
jQuery Selector: Id Ends With?

Is there a selector that I can query for elements with an ID that ends with a given string? Say I have a element with an id of "ctl00$ContentBody$txtTitle". How can I get this by passing just "txtTitle"? ...

Jquery UI- The overlay not resizing when dialog is resized.

Using Jquery to Open a dialog (with modal:true), which contains a form. Now i am removing some elements from the form based on choices made by user on the form.This resizes the dialog but the overlay is not resized. A shadow is left behind. Is there a way to re size the overlay when the dialog is resized? below is some code //fadeout(...

ASP.NET MVC passing complex type into controller problem

Hello, I have a problem passing in a complex type into a controller. Here is how my Model looks like: public class Party { [XmlAttribute] public int RsvpCode { get; set; } public List<Guest> Guests { get; set; } public string Comments { get; set; } } public class Guest { [XmlAttribute] public string Name { get;...

Microsoft AJAX client library vs jQuery

A lot of discussion are going on with jQuery and MS Ajax after the jquery integrated news. I'm currently in the process of convincing my team to consider jQuery, but I'm not a pro on either of them. I really want some good comparisons between jQuery and MS Ajax "Client" library, as my team is arguing that we can what jQuery can if we j...

How do you attach a custom callback function to the jquery autocomplete extension?

I'm using the jquery autocomplete 1.0.2 extension by Dylan Verheul, Dan G. Switzer, Anjesh Tuladhar, Jörn Zaefferer. I am attempting to execute my own callback function when .show() and .hide() are called from within the autocomplete control. I haven't found any way for it to actually recognize my callback function. If anyone is famil...

Does jQuery have it's own OOP syntax the way that Mootools does?

I have an old project that I'm resurrecting as it were, and it makes heavy use of a Javascript/moo tools event controller that I wrote, and also a few Javascript OOP components that I wrote. It's very heavily pattern and OOP based. Also the components are well decoupled. Does jQuery have any features like these? And if so what are th...

jQuery: Can't append <script> element

Any idea why the piece of code below is not working? var code = "<script></script>"; $("#someElement").append(code); ...

Why does my jquery form validation not work for IE7? It works in FF, Opera, Safari, etc.

Hi All! I recently used jquery and the form validation plugin on a form we're testing at our community college: www.mchenry.edu/parentorientation Right off the bat, (if viewed with FF, Opera, Safari, etc.) when you click submit w/o entering any values, you get some nice error messages in the form, the intended effect. However, if yo...

How can I find html elements that contain specific text in an html comment?

I'm trying to use jQuery to identify <td> elements which contain specific HTML comment text. The standard ":contains" selector doesn't seem to be looking into the comments. My context here is that I want to dynamically add some content to that same td element. Here's a sample of the target td: <TD valign="top" class="ms-formbody" wid...

How can I achieve a consistent layout in all browsers?

Hey, I'm near ending the repetitive alarms at my little learning project. It's still full of bugs, but as it is a weekend project I'm correcting them slowly. My problem is inconsistency of layout across browsers. At the moment, I'm trying to improve the "My Alarms" box after login (Just don't try to hack my website, it's still very u...

Why won't an anchor tag generated with JQuery fire its onclick event?

I am dynamically generating an anchor tag using jQuery. I have added an onclick attribute to it but when I click on the link the onclick does not fire. I am generating the link as follows: $(document).ready(function() { var attributes = { "id": "xxx", "onclick": "alert('xxxx');", "href": "https://localhost/widget/TabTest.aspx#"...

Jquery question: How can I break up a multi-part form so that only one fieldset is visible at a time?

Hi! I have a firm grasp on XHTML & CSS, but PHP & Javascript look like magic to me. I'm building a discussion site using the PHP-based Textpattern CMS. When users are logged in, they can use a public-side form to add a new discussion topic. There are a lot of input fields, grouped by the HTML fieldset element within a single form elemen...

Jquery autocomplete for input form, using Textpattern category list as a source

I'm using the Textpattern CMS to build a discussion site-- I have a firm grasp of XHTML and CSS, as well as Textpattern's template language, but PHP and Javascript are a bit beyond my cunning. On the input form to begin a new topic, users need to select a category from a list of over 5,000 options. Using the HTML select-type input eleme...

Random line break showing up when .load() results display on page

I've had this problem for a while, and I've isolated it to being caused the mysql_connect or mysql_select_db function. For some reason, when I use jquery's .load(), the response text will have a line break at the top when displayed in the page (in a <textarea>, for instance, but in any element). Looking at the response in Firebug, there ...

How can I interpret JSON returned from jQuery.ajax and using a POST action?

I have the following jQuery code: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Services/MyService.asmx/Select", dataType: "json", data: "{'data':'test'}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function(msg){ alert(msg); }, error: function(xhr){ alert(xhr.statusText);} ...

What's the best jQuery "click a thumbnail and change the main image" module?

Here's what I have (all generated dynamically, if that makes a difference) : A list of images A caption for each image A thumbnail for each image The page should load with one full-size image and all the thumbnails. When a user clicks a thumbnail, the full-size image shows that new image with its caption. If they click another thum...

jQuery Easing Plugin not overwriting default methods

I am trying to implement GSGD's Easing Plugin (1.3) for jQuery (1.3.2) and whilst the standard animate easing methods work the easing plugin features are no overwriting the standard slideUp, slideToggle etc ...

Should I avoid using jQuery selectors on CSS classes that are defined in style sheets?

I am concerned with using CSS classes that are defined in style sheets with my jQuery selectors. The reason for this is when a CSS class is defined in a style sheet there are many reasons for a developer/designer to change the name of the class or how it is used in the html that is detached from the jQuery selector that also uses the cla...

Move from sortable to sortable

Hey everyone, Is there any way for me to allow a user to drag a div which I've put in a sortable list (I used jquery ui's $.sortable() function), into a different sortable list? ...

Count number of table rows between two specific rows with jQuery

<table> <tr id="parent_1"> <td>Parent 1</td> </tr> <tr class="child"> <td>Child 1</td> </tr> <tr class="child"> <td>Child 2</td> </tr> ... <tr id="parent_2"> <td>Parent2</td> </tr> ... </table> How can I find the number of child rows between parent_1 and parent_2 using jQuery? Edit: Sorry, didn't ma...