
JQuery Sortable and automatic scrolling

I am trying to get JQuery Sortable to work but I have run into a slight usability problem. The list that I am trying to sort is quite large (about 200 items). If the user tries to drag the top item right to the bottom, once the item reaches the bottom of the visible part of the screen, the page scrolls a tiny amount, then stops. To ...

PrototypeJS causes jQuery ui's slider widget to fail in IE8. Is there a workaround?

I am using jQuery UI's slider widget, and if the prototype js library is also included on the page, I find the following incorrect behavior in IE8 (other browsers are fine): While hovering over the handle, pressing and holding the mouse button causes the handle to immediately jump to the bottom of the slider. Attempting to drag does n...

JQuery UI Slide div under autocomplete box

Having a textbox with JQuery UI Autocomplete and a DIV right under it, I would like to slide the div for the height of the autocomplete dropdown that opens when we type in something. The div is a placeholder for the data that's coming from an AJAX call via autocomplete. Currently there is a space between the autocomplete textbox and a di...

close multiple jquery ui dialogs at once

Hello I create jquery ui dialogs dynamically and would like to close them all at once. What would be the correct syntax to do so ? They all use the same class name called 'viewuser' and all have different ids Thank you ...

jquery datepicker strange issue

Why would when using this code in one place set the default as it should but not when moving first two statements into Master file and the last one into View file (ASP.NET MVC app)? $(function () { $(".editDate").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd.mm.yy' }); $(".editDate").datepicker($.datepicker.regional['sl']); $("#IssueDate").datepicker('s...

Animate jquery ui dialog when content expands or contracts while staying centered

I have a jquery ui dialog popup, and then inside are buttons to show/hide content. If one button is clicked, when the content expands... I simply call: var position = $(selector).dialog( "option", "position" ); $(selector).dialog( "option", "position", 'center' ); To recenter the dialog on the screen. The problem or question I have ...

Issue with jQuery Tabs CSS in IE6

This is the website in question: http://www.ai-ad.com/2010Cwb/insidePage.html The issue is with the bottom left jQuery UI Tabs (there are five tabs named : 淡水、陽明山、基隆、烏來、石門水庫) In IE 6, when I move the cursor to other tabs, the content height under the tab will change. I don't really know why, I thought it could a problem with jQuery UI...

jQuery UI vs Telerik vs ...?

I'm in the process of building a web cms platform. And I've come to a point where I have to choose what actually goes in the pages (I've been building the "core" for now). What do you think is the best option and could you give me your reasons for choosing that? Currently I'm looking at jQuery UI, Telerik, and I'm also juggling with t...

Add a dialog to the document root, jQuery

Hi, in this example the dialog is added to an #dialog-confirm element. But I want it to be added just to the body and I do not want any predefined div#dialog-confirm element in my html. So how do I realize that? ...

Strange look, jQuery UI

Hi, I am using jquery modal dialog, but the look of the dialog is other than the the look of the dialog example. jquery ui is included and enabled. any ideas? ...

jQuery UI Accordion (hiding all by default)

Hello I am using jQuery UI Accodions By default, the first accordion is shown and other are hidden. I would like to hide all the accordions by default until the user clicks it. How do I do that ? Thank You ...

jQuery checkbox undo solution

<table> <tr> <td> <div> <input type="checkbox" id="home1">Home1</input> <input type="checkbox" id="home2">Home3</input> <input type="checkbox" id="home3">Home3</input> <input type="checkbox" id="home4">Home4</input> </div> </td> <td id="selectedhome"> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="button" value=...

Javascript: jQuery UI Slider doesn't detach from tracking the mouse after an alert();

Hey, I'm using the jquery ui slider as a submit button cos it's cool and it's a good validation method as it's not as disturbing as captchas. When there is a validation error with the form, I do the following: alert('Error with name'); $('#slider').slider("value", 0); When the user clicks OK on the alert, the slider handle is still c...

JQuery UI: How to use the progressbar to make a horizontal bar graph?

I am trying to use the progress bar for a non-traditional purpose. I want to use the functionality to display a horizontal bar graph of two values retrieved from a database. My PHP/MySQL/JQuery: // retrieve results for display $query = mysql_query(" SELECT furniture_purchases, electronics_purchases FROM sales WHERE store_id = $storeId...

jQuery UI Dialog in Tabs Using

Hi There, I use jQuery UI Tabs. Tabs in the dialog with the windows opened, but the UI plug-in does not work properly. The tabs need to be side by side. Unfortunately we could not get the result. <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">tab 1</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-1">tab 2</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-1">tab 3</a></li> </ul> <d...

jQuery multiple modal dialogs

Hi all, So i have a page that is gonna have multiple modal popups. Each one has values that need to be sent via a form back to the page. To ensure that each dialog is within the form I am using .parent().appendTo("#frmMain"); on the end of each dialog definition. My problem comes when there are more than one modal declared. The modal ...

jquery checkbox properties

In the below code how to get the checkboxes that are selected only and remove it from the list using jquery and populate the removed html in the div <div id="section_val"> <input type="checkbox" name="a_d" value="1">a_d</input> <input type="checkbox" name="a_d" value="2">a_d1</input> <input type="checkbox" name="a_d"...

dragging dynamic elements

how to drag dynamically created elements? ...

Jquery popup window without close button

How do I create a jQuery popup window without close button? Please see my code below. $('#addNewRecord').dialog( { autoOpen: true, width: 570, bgiframe: true, resizable: false, height:490, modal: true } ); Could anyone please help me ? ...

Jquery remove selected div

<div id="a_all"> <div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp<input type="checkbox" name="m_a">1</input<br></div> <div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp<input type="checkbox" name="m_a">2</input<br></div> <div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp<input type="checkbox" name="m_a">3</input<br></div> <div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp<input type="checkbox" name="m_a">4</inpu...