
Disable a jquery tab server side

Hello, ASP.NET web form with JQuery UI tabs widget and four tabs. I would like to disable the latest three tabs when i click a submit button. Thanks! P.S. I know how to disable tabs in jquery $( ".selector" ).tabs( { disabled: [1, 2] } ); I don't know how to do it in server side code :) ...

How do i bind the "contextmenu"(it is a Plugin for the Context menu) to every first td in every row

iam having the table with id "someTable" where i have the rows dynamically from PHP i want to apply the contextmenu to every first td in every row .iam using the context menu plugin from here (http://www.trendskitchens.co.nz/jquery/contextmenu/) $("someTable td").contextmenu('mymenu')(function (){ //would the above state...

jQuery UI intellisense?

Where can I grab the latest and greatest intellisense file for jQuery UI 1.8.4? ...

Nested jQuery UI Tabs back button history

I'm using the jQuery Address plug-in to make my jQuery UI tabs bookmarkable and compliant to back button history. Works great. However, I was wondering if it was possible to do provide the same sort of 'deep linking' for nested tabs? E.g., I have the following: <div id="tabs"> <ul class="links"> <li><a href="#one">main tab one</a>...

JQuery scroller to load dynamic data via ajax

Currently I'm using a marquee html tag to scroll data within a div tag eg <marquee align="Top" direction="up" loop="-10" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="100" style="height: 100px; padding-right: 5px;" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" width="100%">DATA COMES HERE</marquee> What I want is the same effect only I want to d...

Nested JQuery Tabs

I've using the JQuery Address Plugin (http://www.asual.com/jquery/address/) to make my JQuery UI Tabs bookmarkable and compliant with the browser forward/back buttons. Works great. I was wondering if it was possible to do provide the same sort of deep linking for nested tabs? E.g., I have the following: <div id="tabs"> <ul class="...

jquery datepicker date default

hello can anyone tell me why datepicker submits the current date when a input field is empty? i need to have this field empty so if a user does not wish to enter a date, then no data is sent. is there a way to do that? many thanks ...

jQuery Horizontal Accordion Space To Far Right Whilst Animating

Hi, I've created a horizontal accordion in jQuery, starting here as a base: http://www.webdesign.org/html-and-css/tutorials/jquery-examples-horizontal-accordion.15528.html When it animates, a small amount of space is added to the far right which causes the tabs on the right hand side to move a bit. It doesn't look very good. It's all ...

jQuery-UI Opacity Effect on Tabs

I'm having some issues using the opacity effect on jQuery-UI tabs... especially in IE Here is my code; $('#featured').tabs({ fx:{ opacity: "toggle" } }).tabs('rotate', 5000, true); Check out http://www.jsfiddle.net/cxNj8/4/ Apart from the effect...

Jquery UI draggable: clone if Ctrl pressed down

I have a list of draggable table cells that can be dropped onto a second table. They are set to clone, as the original table should remain unchanged if items are dragged from it. Now I want to be able to move the dropped elements inside the second table from cell to cell. But if the Control key is pressed while dragging an element insid...

jQuery multiple UI datePicker calendars

How I can have 4 UI DatePickers open at the same time ? $("#picker1").show(); $("#picker2").show(); $("#picker3").show(); $("#picker4").show(); Don't work, only the last is shown $("#picker1, #picker2, #picker3, #picker4").show(); The same as above... Any ideas ? ...

jQuery-UI Tabs - How to change effects?

I'm looking to add a nicer effect to a jQuery Content slider which uses tabs. At the moment it uses 'opacity' which is really ugly. Here is my code; $('#featured').tabs({ fx:{ opacity: "toggle" } }).tabs('rotate', 5000, true); Check out ht...

jquery Autocomplete on dynamically added rows

Hello all, I'm working with jQuery UI autocomplete plug-in for my web application. It works perfectly fine for my existing rows, but doesn't quite work for my dynamically added rows. Here's my jquery code. $(function () { var tab = $("#tabs-6"); tab.find("input[name='newContactName']").autocomplete( { source: function(r...

jQuery UI draggable properties

I have a list: <ul id="selector"> <li id="1">One</li> <li id="2">Two</li> </ul> and then I have: $("#selector li").draggable({ revert: "valid" }); $("#xyz tr").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { console.log(ui.draggable.text()); } }); Q: How do I determine that it was id=1 or id=2 that was dropped? The text property is...

fading elements inside a div with cycle

Hi! I've a div like this: <div id="fade"> <p> A </p> <p> B </p> <p> C </p> <p> D </p> <p> E </p> </div> I want to fade every letter in that div, and the cycle should only repeat once. That is it should start from 'A' and go till 'E' and then stop. Is there any jQuery lib for that? Edit: Thanks for all your response...

Can table rows be made draggable?

I have two divs that are float:left: <div id="inventor"> <table> <tr id="1"><td>Alexander Graham Bell</td></tr> <tr id="2"><td>Thomas Edison</td></tr> <tr id="3"><td>Nicholas Tesla</td></tr> </table> </div> <form> <div id="invention"> <table> <tr><td><input name="answer1" />Tesla coil</td><td>Explanation</td></tr> ...

Switching jQuery UI tabs lose scrollposition in IE

The issue is not happening in Firefox, but the userbase is completely on IE. On the below page, there is a mock-up of three tabs, with their height set to a value and an overflow of auto. When you scroll to a certain position in the Tab One and switch to any other and come back, the scroll position is lost in IE (have tested only with I...

Jquery Buttons - How to show disabled state

I am using Jquery buttons (http://jqueryui.com/demos/button/) for my UI. I would like to know how I can show a disabled state. Show the button as greyed out or something, you know how when you post a form on some sites the submit button shows as disabled. Also is there anyway to display an active state??? This is my code: $(".commen...

$.ajax({url:link}) and Jquery UI Droppable

I have a problem. I drop element into #projectsActive. New element have been created there. Old element have been deleted with fadeOut But ajax query sometimes isn't running. What's the reason? $("#projectsActive").droppable({ drop: function (event, elem) { var e = elem.draggable; var linkToSend = "/Projects/Pu...

Using jQuery UI Tabs with a custom HTML Layout

The markup required by jQuery UI Tabs is like following... <ul> <li>Tab1</li> <li>Tab2</li> <li>Tab3</li> </ul> <div> Panel 1 </div> <div> Panel 2 </div> <div> Panel 3 </div> That is good enough in some cases, but in other cases where SEO and usability are top priorities, this markup is not the better. I would have working...