
jQuery UI Autocomplete JSON bug

When you have a remote datasource and min character limit, typing a few letters, deleting them, then typing the same ones gives no results. You can see this on the example: http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#remote - try typing 'pi' (get results), delete it and type it again (no results). Can anyone fix it or work out how to log th...

I'm having trouble with jquery-ui autocomplete and slider on the same form (z-index) related.

I'm attempting to create a web page using the jQuery ui lib. My design uses a jQuery ui autocomplete on an input field at the top of a form. Immediately below this autocomplete input form are some jQuery sliders. The issue is that when the auto complete box populates the results are displayed behind the handle of the slider control. This...

jquery ui dialog and csrf protection

I am using jquery ui dialog to display form. Unfortunately, this function clears hidden input with csrf token inside my form. Can I somehow force dialog not to clear this field or do I have to store this token somewhere and set the proper field myself? ...

How can I have the jQuery UI Datepicker appear to the left of the input field?

The project I'm working on uses IE8, frames and absolute positioning. One of the frames is too small but I cannot change the size due to requirements of the project. I've included the jQuery UI datepicker but it appears directly over the field (no room above or below for it to appear). I want to instead have the datepicker display off...

jQuery UI modal input button value

I need to change the value of the input buttons created in the jQuery UI dialog modal to present them in the language of the user. I don't see how to do it. var $dialog = $('<div><div style="padding:10px;text-align:left">' +'New name' +'</div>' +'<div style="padding:0 10px 10px 10px;text-align:left;">' ...

Getting the right offset of an element relative to its offset parent in jQuery

I've got the following html structure: <div id="main" style="position: relative; width: 900px;"> <div id="wrapper" style="padding: 40px;"> <div id="newdiv" style="position: absolute;"> Some content </div> <div id="existingdiv"> Some existing content </div> </div> </div> I...

jQuery UI close dynamic dialog...or just the open dialog

I am trying to close an open dialog at the end of a function call and also use my current button element to close the dialog. Here is the code that opens the dialog. It is being called dynamically using the 'rel' attribute of the '.modal_btn'. It opens just as expected: modalDialog = function(dialogId){ $(dialogId).dialog(...

jQuery move div around in DOM.

I know this has been asked many times, but I don't understand what is incorrect about my code. I have a series of DIV 'columns' containing some 'object' DIVs. I'm trying to move object DIVs from one column to another using the code below. I don't receive any errors, just nothing on the client and nothing to suggest in debug that anythi...

Spawning a jQuery modal dialog from another open modal dialog...

Can this be done? I've been messing around for a while with the jQuery UI dialog without much success. Thanks... ...

jQueryUI Date Picker showing on form submit in Google Chrome

Hi, I am using the jQueryUI Date Picker on one of my forms and if you select the field that I have attached the datepicker to, then select a date, then click "Submit" it should submit the form - which it does in IE but not in Chrome. In Chrome, it re-opens the date picker and I have no idea why. I've put the following on pastebin to s...

How to take the selected day and how to edit days with jQuery UI Datepicker ?

Hi all, I've got two questions, here the first one : How can you manipulate the day you have clicked on ? I mean, how do you get he jQuery object of it ? the onSelect option doesn't work as I'd like, the $(this) refer to the datepicker (the input) and there is no event. The $('.ui-datepicker-current-day.') refer to the previous select...

jQuery slideToggle, show/hide speed

Is there anything in jQuery that allows you to specify the speed of a show/hide effect (as opposed to its duration). Thanks. ...

Javascript function only works once

I have an inline script on my page as such: <script type="text/javascript"> var rootPath = '<%= Url.Content("~/") %>'; $(document).ready(function () { $('#logonStatus').click(function () { loadLoginForm(); }); alert('Document Ready'); }); function loadLoginForm() { if(!serenity.tools.isStyleSh...

Which event needs to called when we put a dynamic value in the textbox

$("#txt1").whichevent(function(){ $.post("Serversidefile.php?value="+$("#txt1").attr("value")); }); say we are selecting an item from Select box that value comes in to the Text box and i have to Send this text Box value to server side script (PHP ) where i can get the Server side value Any events(Load,focus) any idea ...

Pick which jquery ui dialogs you are styling?

I have a page that has a lot of dialogs. There are a particular few that I want to apply some css to. I can like this: .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-title { color:#3A6983; } .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content { background:#eee; color:#3A6983; } However this styles all the dialogs. I only want to style a particular group. How can I do...

jquery draggable containment: subset of a table

how can i make the containment to be a subset of cells. ie leaving out the header row and the leftmost column? ...

Returning value from confirmation dialog using JQuery UI dialog

I am using JQuery UI dialog to display a confirmation dialog when a button is clicked. I want to return 'true', when OK is clicked and false otherwise. Associating dialog open call in onClick (as given here, $dialog.dialog('open');) event does not serve the purpose. So, as a work around, I followed approach something similar to this: ht...

tabbed jquery div in google maps?

I am folowing this example to display tabbed infowindo for google maps: combined with this using a static div like this below worked withh no problems: <div id="tabs" class="tabs" style="display:none;"> <ul > <li><a href='#tabs-1'>First</a></li> <li><a href='#tabs-2'>Second</a></li ><li><a href='#tab...

How to detect inactive tab and fill it with color

How can I fill my website with color if tab is inactive? I would like to give screensaver like effect to my site if user move to another window. Can I do that with jQuery? ...

JQuery - make an element go "fuzzy"

Hey, I have recently been developing a website for a company, with a full administration front end / CMS. In the Admin frontend, which unfortunately I cannot show you for security reasons, there is a Range list, Collection list and Design list. I would like to make the links for these work with JQuery, so clicking "Ranges" brings the Ra...