
jQuery UI Draggable set drag size

I have a number of small icons which are draggable via jQuery which i clone, can i make the draggable icon larger when drag starts? ...

Loading inline objects using ajax in django admin.

I have a setup where I can upload many pictures at once inline and it looks like this: This works perfectly. And I can also reorder them with jquery sortable Here is the related code so you see what's happening: class PhotoInline(admin.StackedInline): model = Photo extra = 0 form = PhotoModelForm fieldsets = ( ...

Best way to remove the close button on jQuery UI dialog box widget?

Hi, What's the best way to remove the close button on the jQuery UI dialog box? I do not wish people to be able to close the dialog box. I'm covering it on the code angle by handling: closeOnEscape: false, beforeclose: function (event, ui) { return false; } I'm trying not to need to write script to grap the class / id of the close bu...

Is there a jquery clone of ext.js' toolbar?

I'm looking for a jquery equivalent of ext.js' toolbar (http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/dev/examples/menu/menus.html). To be more precisely, my requirements are the following: the toolbar should consist of iconic and textual buttons and dropdown widgets buttons should either trigger actions directly or open submenus buttons and submenus s...

jqueryui / autocomplete: search for term if enter is pressed without using autocomplete tag

I'm using jqueryui's autocomplete widget (ui v1.8.4) as a helping tool for a sitesearch. Without autocomplete the user types in his query, presses enter or search-button and get the results on result-page. Autocomplete should work as addition while the user types. ... but if i type in a searchterm, i get the list from autocomplete. but...

jQuery: I'm trying to send data via AJAX for jQuery.ui.sortable but it doesn't send everything.

I'm trying to build an array structured like [ [num, [num, num num]], [num, [num, num]], ] but I get [num,num,num,num,num,num,num] =( code here: http://jsfiddle.net/WRppV/4/ the problem is that I'm trying to send the var 'x' as data in an AJAX update function that jQueryUI uses for sortable. And it needs to be the arr...

jQueryUI Radio/Check buttons not changing programmatically

I can predicably read the value of a jQueryUI radio button, however, I am not able to set it programmatically. No matter which methods I use to change the radio button's value, jQueryUI interface will not update its interface. <div id="radio"> <input type="radio" name="radio" value="true" checked="checked" />Yes <input type="rad...

:hover property overriden after jquery effect, how to get it back?

I have an animate function... function flashGreen(e) { backg = e.css('backgroundColor'); e.animate({ backgroundColor: "#5ccc96" }, 1000); e.animate({ backgroundColor: backg }, 500); } with a css like so .container { padding:5px; background:#eaeaea; } .container...

Can a jQuery UI datepicker be matched to a click event's target?

I've written a simple jQuery (1.4.2) UI (1.8) widget that embeds a jQuery UI datepicker. I'd like to detect when a user clicks outside my widget, in which case it should automatically hide itself. My code looks roughly like this: var self = this; $(document).bind("click.mywidget": function(event) { var target = event.target; i...

Jquery datatable pagination

In the below code ,the html loads up and will call group_map set python function.My question is that there is pagination enabled in the system so if a user in page 3 deletes a entry the page reloads and brings back to page 1.How to make the user stay on the same page after deleting an entry Datatable used is from http://www.datatables....

.net accordion control not working after jquery modal popup

Hi. I have a strange problem on a web page. On this page, there were (.net ajax) accordion control and modal popup extender. For some reason modal popup installer would not work properly so I have replaced with jQuery modal. (using jQuery-ui). The problem is that after the jquery modal is open( or closed) Accordion control will not f...

JQueryUI and ASP.NET UpdatePanel dispute? Do there is a quick alternative?

Hello all, I have been using asp.net programming just from few months and I have to maintain an application that is made up of many aspx webforms with updatepanels. One of the task of the maintenance is to integrate some of the JQueryUI widgets (mostly datepicker, tabs and buttons). I am experiencing some problems on doing this smooth...

jquery UI slider to move multiple divs

Hey i want to use jquery UI to have a slider on my page that moves multiple divs different distances. So basically you pull the slider and div1 moves 10px left and div2 moves 20px left. I have taken a look at the jquery UI slider here http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/#side-scroll but i cant figure out how to get that slider to move mul...

JQuery wait message dialogue

Hi all I'm looking for a jQuery plugin which works like the Ext.MessageBox.show(config) with the wait property set as true. It should be a modal dialog with a message and progressbar. I've done some search on this and found some widgets like jQuery UI imProgressBar Matt Berseth's but none of them provides the functionality like th...

How to handle tab page as a controllers per tab

I have the following markup inside a master page <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head runat="server"> <title><asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="TitleContent" runat="server" /></title> <link href="../../Content/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.j...

Jquery -assign linenumbers

how to assign line numbers for a textarea using jquery.the line numbers are suppose to appear on the lefyside of the textarea <textarea name='comments' id='comments' cols=10 rows=10></textarea> And the linenumbers and text should be inline with eachother ...

jQuery Syntax Help

Hi guys, I need some help with jQuery syntax. I'm trying to modify the opacity effect in the code below to something like fadeIn. jQuery("#featured").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 5000, true); Thanks in advance for any help. Sam. ...

jQuery how to close dialog from iframe within dialog?

If I open a dialog like so: $('<iframe id="externalSite" class="externalSite" src="http://www.example.com" />').dialog({ autoOpen: true, width: 800, height: 500, modal: true, resizable: true }) How can I close the dialog from withing the iframe? ...

SlideToggle imperfections

My slideToggle is a little jumpy at the bottom of the slide transition. Could that be because there is a button there or something. Any way to make it smoother. Tried using easing but not very successful. Any suggestions click on video setup to see for yourself The site $(document).ready(function() { $('.drop').click(function() { ...

resizing div issue in jquery

Hello guys, Please open this file in google chrome : http://jqueryui.com/demos/resizable/ It doesn't work properly. When you mouse over the edges, your cursor will change but when you start dragging the cursor changes again, cursor not persistent how can I fix this ? ...