
Trigger a keypress with jQuery...and specify which key was pressed

I would like to have an input element (type=text) or textarea element that validates dynamically by triggering specific keystrokes. This will be used for Chinese pinyin input, so for example: The user types "ma2" into an input element. The keydown event triggers for every keystroke, and the 2 never appears. Instead, when the user pre...

How do I send text to a dom object with jQuery?

Rather than population said DOM object with an external page such as HTML CFM or PHP, what if I simply want to send text? I've tried: $("#myDOMObject").val("some text"); No errors, but the object value doesn't update either. ...

Using jQuery for AJAX with ASP.NET Webforms

Anyone know of a link to a good article/tutorial for getting started using jQuery for AJAX calls rather than ASP.NET AJAX? I'm trying to avoid using UpdatePanels entirely in this app, which I haven't been able to accomplish in the past. ...

using a named function as the callback for $.getJSON in jQuery to satisfy Facebook request signing demands

I'm trying to access the Facebook API Admin.getMetrics method via jQuery. I'm correctly composing the request url on the server side (in order to keep my app secret secret). I'm then sending the url over to the browser to be request using jQuery.getJSON(). Facebook requires that I send a copy of all of my request params hashed with my a...

jQuery: Event binding on dynamically created elements?

Hi All, Thanks for reading. I have a bit of code where I am looping though all the select boxes on a page and binding a .hover event to them to do a bit of twiddling with their width on mouseon/off. This happens on page ready, and works just fine. The problem I have is that any select boxes I add via Ajax or DOM after the initial loo...

JQuery: Current, Well-Formatted, Printable Documentation?

Hi All, I'm looking for a current (1.2), well-formatted, printable version of the jQuery documentation. I've checked the alternative resources page and see the PDF versions from CF and Java, but both are out of date. The jQuery site has the API browser with "Printable Version" in the toolbox, but it prints terribly, and I don't really...

Difference between jQuery selectors "ancestor descendant" and "parent > child"

The following two forms of jQuery selectors seem to do the same thing: $("div > ul.posts") $("div ul.posts") which is to select all the "ul" elements of class "posts" under "div" elements. Is there any difference? ...

jQuery Validation plugin: disable validation for specified submit buttons

I have a form with multiple fields that I'm validating (some with methods added for custom validation) with Jörn Zaeffere's excellent jQuery Validation plugin. How do you circumvent validation with specified submit controls (in other words, fire validation with some submit inputs, but do not fire validation with others)? This would be si...

Showing newly added table row using .show("slow")

I am cloning a hidden table row then populating it and after validation I want to show the row using a jquery effect ... say .show("slow") var baseRow = $("#tasks tr#baseTaskLine"); var newRow = baseRow.clone(); var lastRow = $("#tasks tr[id^='TaskLine_']" + dayClass + ":last"); var newRowId; if (lastRow.length == 0) { newRowId = "T...

How to use CodeIgniter/MVC views inside jQuery ajax tabs?

Trying to make a form wizard with jquery tabs. Is it possible to have each step of the form in a separate view, then load each via jquery tabs' ajax option? When I ajax load just the partial (just the form), it has no way to access the js, css etc. (as there are is no 'header' for the partial file), and it doesn't seem to inherit from t...

jQuery .ready in a dynamically inserted iframe

We are using jQuery thickbox to dynamically display an iFrame when someone click on a picture. In this iframe, we are using galleria a javascript library to display multiple pictures. The problem seems to be that $(document).ready in the iframe seems to be fired too soon and the iframe content isn't even loaded yet, so galleria code is...

Page sliding on a desktop webapp similar to iPhone webapps

I've looked at ciui and really liked the way that certain links will slide out the existing content and load new content into the DOM, or slide back. Is there a way to quickly create a work-a-like with the additional animation support in jQuery, scriptaculous, or MooTools? ...

How to format JSON Date?

I'm taking my first crack at AJAX with jQuery. I'm getting my data onto my page, but I'm having some trouble with the JSON that is returned for Date data types. Basically, I'm getting a string back that looks like this: /Date(1224043200000)/ From a total newbie at JSON - How do I format this to a short date format? Should this be hand...

How to save the state of AJAX application using jQuery

I am just trying to dip my toes in this Ajax thing. I have a very basic question I have seen the UI plugin(http://interface.eyecon.ro/docs/drag) for jQuery, where you can drag and drop frames, stretch things, animate etc. So basically you get all the desktop features right in your web application. In the desktop world, you can save the...

Best JavaScript Date Parser & Formatter?

Since I've started to use jQuery, I have been doing a lot more JavaScript development. I have the need to parse different date formats and then to display them into another format. Do you know of any good tool to do this? Which one would you recommend? ...

computing a cross-browser iframe height

One of the most difficult problems in my javascript experience has been the correct (that is "cross-browser") computing of a iframe height. In my applications I have a lot of dinamically generated iframe and I want that all do a sort of autoresize at the end of load event to adjust their height and width. In the case of height computing...

What is the best rich textarea editor for jQuery?

Something like this one on the Stackoverflow site would be nice! Or something non-jQuery that doesn't conflict with jQuery $() tags would be great. ...

ASP.Net AJAX uses syntax like $get('myId'), is this standard Javascript or JQuery?

It doesn't look like basic javascript but nor can I use JQuery commands like $('myId'). Is this or similar functions documented anywhere? For reason I don't want to go into, I am not able to use 3rd party libraries like JQuery but if some powerful javascript extensions come with asp then I would like to know about them. ...

JQuery selector logic fails if id has '.' in the value. Any solution ?

Hi, I am using Spring Forms for my web application. For nested properties, the form tag generates the input elements having id / name in form of . For example, Person is the command class and Address is contained into its address field then the city element would be, <input type="text" id="address**.**city" name="address**.**city" /> ...

How do I find all instances of a plugin using jQuery?

I've created a jQuery wee plugin for myself which takes care of showing, hiding and submitting a form to give in-place editing. Currently I have several of these on a page which function independently and I am happy. However, I'm thinking that an 'Edit All' might be useful. I'd therefore want to be able to access all instances of the plu...