
reRender is not consistent in firefox 3.5 with JSF

Hi I am working on JSF 1.2 with richfaces. If user select a particular value in dropdown, based on the value one of the text field has to be editable or read-only. if user selects twice the drop down and give the value in input text the value is not refected in backing bean i am getting null value. this happens only in mozilla and no...

REST WebService to serve images dynamically?

Consider 3 Jpeg files image1.jpg image2.jpg image3.jpg For a given URL and a set of parameters, I would like the server to select and return one of those images. I'm working in a JEE6 environment. What approach would you recommend? A JSF redirect? A REST WebService? A good old servlet? ... ? Any suggestions welcome! ...

JSF move / redirect to other page with data

I have a JSP page (page1.jsp) showing a data table. There are also buttons in the table like this: <h:column> <f:facet name="header" > <h:outputText value=""/> </f:facet> <h:commandButton value="Show items" action="#{firstBean.displayItems}" immediate="true" /> </h:column> The bean: public void displayItems() thro...

JSF, postback and database alteration

Hi, I'm using JSF, Google App Engine, and OpenSessionInView (using Filter and ThreadLocal). My bean has a private field List<A> allElements; The property getAllElements() retrieves from the database the data, the first time, i.e. when allElements == null. In the page, I have a dataTable binded with {#MyBean.allElements}. Finally, the...

JSF Validation Error While Using Custom Converter

I am setting up a form using JSF (I'm pretty new at this) and I am getting a Validation Error: Value is not valid message on one of the fields. This field is actually a separate object (as I will show below) that has a custom converter. Here is what I have (with non-relevant code removed): I have a Citation class: @ManagedBean(name="...

JSF: Is there a way to create animation effect when insert a new record into table?

I've been googling this question a lot and I dont seem to find a solution. I wonder if any developer out there that able to achieve this? I know there are couple ajax framework out there for JSF like Richfaces, primefaces, icefaces ... I have look at their showcase, and could not seems to find what I am looking for. ...

JSF Navigation Question

Hi all, Can someone explain more about JSF page navigation to me? Basically, I understand that the action returns a string, that is mapped to a URL in a navigation rule. However, it seems like there is more to it, that I don't understand. My main problem is really that when I navigate away from a modal popup, using an action, it op...

tomahawk dataScroller don't show numbers pages

tomahawk dataScroller show only: |< << < > >> >| and not divides table on pages, shows all together below part of jsp page: <t:dataTable id="resultTable" value="#{customerSearchResults}" var="customerInfo" > <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="Account #" /> <...

Problem with css richfaces (on seam)

Hi guys, I have a problem with the css generated by richfaces. When I deploy my application with eclipse, sometimes I have css, sometimes not. I have found that richfaces generate this file: http://localhost:7001/myproject/a4j/s/3_3_3.Final/stylesheet/theme.xcss/DATB/eAF7sqpgb-jyGdIAFrMEaw__ And when this file is empty, I have none c...

Show/hide nested rich:subTable in rich:datatable

I've nested a subTable inside a dataTable as follows: <rich:dataTable value="#{myBean.dataList}" var="dataItem" > <f:facet name="header"> <rich:columnGroup"> ...

Can I trigger an IceFaces action using JavaScript?

If I have a simple button: <ice:panelGroup> <ice:commandButton value="foobar" action="#{fileManager.openNoFlashVisiblePopup}" /> </ice:panelGroup> Is it possible to trigger the action openNoFlashVisiblePopup using just javascript? I know that there IceFaces has a JavaScript bridge but I don't know see a...

Spring Webflow Jsf integration war not working in Glassfishv3 server.

Spring-Webflow JSF intgration war example(http://www.springsource.org/webflow-samples/spring-booking-faces.war) file from spring site is not working in GlassfishV3 server. It works in Tomcat6.0. In Glassfish, It throws following exception Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at javax.faces.context.FacesContext.getAttribut...

JSF lifecycle with example

JSF lifecycle with real example. JSF have request,processvalidation,render respose,invoke application,update model values.These event when should occuring in the real application ? For example: Login application. username,password:checking in the database.so Could please give me the how the lifecycle occuring in this application. Pl...

Are Richfaces and Primefaces compatible with each other?

I am using Primefaces-2.1 now, I try to integrate Richfaces-3.3.3 in my application in order to use <rich:jQuery>. My <p:commandButton>, <p:commandLink> stop working as soon as I integrate the Richfaces, I give me this exception: Any idea why? Exception in the filter chain javax.servlet.ServletException: Index: 0, Size: 0 at javax.faces...

JSF generated pages and entities, selectOneMenu

Using NetBeans, I have generated Hibernate mapping files and set of POJOs. I have also generated a set of JSF pages from entity classes (those generated POJOs). Now, I am trying to add a dropdown menu that would enable me to select one of the enitites. <h:selectOneMenu value="#{measurementController.sensor}"> <f:selectItems value=...

Setting the value for jsf InputSecret during page load from the managed bean

I am creating a database setting jsf page which shows the value from the properties file during the page load. The users then updates the page and press submit and the value get updated in the properties file. I followed this solution provided by Balusc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2451154/jsf-action-on-page-load and set the va...

jsf validation issue - applies required field validation for disabled input fields

Hello, I am having problem with required=true validation which is applied on disabled fields. I have an a4j:commandButton and two dropdowns containing list of states and list of countries inside a form. Both the dropdowns have required="true" validation applied. state dropdown is enabled and country dropdown is disabled by default by u...

Display image based on number value JSF

I have a number of details about a product which I wish to display. In my db the status of these items is stored as a number eg 1 - Worldwide, 2 - Europe Only, 3 - US Only I currently use: <h:outputText value="#{product.value}" /> Instead of the number I would like to display an image instead. What would be the best way to go about t...

Skin problem with richfaces on Weblogic 10.3

Hi guys, I have a big problem with richfaces and weblogic 10.3. I use seam 2.2.0 on weblogic for my project. All jsf and richfaces fonctionnalities work fine except one. The skin doesn't work, nothing is skinned so my application has none css and it's very dumpy. What is wrong in my configuration ? Thanks. Here is my richfaces confi...

Use of servletcontext?

I created one web application so i want to store my past logged user name list for comparing new users which are going to login. so how i do that by using ServletContext ? or is there any other way? ...