
ui.item delete in jquery

I have a jQuery sortable list - and simply put I want to delete an item out of it. Is there a command to destroy the dragged ui.item from the DOM? ...

Third party / community driven additional jQueryUI widgets.

Hello. Are there any additional jQueryUI widgets besides that come out-of-the-box? Third party or community driven? ...

jquery portlet - parameter for each portlet?

I managed to get the jquery portlet working on my JSP with java backend, using this example as a starting point: http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/#portlets for each portlet, i need to add an additional icon on the portlet header, depending on whether the user has permission on that portlet. so its something like $(".portlet").addClas...

jQuery datepicker changing input value automatically

So I'm building an application where data is coming back from a database where the date could be in many different formats, ie '2008', '05/22/99', '8/20/2004'. And lets say, for example, a user wants to edit a date (2009) by clicking the "Edit" button. Well in the edit window it SHOULD show an input box with the year '2009' already prese...

Getting information about static files in Python App Engine; workarounds

I'm working on an App Engine project that will have customizable themes. I'd like to be able to use jQuery UI themes. The problem is figuring out what the CSS file is going to be named. (Typically, "jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css". Version numbers will change, and people tend to rename things, but there should only be one CSS file, and I...

Why are jQueryUI widgets layed out using Java Script?

Hello. In order to understand jQueryUI widgets better, I was looking at the code. One thing that bothered me was that the layout was generated using Java Script. I know that the Java Script in turn is churning out XHTML but I wonder why that is needed? Few thoughts that hover in my mind are: The layout could be supplied in excl...

Jquery Validation Plugins in conjunction with server side fallbacks

I like the look of some of the Jquery validation plugins as opposed to the ASP.NET validation controls. However, one big benefit of the ASP.NET validators is they automatically work on the server side too. Hence saving time and saving validation getting missed when work is maintained. I am wondering if anyone has come across any tool/p...

jQuery ui.datepicker on 'select' element

I have a select element with a couple of dates but I also want to give the possibility of picking a date from the datepicker so I have the following code that displays a calendar icon next to the select field. <select name="birthday" > <option value="${merge0.birthday}">${merge0.birthday}</option> <option value="${merge1.birth...

Attach JQuery animation to methods/setters instead of CSS properties?

From the JQuery reference @ http://api.jquery.com/animate/ : $('#book').animate({ opacity: 0.25, left: '+=50', height: 'toggle' }, 5000, function() { // Animation complete. }); It seems we can only modify real CSS properties, however I wish I could animate JQuery object properties as well. As example I would lik...

jQuery UI modal confirmation dialog at asp.net: how to prevent trigger OnClick event

I am trying to use confirmation dialog from jQuery UI. I ran into this problem: how to trigger correctly the dialog and at the same time prevent trigger OnClick event specified at button until user click on Yes or No buttons at dialog? In the example below are two ways how to popup confirmation. Lower one works well. It's a cla...

jQuery slider problem reaching min and max values

I have a jQuery slider initialized and then dynamically set min max values depeding on the contents of a json-request. Steps av even 100, min a max are recalculated to even hundred, most of the case somewhere between 300 and 4800. The slider values and settings are fine, but when I move the handle I can't get it all the way out to the e...

JQuery sortable connectedlists - validate move?

When sorting between two connected lists, I want to validate the move from one list to the other - BEFORE the move is done. Now, I'm using the 'receive' event, but that's triggered after the element is added to the new list. I need an event that is triggered after mouse goes up, and before element is added to the new list. Any ideas? ...

Html.DeleteActionLink helper

Hi all, I have a link to delete action using Jquery dialog confirm message. Clicking on delete link, a modal popup is showing with a confirmation question. Button Yes is triggered to submit the form with id = Model.Id <td> <% using (Html.BeginForm<AssessorActionPlanController>( c => c.Delete(Model.Id), FormMethod.Post, n...

Closing jQuery Datepicker When Closing jQuery Dialog

Hi First time here, and more of a web designer than programmer, so be gentle! ;o) Anyway, as the title suggests, I have a dialog window that's opened and within that, a datepicker. What I want it that, if the user opens the datepicker, and then clicks the dialog window's close button, the datepicker is also closed. Here's what I've got...

Jquery accordion does not work when I put the script in script file on a master page, but it does when I put it directly on the page.

I have a page called Default.aspx which inherits from a master page called Main.master. In Main.master, I have a asp:ScriptManager and within the script manager, I put the jQuery 1.4 library, jquery 1.7.2 ui library, I also put a custom js file I created which for now just has the code: $("#accordion").accordion({ collapsible: tru...

Will Jquery ui css styles overwrite my css styles?

I downloaded the Jquery ui along with one of there pre-made css styles. I put all of this in a master page where I have some of my styles. Will the jquery styles, for example, the ones for anchor tags overwrite the styles I have for my anchor tags. I basically just want the jquery styles to be just for the jquery ui components. Is th...

jquery droppable accept where not parent

I'm trying to figure out how to write a statement which will stop the jQuery droppable function if the the dragged element is the parent. Basically what I have is a table, and each cell has the id of x-axis:eq+'-'+y-axis:eq. (x over-x-down). When the user drags an element to a different cell, I update the info, so if you drag from cell ...

Can't drag jQuery UI dialog

I am using jquery 1.3.2 with jquery ui 1.7.2 and in one of my pages I can only drag the dialog when I click and hold on the text in the title bar? When I hover over the blank areas of the title bar title bar the icon changes to the move icon, however, when I attempt to drag via a blank area of the title bar I simply end up highlighting ...

how do I move list elements in jQuery UI Sortable without the mouse, purely in jQuery?

I want to just set up a link that allows the user to jump a given sortable list element to the top of the list. I need something like $('.sortable li:last-child').move('.sortable li:first-child'); ...where I can just cause a link to pop any list element up to the top of the list. Never mind! I found the answer. $(id).prependTo($('#li...

Dynamically Set Title On Dialog

var dlg = $("#dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, buttons: { 'Update': function() { alert(clientCode); }, Cancel: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); $(".edit").click(function() { myval = $(this).parent().children('td:nth-...