Image Preloading getting aborted
Hi, I am trying to preload some images using method described in the answer in this page. I am calling this function in document.ready. However the call is getting aborted in the browser. What to do? ...
Hi, I am trying to preload some images using method described in the answer in this page. I am calling this function in document.ready. However the call is getting aborted in the browser. What to do? ...
I found this as I searched for highlight search keyword in the returned result. But there is no solution or demo on how to accomplish that. I have similar problem like that post. Can anyone help look into that problem of the post above ? ...
I'm new to jQuery and need some help to show and hide a div on click. Basically I need to show a div (containing a small menu) once the user click on a link, and as soon as the user click on a link inside the div just shown. Or clicks outside the div I need to hide the div HTML looks something like this (I'll exist in many place...
If my html looked like this: <td class="controlCell"> <input class="inputText" id="SearchBag.CompanyName" name="SearchBag.CompanyName" type="text" value="" /> </td> How could I select #SearchBag.CompanyName with JQuery? I can't get it to work and I fear it's the dot that's breaking it all. The annoying thing is that renaming all my i...
Strange, is there no possibility to put several binds in jquery, on one element? $('input').click(clickfn).click(clickfn) I am using 1.3.2 function clickme() { alert('click me') } $('.click', mod).bind("brrr", clickme).bind("brrr", clickme) .click(function() { $('.click', mod).trigger("brrr"); }); This is not worki...
I've got a list that is generated from some server side code, before adding extra stuff to it with jQuery I need to figure out how many items are already in it. <ul id="mylist"> <li>Element 1</li> <li>Element 2</li> </ul> Any ideas? ...
Hi, I'm new to jquery and even javascript. I'm trying to create a system where you can edit very simple, static page by logging in and just dragging and resizing divs. The system works to the point where you get to edit the site, but the problem is how to save the coordinates and sizes of the divs. The system doesn't use mysql, since t...
I have this function that utilizes jQuery's post feature to send an ajax request to my logout handler, which destroys the session (set by and redirects to the login page: <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function doLogout() { var conf = false; conf = confirm("Really log out?"); if (con...
Here is the situation: User logs in via username/password stored in an MSSQL database If the user is authenticated, the system makes a session variable with username/SHA1'd password and boolean if the user is logged in or not (for subsequent pages) I need to be able to destroy the session variable. I want a confirmation box as well. ...
Hi i want to add ticks that are not in a fixed range. i.e my ticks will be 1,2,3,3,3,3,4,5 how would i tell a data set for the graph type to plot points based on the tick number, instead of a fixed range. ...
Hello, I was wondering if there's an easy way with javascript (including JQuery, which we're using on the site) to put descriptive text in a text input until the user clicks it to type in their own text. For instance I'd like to put the word 'Search' in a text input (preferrably in a lighter color than real input) until the user click...
In css class "employee_mouseover" I make the bg color red. $(".employee").bind("mouseenter", function() { $(this).addClass("employee_mouseover"); }); $(".employee").bind("mouseleave", function() { $(this).removeClass("employee_mouseover"); }); This works fine. But, when I set a ...
I need to set a PHP $_SESSION variable using the jQuery. IF the user clicks on an image I want to save a piece of information associated with that image as a session variable in php. I think I can do this by calling a php page or function and appending that piece of info to the query string. Any ideas. I have found little help thro...
I have a simple webmethod on an 2.0 application (using the 1.0 extensions not the 3.5 ajax extensions). I'm attempting to call the method from jQuery and when I do it as the countless examples show on the Internet and here on SO, I get an Internal Server Error message returned. Here's my current code: [WebMethod] [ScriptMethod...
Hello, I've set a breakpoint in firebug and am examining my xhr object. Its readyState is 0, its status is 200. My understanding is that if the status is 200, the request should have at least started, and the readystate should be at least 1. Can anyone explain what's going on? I'm using jquery's $.ajax to create the xhr object, but I w...
So i had a feature request to add fields to a second table row for a single data row on a GridView. At first, I looked at extending the functionality of the GridView but soon realized this would be a huge task and since I consider this request a shim for a larger future feature decided against it. Also want to move to MVC in the near fu...
in jquery, if i have the reference of an element, how can i know what kind of element is it, like an input or an dropdown ? is there any way to find out? Duplicate: ...
I have a search form with a number of text inputs & drop downs that submits via a GET. I'd like to have a cleaner search url by removing the empty fields from the querystring when a search is performed. var form = $("form"); var serializedFormStr = form.serialize(); // I'd like to remove inputs where value is '' or '.' here window.l...
I have a button that I want to change the background of to show that it is disabled when a user clicks on it. It works fine in IE/FF but in chrome it seems that it can't find the background image and makes the background nothing. I am just doing a simple css set in jQuery 1.2.6 $(".CheckoutBt").css("background-image", "url(/Portals/_...
I'm using the Jörn Zaefferer's jQuery autocomplete plugin which works great, except for a small bug: if a user begins typing in one field where the autocomplete is attached to, but then while the suggest is still showing they click on another input field, the cursor returns back to the field with the autocomplete. Are there any solution...