
Rerendering show/hide trick with AJAX (JSF+richfaces) only work for first record in a4j:repeat

Hi! For a while now, I've been working on a JAVA-based web project, and have found this website to be very helpful on numerous occasions. So, 'got some problems of my own now - and would appreciate if you help out! Ok, so Here's the thing - I'm trying to render a list of messages, each of which consists of a message title and a message...

How to iterate through all components displayed on the screen

I have a highly dynamic single page interface where various user events trigger new fields to display on the screen. I am using jsf 1.1 and basic ajax without the ability to use partial submit. Because of these limitations I have marked all of my fields required false and immediate false. The idea is to validate ONLY when the user att...

JSF application giving 404 for a sub-context

I am working on a web application which uses JSF. I have a folder called 'admin' under 'web' and I have couple of jsp pages under folder 'admin'. I can access jsp pages under 'web' but when I try to access the pages under 'admin' I get '404-Requested resource cannot be found' The 'context.xml' for my application is something like this: ...

setInterval jsf2.0 glassfish v3 and memory Leaks

Hi, guys i'm new and i'm not english. I have a problem with using js setInterval that simulate a user click, every X seconds, on submit button. In the page there is only one h:form and h:commandButton. I use a profiler and i see that the java.util.HashMap increase continuosly it's size. After some hours the used heap size is growed a lot...

Jsf integrating with Jquery

Hi All, I am new to integrating the JSf with jquery(usign "url" and jgrid). please can you help me on this topic.if possible please provide one sample example. ...

What's the best way to create parametrized multi-purpose custom facelet tags

I created a Facelet tag for rendering a textinput with a label. That's very helpful when for avoiding repeating the same code over and over again. Though I'm struggling with handling different use cases within this single tab (date vs. text, required vs. not required, textarea vs. normal text etc.) I ended up with having multiple tags...

Evaluating expression of Facelets components in Richfaces sort

Hello guys, I have some problem evaluating expression in a Facelets component defined in a .taglib.xml SortField2.getExpression() gives me the value "#{sortBy}" instead of evaluating the value. My component (a simple column) is defined as: <ui:composition> <rich:column sortBy="#{sortBy}" width="#{width}" styleClass="#{style...

Authentification in JSF ?

I'm developing a JEE application (JSF2 + richfaces+ Facelets + Tomcat). What's the best way to perform authentification ? Or should i make my own ? ...

How to clear contents of an element on radio button change

I am having two radio buttons of label 'Text Mode' and 'Html Mode'. If Text Mode is selected only <h:inputTextarea/> should be displayed and the contents of HTML editor must be empty. If Html Mode is selected <rich:editor/> should be displayed and the Text textarea must be empty. The default selection is Text mode. (i.e. if the user adds...

JSF: Validate value provided in both fields or none of them

I have two fields representing data range ("from" and "to"). I need to check if either both fields are filled on none of them, so only moment there should be validation message shown is when one is filled and not second one. How can I do that? I thied this custom validator and add it to both fields (as JSF doesn't validate empty fields) ...

JSF Confirmation

Hello jsf friends, My application looks and works great so far. My users will have a lot of crucial decisions to make, like deleting or editing entities or accepting applications which causes an email. For that reason I want to integrate a common form of confirmation. And that's why I ask you: What's your favourite way of confirmation ...

Bind dynamic properties using JSF

I have a edit screen which displays a series of editable properties(fields) of an entity. And this list of fields are dynamic,in the sense that any field can be added/removed from the list without any code change. I have a model something like this. public class Property{ private String displayName; private String value; private int...

JSF java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert 5 of type class java.lang.Integer to class

i get new Error with converter javax.faces.component.UpdateModelException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert 5 of type class java.lang.Integer to class com.jpa.entity.Groups at javax.faces.component.UIInput.updateModel(UIInput.java:839) at javax.faces.component.UIInput.processUpdates(UIInput.java:722) at ja...

where did this faces-config.pageflow.xml file come from?

I am migrating an application to jsf 1.2 and now out of the blue there is a new .metadata folder in the project root with a WebConent folder inside there with a WEB-INF folder still deeper and inside there we now have a super important looking faces-config.pageflow file. I open it up and see it has references to all of my included files...

Requested resource not found for sub-context in case of JSF

My JSF application is deployed under tomcat and server.xml is configured as follows for my application <Host name="myapp.com" appBase="/home/myapp/public_html"> <Alias>www.myapp.com</Alias> <Context path="" reloadable="true" docBase="/home/myapp/public_html" debug="1"/> <Context path="/manager" debug="0" privileged=...

Text & Image Layout in JSF

Hi i am trying to make image and text display at same line by using JSF tag. is there any way to do that? oringinal code is like following but image and text always displays in 2 lines. <rich:modalPanel id="Busy" autosized="true" zindex="2000"> <h:outputText value="Submitting..."></h:outputText> <h:graphicImage valu...

FacesContext and "Servlet" Context

Hi, is there any equivalent to FacesContext, but in servlet environment? I have some DAOSessionManager that handles transaction to my database. I can use the FacesContext to identify the current http request when the current page is written using JSF, but what about servlet ones ? I can't find any way to get the current Servlet conte...

JSF + Primefaces: Problem with "rendered" components with ajax

EDIT Cant seem to get rendered to work correctly with update attributes. Here is my codes <ui:define name="left"> <h:form> <p:commandLink value="Hey" actionListener="#{bean.setRenderComment}" update="comment"/> </h:form> </ui:define> <ui:define...

JSF2 Messages tag for user interaction

Hi, I use the tag h:messages for displaying form validation messages (in a red error style). I was wondering if you can use that tag to display other messages as well. For example a success message (obviously in another style) or an info message. So that I can integrate such a messages tag in any page and use it to provide information t...

JSF - RichFaces performance problems showing complex page.

Hi all, I am working on Weblogic 10.3.2, JSF 1.2, Richfaces 3.3.2 and Facelets 1.1.14. I have a serious performance problem, particularly showing my home page, which contains a very complex rich:datatable. When deploying the application on my local server, a request can take over 5 seconds to complete. The home page is a ui:composit...