
is there a tab control in RichFaces or JSF that doesn't render ugly nested tables?

The RichFaces 3.3.3 tabPanel control that I'm currently using renders 4 level nested tables. Is there any other tab control to render clean HTML or atleast allow me to control it? Like a <ul> ? ...

Why doesn't h:dataTable inside ui:repeat get correct ID?

Code: <ui:repeat var="obj" value="#{demo2Bean.someList}"> <h:panelGroup id="foo" /> <h:dataTable id="bar" /> </ui:repeat> Result: <span id="j_idt55:0:foo"></span> <table id="j_idt55:0:bar"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></table> <span id="j_idt55:1:foo"></span> <table id="j_idt55:0:bar"><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></ta...

JSF datatable, request parameters and actions

Hi guys, I'm currently struggling with request parameters in JSF 2 and Icefaces 2 (shouldn't make a difference to only JSF 2) and would like to ask you about the recommended way to handle / process parameters. The problem I encounter occurs when using an ice:dataTable. Every time I hit the submit button (or fire a row selection event by...

How do I use the latest version of jQuery and get back the '$' for jQuery in RichFaces?

RichFaces 3.3.3 comes baked in with jQuery 1.3.2 and prototype and scriptaculous as well. How can I try and use the latest version of jQuery? Can I use the Google CDN one? Also the $() object is defaulted to prorotype and to use jQuery I have to do jQuery() is there a way to get back the $ for jQuery without breaking RichFaces? UPDAT...

How to refer to dataTable parent within the dataTable?

Consider a dummy case: <h:form id="wrapperForm"> <h:panelGroup id="rowsContainer"> <h:dataTable id="rowsTable" value="#{bean.rows}" var="row" > <h:column> <h:commandButton value="Click me to update (#{component.parent.parent.parent.clientId})"> <f:ajax render=":#{component.pare...

How do I use patterns with convertNumber?

I am trying to use the f:convertNumber tag. I want to use multiple patterns. I see you can do that with the date tag and the color tag. Is there any way to do it with the convertNumber tag without creating a custom tag. My problem is I want to be able to accept $ signs or no $ sign for my input. Thanks in advance. ...

Session map is null when printed

I am working on JSF1.1 with JSP as presentation technology. I have a managed bean with an ArrayList and I display the list in as rows. Everything works fine. I have session replication with two server nodes and when I replicate the session, and put one of the cluster down, app is now on second cluster but the session attributes are los...

commandLink does not work on the first click

I've found some questions that seem related to this one, but none describes exaclty what is happening to my web app. Here it goes: it's a very simple app, with a left menu bar, a header and a central panel to show some texts. The menu bar has a lot of commandLinks which will define which page is going to be loaded in the central panel....

JSF 1.2 difference between exception in action and actionListener

I've noticed that JSF 1.2. does not return error page when an exception was thrown in actionListener method but does return error page when an exception was thrown in action method. Why is that? Can it return error page in both cases? ...

How to use jQuery with in xhtml?

i am using facelets,richfaces,and ajax, in XHTML i am facing error while creating datepicker! What is the solution for my problem? the code is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http:...

richfaces 3.3.3 on google app engine

Hi, I'm trying to run Richfaces 3.3.3Final with Google app engine but richfaces uses javax.imageio.ImageIO restricted class. Is there any workaround for this problem ? ...

How to resolve this facelets warning message

What does this error message mean? What values should be provided to get rid of this warning? 15:10:58,024 WARNING [component] facelets.RECREATE_VALUE_EXPRESSION_ON_BUIL D_BEFORE_RESTORE is set to 'true' but facelets.BUILD_BEFORE_RESTORE is set to 'false' or unset. To use facelets.RECREATE_VALUE_EXPRESSION_ON_BUILD_BEF ORE_RESTORE you m...

JSF 2.0: Why does f:ajax send all the form fields and not only those marked with execute-attribute?

Seems like I am having a bunch of JSF related questions these days... here it goes again: why does AJAX call declared with f:ajax post all the fields of the form and not only those declared with execute? This question was already asked in the Sun forums, but as they are now closed I cannot reply there. The thread there is a stub with no ...

JSF 2.0 timer component

I'm looking for a component that counts down a specific duration on the client side (e.g. to display the remaining time until an auction finishes). The component does not need to necessarily perform an action when the timer is timed out. It should basically print the timer in a human readable form, e.g. 1 hour 2 minutes 23 seconds and up...

Richfaces and Headless mode.

I am working on richfaces and everything seem to work on my dev machine (windows os). Deploying it on a linux machine,I don't see any images that comes with richfaces components(like sorting images) and throws this exception. java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using 'tnsd03748:1.0' as the value of the DISPLAY va...

What is going on with my custom converter?

I am using a custom converter. I am trying to understand why my page is just refreshing and not going to the correct link. My custom converter is working but when I click on a link to go to another page it is hitting the getAsObject method, refreshing the page and not going to the link I clicked. Can someone help me understand why thi...

Parse JSTL XML inside JSF

I'm working on a project which I need to generate a form dynamically. The user chooses the component he wants to put on the screen and the program adds it in the form. To do so, I'm using XML to define the current state of the form and at first sight I thought in using XSLT to make the transformation to JSF but now I am evaluating JSTL t...

JSF / Mojarra 2.0.2: ui:repeat is totally broken when updating via AJAX

Using ui:repeat for simple listing of elements produces very strange results - when you add an element, the first element is always replaced with the values from the last element before the submit. Same occurs when removing the elements - the first element shows actually the just removed element. With h:dataTable the same works perfectl...


I have a xml file which I want to transform in a jsf code page. To do that I've created a xsl file. xml: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?> <questionario xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='Schema2.xsd'> <componente nome='input'> <id>input1</id> </...

How to upload image in JSF

Hello once again i ask question on stackOverflow :D how can i upload file with JSF using primefaces? i have method handle Upload Image public void handleFileUpload(FileUploadEvent event) { ExternalContext extContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(). getExternalCo...