I'm trying to select all visited links via jQuery. Here is the HTML
<div class="question-summary">
<a class="question-hyperlink">Stuff</a>
If question-hyperlink has been visited, I was to select question-summary. Any ideas?
This is code for a costume contest application I'm presently building. There will be a row of radio buttons 1-10 wrapped in labels that will all be individually clickable. Upon the click event, the form will submit, I do some post-processing and return a json object from which I will inject the post data into the page. This process will ...
I created a dropdown box which will help wrap long texts in the box. Now, when i use that control in a separate solution, it reads the .css file properly and all the style, font, alignment is proper. But if i integrate it with my application, none of the formatting read from the .css file works. Am not sure how to debug this stuff t...
Hi All,
i have a problem that i cant understand what to pass in the draagable function to make an elemnt draagable.
I want to make my
draggable through its id test.
Can anyone tell me how to do this.
Code Sample
normal_tag11=' <div style="position:fixed" id="Normal_Tag1_div_dummy'+count1+'" class ="Normal_Tag1_div_dummy" >'+ 'Normal D...
Hey all,
I'm messing with the CSS on an input box in CSS, to make the text bigger, adding a border, changing color, etc.
I've aligned the bigger text to fit nicely (vertically-aligned) within my input box using padding, but the little blinking text cursor is terribly aligned (hugs the bottom). I'm wondering if there is a way to adjust...
I have a chat application,i want that whenver user accidentaly closes the browser i want to give him a jquery dialog alert before the window closes and do the necessary clean up operations.Please help
Context: On my product website I have a link for a Java webstart application (in several locations).
My goal: prevent users from double-clicking, i. e. only "fire" on first click, wait 3 secs before enabling the link again. On clicking, change the link image to something that signifies that the application is launching.
My solution wor...
I have a form with some quantity field and a plus and minus sign on each side,
<form id="myform">
<input type="submit" value="+" id="add">
<input type="text" id="qty1">
<input type="submit value="-" id="minus">
<input type="submit" value="+" id="add">
<input t...
Hey all,
I'm making this search component that I can just load using javascript and have it work wherever I load it. The idea is that it does an AJAX-search, so I don't want to code that up every time I put one on the page.
So maybe on pages that I want to put it on that would look like this:
var searchBox = new Search(inputBox);
I want to calculate the page load time; This means from second 0 (a little jquery snippet was loaded) to second x, when the whole page is loaded.
i wonder if any one had an experience with it, also ideas how to implement it correctly will be apperciated.
please i don't need an extension, i already have firebug, i need a js solution
Hi everyone, I have a simple post code check, I'd to check the submitted value against a pre-made variable, how can I do this in Jquery,
any help would be appreciated.
<form method="post" action="#">
<input name="textfield" type="text" id="textfield" size="8" maxlength="8" />
<input type="submit" value="submit">
This may seem like a very basic question but I did not seem to find an answer to it.
I know it is possible to define a css rule for more than one element at once as such:
.element1, .element2{
Is it possible, though, to do that exact same thing, but apply the css to element after the css for element1 has been d...
I have this condition in my validation:
consent: {
required: function(element) {
var age = getAge($("#birthdate").val());
if(age >= 18){
return false;
} else if(age >= 13 && age <=17 ){
} else {
//should show error message not ligible to register
how can re...
Hi all ,
Can anyone help me by telling me that in the given code below when the first time element is dragged it works fine but when a new element is dragged then the draggable property of the earlier created element is lost.
How can i do the dragging without losing it?
normal_tag_d=' <di...
I have a Button. On clicking, I want to change its top property by 25%. On clicking again, it should come back to the normal position. How can i do it?
Hi ,
In my application, there is a view page to show the table of Attributes name as the header and its value filled by many people below.
Name Age salary
a 22 18912
b 23 89972
c 23 781273
i want it like above ..
But i am getting it as
Name Age Salary
a 22 18912 b 23 89972 23 781273
I am using JQuery t...
I am looking for a form validation utility with cool effects similar to the Digg's Registration Page. http://digg.com/register/. I have been searching for a tutorial/code but could not find the perfect one. Please let me know if anybody has some resources on it.
Update: I am still open to receive your answers!
I have a link with id "helpTopicAnchorId".
I want to change its text in jQuery.
How do I do this?
How can I do this in textarea
$(this).text() = $(this).text().substring(0, 20);
I have put a JQuery dialog box in page on button click. The dialog box has text as well as some controls. I need to submit this dialog box but the problem is before submitting I am displaying the given values in a message box. AT the time of displaying the message box the pop up size geting bigger and all the text bocomes big in siz...