
Creation on JSF custom component for credit card

I need to create one textfield custom components which accepts only credit card number like following format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx and it should accept only number. so how can i do that i know the simple steps of how to create a custom components. and i am using jsf 1.2 version ...

How much costs the Oracle ADF Framework?

I would like to develop applications using Oracle ADF Framework. How is the licensing? How much costs to develop and deploy applications to my customers with this amazing technology. ...

Different value of date display between database and data table

I have a problem with display of dates from Oracle database in a Java webapplication using a JSF datatable. The displayed date differs from the date in the database. Here are some examples: in oracle: 24-APR-87 display in datatable: Apr 23, 1987 in oracle: 01-JAN-10 display in datatable: Dec 31, 2009 in oracle: 13-MAR-89 display in...

How to implement verticall scrolling on mouse over in a <rich:datatable> in jsf+richfaces?

Can any one help in achiving this requirement. Is there any attribute in rich:datatable has this ? ...

strange blank page on google chrome

Hi, I've spent a few hours to find out the cause of this blank page: [page removed for security reasons] It's hard to understand why all the source code appears ok but the page is blank... Please note that in FF/IE it's working ok... Does anybody see the problem? Solved: The problem was the js plugin which loaded the text containin...

Facelet was modified messages

I see this information in my jboss console, when my pages don't render properly. Does anyone know what this means? 14:22:46,403 INFO [facelet] Facelet[/layout/header.xhtml] was modified @ 1 :54:54 PM, flushing component applied @ 2:22:43 PM 14:22:46,404 INFO [facelet] Facelet[/layout/header.xhtml] was modified @ 1 :54:54 PM, flushing ...

Moving items from right to left causes the elements to go to the bottom of the rich:pickList

Moving items from right to left causes the elements to go to the bottom of the rich:pickList Assuming I have 5 elements in my pick list and the left hand side shows up as (1,2,3,4,5) and I move to items from the top to the right side. The list appears as follows left hand side (3,4,5) and right hand side (1,2). If I move 2 back to the...

How to provide a minimum width for rich:orderingList control

We use rich:orderingList with the following attributes listHeight="auto" listWidth="auto", this causes it to auto re-size and if there are smaller strings within the list, the list width is very small. We would prefer to have a minimum size for smaller strings and should change to auto for larger strings. How do we achieve this? ...

Entering double value through h:inputText

I am getting double input value through h:inputText component. <h:inputText value="#{bean.testValue}" /> And the bean is class Bean{ private Double testValue; public Double getTestValue() { return testValue; } public void setTestValue(Double testValue) { System.out.println("testValue="+testValue); ...

Managedbean could not be created Error While passing parameters on URL

Hi I'm trying to pass parameters on URL but I get Managed bean "Cant instantiate class:" error. Code is Here: create url: <h:outputLink id="link" value="#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/Public/Home/altKanallar.jsf?id=#{item.id}&name=#{item.name}"> <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" /> </h:outputLink> ...

JSF 2.0 use enum in selectMany menu

I want to use enum values in a selectManyCheckbox. The checkboxes get populated correctly, however, when selecting some values and submitting them, their runtime type is String, and not enum. My code: <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{userController.roles}" layout="pageDirection"> <f:selectItems value="#{userController.rolesSelectMany...

Primefaces lightBox problem

I have created a page with primefaces where I use the Lightbox component. I use it in a dynamic matter as I create tumbnails on the fly with a servlet call. The first page shows up nice and the lightbox works as expected but when I load a new set of pictures for the next page the pictures are shown but when you click on it, it just sho...

RequestScope bean and Prime Faces Collector

Hi! I got a problem. I have a bean CreateProjectBean which is RequestScope bean. I want to use Prime Faces component called Collector so i can dynamicly change in view createProject table groupRoleAdapters which is a field of CreateProjectBean. Unforuntely every time i click "add" or "remove" in collector, there is a new request being s...

How to read a value from a h:inputHidden in the managed bean

I have a JSF page which has a h:inputHidden component and I am setting a hardcoded value. I have set the id, name and value attributes. But when I access the value from the managed bean, I am getting null. I also noticed that, during runtime, the name is changing to some auto generated id. Appreciate any help. ...

How to send a List from JSF to backing Bean

I am using a Datatable in JSF1.2 to populate the data received from Seam component/ using a List. The data is getting fetched when I use the list. But when, I want to make the Datatable editable so that the value I am changing on the JSF page can be sent back to the Seam Component/ Backing Bean the list is not passing value to the Seam ...

Unit test error (JSF): Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract

Hello! I get a strange error when Im trying to unit test a Java class dealing with JSF components (javax.faces.model.SelectItem). The error I get is this: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract in class file javax/faces/model/SelectItem at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Na...

Request scope backing bean... not in request

I have a backing bean (say MyPageBean) with request scope, but it seems to be in session because, navigating my application, when I visit the page myPage, I always get the same instance. I'm using JSF 1.2, IceFaces 1.8.2 and JBoss 5.1.0 ...

null control for java server faces el

Hello, I cannot figure out how to do a null check withing a jsf attribute. Here is the error message I get: value="#{configTableBean.selectedRecord != null ? configTableBean.selectedRecord.description : ''}": Illegal Syntax for Set Operation what is the proper way of checking for null? Thanks ...

Java Server Faces 2.0 or Tapestry 5.2?

Are there any up to date articles comparing JSF 2 and Tap 5? Everything I seem to find is comparing JSF 1.2 and Tap4. Does anyone have any experience with T5 or JSF2 and time to evangelize one or the other? I'm looking for a framework for rapid development in Java, on top of Hibernate and mySql. Other framework sales pitches accepted,...

How to add a navigation case to a JSF project using netbeans

I have simple JSF2 application running on glashfish 3.1. I want to add a new index page, not change the actual one, but to set a new one that links me to the actual one, I have managed to set the welcome page to index1 (my new page). xhtml and set my link: <h:commmandLink action="/index/List"> But when I test it I get Cannot find nav...