
JSF1054: (Phase ID: RESTORE_VIEW 1, View ID: )

Looking at the error, it seems like request that refers to JSF ViewIds doesn't exist in the session on the server. I am not sure why. I don't timeout the session, but have a filter "NewSessionFilter" that invalidates and creates a new session every time we login. Below is the error stack that I am getting intermittently(not always) whi...

JSF2 and Facelets

Hi all I have tried to port JSF 1 + JSP to JSF 2 + Facelets but I have stumbled onto this error when I viewed the page in the web browser: XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: http://localhost/index.xhtml Line Number 1, Column 1: The codes of index.xhtml are: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://...

How can I create a Java web application which looks the same as my desktop?

I want create a web application which looks similar as my Windows 7 desktop. I am using JSP and JSF. I wonder how I could create a start button and gadgets. Can anyone give me some hints? ...

JSF: Ternary operator used to assign a value to an <f:param> fails

Hi, I am using JSF tags within an XHTML file. My intention is to enable or disable a <rich:MenuItem> context-menu item by setting the "disabled" attribute to "true" or "false" appropriately. To do this, I am using a backing bean variable in a ternary operator and setting an <f:param> value to either "true" or "false" based on the ...

how to work with JSF in xhtml?

I need to create application using JSF in XHTML. What is the procedure for accessing Myfaces tags in xhtml coding page! and i also need to configure ajax... please help me! ...

How do i keep myself DRY and prevent code explosion in this scenario.

My application lets a user browse a world map. When the user clicks on a country, a mindmap appears. The user then traverses the nodes of this mindmap. So for example, when user clicks Singapore, a mind map appears. Next, the user clicks on a job function, e.g. Human Resources. This final node redirects the user to another page, in which...

Grouping JSF error messages

Hi, I have to break the date input in a form into 3 different parts, the day, month and year. At the moment whenever there is an error in all three fields, 3 error messages are displayed. I'm wondering if there is a way to group these error messages? So if one or more fields has an error only one error message will be displayed. Alterna...

What is JSF unit?

I am doing work on JSF unit so can anyone give me the simple example of JSF unit also some useful link which is good for beginner.. ...

JSF HTTP Session Login

Hello All ! i try to create login form in web application. in JSP page i can use <% String name = request.getParameter( "username" ); session.setAttribute( "theName", name ); %> but now i using JSF /Facelets for web application i dont know how to create session in JSF Backing bean for client and check if user login or not logi...

JSF 2.0: What happens to object references of a managed bean across multiple ajax requests?

Assume I have a session scoped bean with object references in it, where the bean extends from an abstract generic base class. Example: public abstract class AbstractCrudController<K, E> implements Serializable { private Class<E> entityClass; private E user; public E getUser() { if (user == null) { try { ...

JSF and browser back

I have a very strict requirement to use POST to pass in request parameters to my application upon entry. Once entering the application (page1), entering form information and continuing to the next page (page2) via a commandButton, the expectation is that the data will be posted and later read from a session scoped manage bean. All work...

Identifying rows in a rich:dataTable using ID instead of index

I'm using a to display an array of my domain objects (POJO) in my web page, like this: <rich:dataTable id="instanceListTable" value="#{instanceListBean.runningProcesses}" var="instance"> The dataTable generates client IDs based on the index in the array, which is later used to identified the row that user selected. The problem is, th...

strange jsf redirect behaviour

Hello, I try to navigate to another page with redirect by assigning a navigation-rule. The webpage I try to redirect to works just fine when it is directly called. When I set the edirection to a jsp page which simply includes a <jsp:forward page="faces/another.xhtml" /> message in it, I get this following nullpointerexception and redir...

Is it possible to update the app without restarting the server in JSF?

I'm working with Eclipse 3.5, Tomcat 6, JSF 1.2 and IceFaces 1.8. Whenever I update any file in my app, I have to restart the server to see the latest changes. How to update my app without restarting the server? The server option "Automatically publish when resource changes" is already selected. Update: If I change the main file, the c...

JSP:include is not rendering the included file

I just created a new IceFaces application and I'm trying to include a navigation bar in all of the pages. When I use the jsp:directive.include tag the file is included, but when I use jsp:include it does not seem to be loaded. In fact, when I check the HTML source code in my browser, it's like the included file was completely empty. I do...

JSF Spring Integration

Hi all, I don't have much experience in J2EE development, but I have just been assigned to a project that uses JSF 1.1 and Spring 2.0. I found that many of our Spring managed service layer classes contain methods that take/return a JSF managed bean. I am wondering if this is good practice, as it seems to tightly couple the service and p...

ViewScoped Bean cause NotSerializableException

Hello I'm using a ViewScoped Bean the Problem is that when call it I get the NotSerializableException. This is the code of my Managed Bean : @ManagedBean(name="demandesBean") @ViewScoped public class DemandesBean implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @ManagedProperty(value="#{demandeService...

How to get one instance of list using select statement in EJB 3 and JSF

Hello All! Now i'm working with EJB 3 in Stateless Bean i create method get all instance of entity About public List<About> retrieveAllAbout(){ return em.createNameQuery("About.findAll").getResultList(); } Now i want get one row of list to pass to js page. How can i do it in jsf page ( xhtml) i want show one value of li...

Adding elements to editable form using h:dataTable without submitting all the rows

Just wondering if it is possibly to dynamically add elements (in AJAX fashion) to a form using h:dataTable without always submitting the current contents? Normally one has to always send the full contents of the datatable, because the whole datatable is re-rendered. If the datatable gets big (say, 100 rows) this can radically slow down t...

EJB3 - JSF cannot update entity it excute insert statement why?

hello all new problem i cant solved i have 1 entity below package com.entity; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.persistence.Basic; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Lob; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQue...