How do I learn if events are bound to an element using jquery?
I need a hasEvents() method like var someBool = hasEvents($("#myelement")); that returns true if there are some bound events to any of the element's event handlers. ...
I need a hasEvents() method like var someBool = hasEvents($("#myelement")); that returns true if there are some bound events to any of the element's event handlers. ...
I need to grab the height of the window and the scrolling offset in jQuery, but I haven't had any luck finding this in the jQuery docs or Google. I'm 90% certain there's a way to access height and scrollTop for an element (presumably including the window), but I just can't find the specific reference. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! ...
Hi, Is it possible using jQuery to select all <a> links which href ends with "ABC" for example, if i want to find this link <a href="http://server/page.aspx?id=ABC"> Thanks in advance ...
I'm looking to get some help on using the cycle library for jQuery. I'm in the beginner demos, and I got the absolute first one completed. This is the second one on the page. <script src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.cycle.all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javasc...
I'm looking for some sample code that will sort the list items in an HTML list by alphabetical order. Can anyone help? Here is a sample list for people to work with: <ul class="alphaList"> <li>apples</li> <li>cats</li> <li>bears</li> </ul> ...
I have this piece of code in my PHP code: while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { extract($row); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><input id='bookArray[]' name='bookArray[]' type='checkbox' value='$book_id' />$book_id</td>"; echo "<td bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>$threat_name</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } In HTML page, I...
I searched all over this site and the web for a good and simple example of autocomplete using jQuery and ASP.NET. I wanted to expose the data used by autocomplete with a webservice (and will probably do that next). In the meantime, I got this working, but it seems a little hacky... In my page I have a text box: <input id="txtSearch" ty...
I'm building a pretty basic HTML table creator/editor (based on a designMode iframe) at work, using direct DOM manipulation. It's a pain, obviously due to Internet Explorer. When in designMode, a table inserted into the editing area iframe is resizable and the contents of the cells can be freely edited. In Firefox, rows and columns can ...
I'd like to use a selector to select the child img of the div I'm clicking on this example: <div id="..."><img src="..."></div> To get the div, I've got this selector: $(this) How do I get the img with a selector? ...
I'm new to jQuery, and I'm totally struggling with using jQuery UI's sortable. I'm trying to put together a page to facilitate grouping and ordering of items. My page has a list of groups, and each group contains a list of items. I want to allow users to be able to do the following: 1. Reorder the groups 2. Reorder the items within the...
Microsoft recently announced that they were endorsing jQuery as an "officially" supported JavaScript library. I certainly wouldn't argue that jQuery is a fantastic framework to work with. In fact, I just bought the book. But I'm curious to know why. Specifically, I'm interested to know whether or not we web developers can expect jQue...
I have a table structure that looks like: <table> <tr id="row1"> <td> <div>row 1 content1</div> </td> <td> <div>row 1 content2</div> </td> <td> <div>row 1 content3</div> </td> </tr> <tr id="row2"> <td> <div>row 2 content1</div> </td> <td> <div>row 2 content2</div> </td> <td> ...
On PHP, they have a way to restrict file size AFTER uploading, but not BEFORE uploading. I use the Malsup jQuery Form Plugin for my form posting, and it supports image file posting. I was wondering if perhaps there's a restriction where I can set how many bytes can pass through that AJAX stream up to the server? That could permit me to ...
Hi, This is a really basic question but... I have some code like this var arr = Array('blah.jpg','ha.jpg'); for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++) { $('div#blah' + i).click(function() { $('img').attr('src', arr[i]); }); } This should bind the div with id="blah0" to change all images to 'blah.jpg' when clicked. Similarly, ...
jQuery's draggable functionality doesn't seem to work on tables (in FF3 or Safari). It's kind of difficult to envision how this would work, so it's not really surprising that it doesn't. <html> <style type='text/css'> div.table { display: table; } div.row { display: table-row; } div.cell { display: table-cell; } </style>...
I have this line of JavaScript and the behavior I am seeing is that the selectedLi instantly disappears without "sliding up". This is not the behavior that I expected. What should I be doing so that the selectedLi slides up before it is removed? selectedLi.slideUp("normal").remove(); ...
I want to spruce up some areas of my website with a few jQuery animations here and there, and I'm looking to replace my AJAX code entirely since my existing code is having some cross-browser compatibility issues. However, since jQuery is a JavaScript library, I'm worried about my pages not functioning correctly when JavaScript is turned ...
I can't tell if this is a result of the jQuery I'm using, but this is what I'm trying to do: <div class="info" style="display: inline;" onMouseOut="$(this).children('div').hide('normal');" onMouseOver="$(this).children('div').show('normal');" > <img src="images/target.png"> <div class="tooltiptwo" id="tooltip" style="font...
I've got code similar to the following... <p><label>Do you have buffet facilities?</label> <asp:RadioButtonList ID="blnBuffetMealFacilities:chk" runat="server"> <asp:ListItem Text="Yes" Value="1"></asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Text="No" Value="0"></asp:ListItem> </asp:RadioButtonList></p> <div id="HasBuffet"> <p><label>What...
Hi Guys I have this little Jquery script: link text $(document).ready(function() { $('#image p').hide(); $('img').hover(function() { $('#image p').show(200); }, function() { $('#image p').hide(200); }); }); I works fine, but I want to be able to hover over the Text locate...