
jQuery insertAt

I'm trying to insert an li element into a specific index on a ul element, using jQuery? I only seem to be able to insert an element on the end of the list. I am very new to jQuery, so I may just not be thinking properly. ...

jQuery Hide using ID

I'm trying to change the border color of an image using its id with jquery ( photo['id'] is passed in from a previous function ) the ids of the photos are of the form 'photo239839' $('#photo'+photo['id']+'').click(function(){ $('#photo'+photo['id']+'').css('border-color','#777'); }); When I try to use this same code usi...

Facebook Connect, jQuery UI, and jQuery.noConflict()

I'm trying to build a page on my personal website that both used jQuery and implements Facebook Connect. Unfortunately, the Facebook client API uses the $ token, which means I have to call jQuery.noConflict() Double-unfortunately, I've found out that for some crazy reason and as Rick Strahl points out, jQuery UI doesn't respect noConli...

Passing variables with jQuery

Hi, i'm relatively new to jquery and javascript and am trying to pass a unique id (number) into a flickr search function (jquery.flickr-1.0-js) like so, (number is the variable where i'm storing the unique id) <script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/jquery.flickr-1.0.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(func...

jQuery ajax calling javascript function

Dear all, I am using JQuery And Ajax. My MainFile has the following code: <html> <head> <script src="Myscript.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ type:'POST', url: 'a...

PopupWindow in JQuery

Dear all, I am need of popupwindow with option of radio button ,I have tested with impromtu . Is any EasyMade Popupwindow plugin available,My Plugin should work all IE,Mozilla and Chrome, Any suggestion and Sample code. ...

Figure out the focused control

I'm trying to add a CSS class to the Control that will get the focus, once a page is rendered. While the SetFocus() method of the Page class lets me set the Control, there is no corresponding GetFocus() method. According to the .Net sources, the information is stored in the private member _focusedControl of the Page class. The property ...

Modal dialog box which opens new page using jQuery

I see lot of example opening popup with jquery but don't see anything that will let me open new page in popup(modal dialog box). Any help is appreciated. What i am trying to do is when click on item it will open item description page in model dialog box calling an url for detail page. I am using asp.net, would like to use jquery if has...

How to handle JSON encoded strings using jQuery

I am currently using Django to construct JSON encoded objects which a retrieved using jQuery.getJSON(). The standard simplejson encoder encodes strings according to the JSON "standard", i.e. any string containing a '/' is translated to '\/'. Therefore if one of my parameters is a url, e.g. http://example.com/image.jpg it is passed to t...

jQuery fading in and out

I have three divs: A, B and C. A is currently visible and I wish for B to replace it. I could easily do this with the following: $('#A').hide(); $('#B').show(); However, that will cause the change to be quite abrupt. If I however I swap "hide" for "fadeOut" and "show" for "fadeIn" then A is still fading out while B is still fading in ...

Opening another Popupwindow from JqModal

Dear All, i am making Popup window using jqModal , I have One MainPopup window , after Clicking OK I have to close that window and Open another Popup window.How to achiev this Here My Problem is Click event not working While I am pressing Button {#b}; More than this onclick of ButtonI have to open another popupwindow .ANy Hel...

JQuery Return Link Not supported By IE 7

Dear all, I am using JQuery and Aajax, My Ajax.php file has returns the following field into Main File. While I am Click In Mozilla And Chrome , It Working Fine Gives alert, But when I use IE 7 Version 7.0.5730.13 ,It Didnt Supported , Does i Need to do anything on browser side or i have to modify Will u please Help Me in this contex...

How to animate a change in css using jQuery

Is it possible to animate a change in css using jquery? If someone would be so kind as to provide me with an example i would be much obliged. Essentially, i am trying to animate the sprites technique by manipulating the background-image in the css using jQuery. The goal is to animate the hover so that I get a nice fade instead of just...

jquery select class inside parent div

I'm trying to change the alt of the image i'm clicking by selecting the image's class 'add_answer' Note: .add_answer shows up multiple times inside different containing div's jQuery(function(){ // Add Answer jQuery(".add_answer").click(function(){ var count = $(this).attr("alt"); count++; $('.a_type_'+count+'').show(); ...

Passing data to a jQuery UI Dialog

I'm developing an ASP.Net MVC site and on it I list some bookings from a database query in a table with an ActionLink to cancel the booking on a specific row with a certain BookingId like this: My bookings <table cellspacing="3"> <thead> <tr style="font-weight: bold;"> <td>Date</t...

jQuery .load seems to be running at an unexpected point

So I'm trying to load some returned html from an .aspx page but a click event needs to fire before it doing some stuff that the AJAX request depends upon. More specifically, I'm doing this. When a user types in a text field this function is run... function KeyPress() { $("#" + HiddenButtonId).click(); $("#test").load("TempJumpToAJ...

Which JavaScript framework (jQuery vs Dojo vs ... )?

There are a few JavaScript frameworks/toolsets out there, such as: jQuery; Dojo; Prototype; YUI; MooTools; ExtJS; SmartClient; and others I'm sure. It certainly seems that jQuery is ascendant in terms of mindshare at the moment. For example, Microsoft (ASP.NET MVC) and Nokia will use it. I also found this performance comparison of ...

Simple Modal in JQuery

Dear all, I am using SimpleModal in JQuery, and I have One Confirm Dialog ,If it is Yes , I have To Call my.php into This Dialog,However I done the code ,I still Searching Ideas, any help? $(document).ready(function () { $('#confirmDialog input.confirm, #confirmDialog a.confirm').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); ...

Ajax - Library or Plain Javascript

I've been doing a lot of reading about AJAX, and wanted to know which is the better way to approach things: by using a library such as jQuery using their built-in methods or creating JavaScript without a library for AJAX? ...

Get css top value as number not as string?

In jQuery you can get the top position relative to the parent as a number, but you can not get the css top value as a number if it was set in px. Say I have the following: #elem{ position:relative; top:10px; } <div> Bla text bla this takes op vertical space.... <div id='elem'>bla</div> </div> $('#elem').position().top; //...