about to demo how it might work ...

jQuery autocomplete: select Id from 'source' event

Hi Gurus I'm trying to apply jQuery UI autocomplete to three input boxes at the same time since the request and logic is almost the same, only one parameter changes between them. Since I'm using a remote source that is being retrieved with ajax I'm trying to be able to know from which textbox the request was made. As you can see in th...