
Multiple Footer Rows in a JSF dataTable

I am wanting to know if there is any way to have multiple footer rows in a h:dataTable (or t:datatable) I want to do somthing like this (which does not compile) <h:dataTable ... var="row"> <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> Header </f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{row.value}"/> <f:facet name="footer"> FirstF...

Usage of ICEFaces push technology

We are looking at/investigating the possible usage of ICEFaces AJAX push technology. Wondering if anyone has used this? What issues they faced? And overall impression of it. We are using Websphere 6.1 application server - has any one who has implemented this implemented it on Websphere. We are trying to address an issue on our site i...

Are Java web frameworks really worth the hassle?

I'm relatively new to Java programming (About 2 years) but not to web development. I started out with HTML and ASP (pre .NET), and have recently started messing with J2EE. I feel like I have a good grasp of JSP/Servlets (I find them to be similar to ASP) and have recently begun working with JSF and Facelets. Although I can see why peo...

how to hide input text and enable selectonemenu when value of other seleconemenu is changed +jsf

Hello every thanks for supporting me for my last question Form getting submitted even A4j validation fails +jsf it is working i have selectonemenu for country list if the user is selecting country other than india he will directly enter state in textbox but if he selects india another selectonemenu appears. but on selecting value fro...

Retrieving session ID value from a JSF request

How do I retrieve the session ID value inside a JSF managed bean? ...

What / where are the required libraries for JSF (specifically javax.faces stuff)

I've spent the last several hours searching the web, and I can't figure this one out. I want to include some javax.faces classes in a java package I'm working on. Specifically: import javax.faces.application.Application; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.el.VariableResolver; I'm using eclipse 3.4 I know how ...

Change radio button name javascript not working in IE

I have a few radiobuttons in a jsp page. I run a javascript method once the page is loaded that seeks for certain radio buttons and change its name so they work like a radio group. I'm doing it this way because the radio buttons are inside jsf table and I have no access to the name property when coding and I want all of the radio butto...

Using kaptcha with JSF

I'm trying to use http://code.google.com/p/kaptcha/ which looks like a very easy way to include CAPTCHA. My demo app is JSF and although the instructions are simple for JSP, I don't know how to use them in JSF. How do I translate this in JSF? In your code that manages the submit action: String kaptchaExpected = (String)request....

Problem using richfaces to blind up and blind down

Using JSP and RichFaces. The search div should blind up when the "Run Search" button is clicked and the results div should blind down. <div id="paper"> <f:view> <h:form> <div id="criteria"> <rich:panel header="Search"> <h:inputText value="#{Bean.na...

Question about Icefaces and valueChangeListener

Hi There... I used icefaces 1.7.1, and i use ice:inputText with valueChangeListener like that : <ice:inputText value="#{myBean.name}" valueChangeListener="#{myBean.nameChangedListener}"/> In MyBean.java i have: public void nameChangedListener(ValueChangeEvent event){ // test the new value : if it's ok continue but if it is not o...

JavaEE 5, WAS 6.0 Strange issue with JSP includes

Hi Friends, We are currently in the process of migrating our application from our production environment to a brand new data center. Current Production Environment : Java 1.4, Java EE 3, WAS 5.1, JSF 2.1 New Data Center Environment: Java 1.5, Java EE 5, WAS 6.1, JSF 2.1 Our application is built on JSF 2.1 and contains the code below ...

Looking for a single package for JSF SUN-RI with JSTL

For those of you using JSF + JSTL, is there any provider that provides both these jars in a single package (zip etc.)? (I'm looking for one package due to limitations of a particular framework that I'm using to write an Eclipse plugin) Any pointers are welcome. ...

JSF Faces Bridge get java.lang.NullPointerException when deploying to oc4j container

I am running JDeveloper with the webcenter pre-configured oc4j. I'm trying to portletize a vanilla JSF webcenter project. I create a application using the webcenter application template. Add a JSF JSP, simple called it index with all the default values. Add a deployment profile and deploy to local oc4j navigate to the jsf pag...

JSF and Spring performance vs poor JSP performance

I saw some JSF projects developed by my collegues and these projects seemed to me very slow. Does anybody have the same opinion? I'm currenly using jsp+jstl and jQuery for "rich" client. I wonder what advantages and disadvantages have modern frameworks (jsf, wicket, tapestry..) over old plain jsp. It would be great if people who ...

display of wrong time

I have written a method using JSF: public static String getCurrentTime(Locale locale) { Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance(locale); return new SimpleDateFormat("HHmmss").format(cal.getTime()); } While testing my application in my local machine I am getting the time same as system time but when my friends are testing...

How to pass data from JSF to a Java Applet

I'm building a web application with JSF and ICEFaces. Now I've integrated a Java Applet into one of the JSF pages. The Question is, how can I pass information stored in the backing bean to the applet? I don't think that I neeed a bidirectional communication. I'm collection data using ICEFaces input components. For instance, hitting a bu...

Using Spring AOP in an JSF application

consider a JSF web application with a managed bean FooBean.java. I've declared this "FooBean" in my faces-config.xml file. Now, if I want to add the Spring AOP advice for the methods of FooBean, how do I do that? Should I add an applicationContext.xml file and declare the managed beans inside it? or will it work even if I am not decl...

jsf messages: adding link

Currently in JSF, all HTML contained within a message (rich:messages tag) is escaped and just shows up as the markup. For example, in my backing bean, I have: createMessage("Title created successfully with product number: <a href=\"http://www.example.com\"&gt;" + product.getProductNumber() + "</a>."); where createMessage() is just a ...

Reading contents of a managed bean with reflection in a JSF application

Hey, I want to print out the contents of a backing bean in an auto-generated way. So all the contents appear on a JSP. Is this possible anyhow? Thanks in advance, Daniel ...

What are the options to replace Java Swing GUI?

We have a desktop client application developed in Swing. This application interacts with backend server using Servlet. The new requirement is to make a web based client. I have read about JavaFX, Flex, ExtJS, etc. I would like to know which solution is best fit to replace a swing application? Does anyone have any experience of doing th...