
Post-injection initialisation (JSF 1.2 + Guice)

I'm trying to integrate Guice into a JSF 1.2 (Sun RI) application, and I want to be able to do the following to my managed-beans: Inject dependencies using the Guice @Inject annotation, then Perform initialisation using the @PostConstruct annotation My problem is that the @PostConstruct method is always invoked before the @Inject ann...

How to go back to the previous page using JSF

I would like to implement a hyperlink leading to the respective previous page which should appear supplied with the same data used for its previous display (similar to the effect of the "history-back" button). Are there any best practices to do this? ...

Setting paginatorActiveColumnStyle in JSF Tomahawk

Hi %, I'm struggling with the paginatorActiveColumnStyle attribute of t:datascroller within JSF. Actually the system ignores values set to this property. I'm on the most recent LIB versions, just checked that. Does anyone know how to get this going? thx and best regards, Andras ...

JSF Richfaces frontend performance tuning

I've developed a web application using MyFaces 1.2.6 and Richfaces 3.3.1GA (just upgrated). Despite the ease of use, I found out that Richfaces components are very slow. I also found out that they didn't really take advantage of the browser caching mechanism, they keep sending some lousy JS file every request and other things. I really ...

Error occurs by the use of JSF by the enterprise application.

Please teach it still more because it is a beginner. I study JavaEE5 with NetBeans now. I made a project by an enterprise application and made session Bean of an entity class and the entity class in ejb. And make a servlet in war; of the cord insertion "call enterprise Bean This succeeded, but to use Visual Web JSF next; in the framewor...

JSF vs Flex

I want to settle on a GUI framework, and use AJAX, as simply as possible. Assuming adequate skills in both JSF and Flex, but not too skilled at AJAX/javascript, and assuming Java as the language for the application, and using a DB, which is a good choice, or both have equal set of pros/cons? ...

Looking for pros/cons of using GWT or JSF

I'm a long time Java developer who has been building UI with Adobe Flex for the past few years. I'm looking to broaden my repertoire with a RIA technology that runs in a plain-old browser, no plug-ins required. I've read a lot about GWT but don't know much about JSF, especially given the varying implementations. Below are some criteri...

richfaces suggestionBox passing additional values to backing bean

When using the rich faces suggestionBox how can you pass more than one id or value from the page with the text input to the suggestionBox backing bean. ie: to show a list of suggested cities within a selected state? Here is my autoComplete method. public List< Suburb > autocomplete(Object suggest) { String pref = (String) suggest;...

Basic question about JSF inputText and about Sessions in jsf managed bean

Hello everybody. First of all i would like to say that i got so much help in java in last few days, and would like to thanks everybody for their help. Now to my question. I am very new to JSF... I would like to know how can i read a value of input text from the managed bean. I know it is possible to read this way and it is very stright...

Conditionally required jsf validation in a4j form

Hello, I'm having a little problem with using conditionally evaluated expression in jsf/a4j Here's my code <a4j:form> <h:inputText id="id1" value="#{mybean.myvalue}" size="1" required="#{not mybean.condition}" rendered="#{not mybean.condition}" requiredMessage="Put a num...

JSF renderers - using templates

I was wondering if anyone has experience with using some kind of templating language for generating the html output in the component's renderer. It seems to me that doing stuff like the following is difficult to maintain if your component rendering will suffer changes during its life. writer.write('\n'); writer.startElement("script",...

How to run my JSF 1.1 application on WAS 6.0

I face troubles accessing my website deployed on Websphere Application Server 6.0 when I deploy my application which uses JSF1.1 Runtime Environment. At first It loaded with some errors telling me that my commandLink is missing bodyContent, which is Optional, but I think edited my pages and the page is displayed. When I try to press an...

How can I develop a CSS based layout that is 100% browser compatible?

We are in the process of creating a few layouts for various external and internal websites. One of the developers is using the not-so best practice of switching his CSS file (one for FF and one for IE) based on the user agent. :/ Others are sticking with table based layouts because they are browser compatible. I would like some minor ...

Integrate JQuery with JSF

I have a JSF application that uses mostly Richfaces. I would like to introduce a more feature-rich grid control, such as the jQuery-based jqgrid. Is it possible to get JSON data from a JSF backing bean? If not, is there an alternative approach? ...

http GET parameter SOMETIMES missing when using jsf

i have a servlet filter that handles errors for both vanilla servlets and jsf pages. if an error is detected the user is redirected to an error page where he can give feedback. then i try to read the value in the ErroBean it is there - SOMETIMES. :( about 50% of the time. FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getReque...

MyFaces to JSF RI migration issue

I'm migration from MyFaces 1.2.6 to JSF RI 1.2. My application also use Facelets, Tomahawk and Richfaces. Using MyFaces 1.2.6, it works without problemas. Using JSF RI 1.2, I got some problems. It keeps printing this error: This page contains the following errors: error on line 141 at column 36: xmlParseEntityRef: no name Below is a ...

Speeding up Eclipse and JSF+Tomcat development

Hi Is there any way I can speed up the development of JSF in Eclipse and Tomcat? Basically I'm looking for a way to make the client-side changes (.jsf, .html, .css, .js) to happen a lot faster, and with out having to restart tomcat. And if possible, also a way to make tomcat (or any other Windows + Eclipse compatible Servlet Contain...

Tomahawk datascroller next en previous

Hi guys Mr Noob here again; Im using tomahawks datascroller to page though data in a datatable. I have two facets, next and previous defined. I noticed that the as soon as there is data to be paged, that the next and previous buttons appear, regardless. ie, if you are on the fist page, previous is stil shown, and if you are on the last p...

What jsf component can render a div tag?

Eg h:inputText will render a "input type='text'". What jsf tag can render a "div" tag? ...

How can I get HttpServletRequest when in an HttpSessionListener?

How can I access request headers from a SessionListener? I need to set a timeout on the current session when it is created. The timeout needs to vary based on a header in the HttpServletRequest. I already have a SessionListener (implements HttpSessionListener) that logs the creation and destruction of new sessions, and it seems to be th...