
JSF f:selectItem in h:selectManyCheckbox not working in backing bean, but is displayed properly in h:dataTable

Hello everyone. The problem occurs with this code: <h:form> <rich:panel> <f:facet name="header"> <h:selectManyCheckbox title="Select which types of requests you want to see" onchange="submit();" value="#{filterListener.chosenFilters}" id="selectB...

Are custom facelet functions dirty?

I have several places in my facelets web app where we are using custom facelet functions. For some reason they feel dirty and I can't quite peg why. What is StackOverflow's view of custom facelet functions? ...

Stop Eclipse restarting my web app on file save

I'm creating a JSF/Facelets web app in Eclipse. I've configured my project to use a Tomcat (6.0) server that is started/stopped by Eclipse. Whenever I save a file (eg .xhtml) Eclipse restarts the app, trashing my HTTP session. This is annoying, because I'm frequently updating my .xhtml files, and the app doesn't need restarting to detec...

get some stack trace info into a custom tomcat error 500 page

What is the best way of getting some of the stack trace info, perhaps the Exeception.message onto my custom error 500 page with tomcat, spring, jsf? I'd just like the root cause of the exeception displayed. ...

missing resource exception

my application uses eclipse and run on Tomcat server.technology used is 'JSF'. while running my application i m getting exception like: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key Content Management Exception Please suggest what to do? ...

What's the best database/data strategy to build up a forum using Java Servlet/JSP/JSF and combining Ajax?

Frequently for standard J2EE projects I use directly SQL constructs or ORM framework to manage data into forms and so on, but of course enterprise environments don't bother much about n-users access performances at the same time. So what could it be the most performance suited strategy for an user forum of up 50 users and more? Have yo...

Call backing bean method through XmlHttpRequest object

Is there a way to call a backing bean method using the javascript XmlHttpRequest object or through jQuery in JSF? ...

Component for "priority table" in JSF?

In a certain page of our JSF application, the user sees a table listing many objects, which we will call "jobs". Let's say each job has a priority, which is nothing but a number, and in this screen the user is able to edit the priorities of the jobs. However, two jobs can't have the same priority number. For this reason, I'm finding it ...

JSF: Backing Beans with nested objects?

JSF 1.1, using a backing bean with a nested objects inside I can read all properties of the nested object. For example assuming a backing bean named "foo" with a nested object "bar" can I set/write via h:form all the properties of foo.bar? I mean something like this: f:view h:form h:inputText value...

Usage of JSF vs other web frameworks

We are in the process of re-evaluating our usage of JSF (brought in before I came onto the project) vs the possible usage of other web frameworks such as Spring MVC. From my view point, it appears that the development time to building out pages takes a very long time using JSF (never developed with) compared to using Spring MVC (which I...

branch to external page from a JSF context

Hi all, I have a JSF frontend to a webapp served via tomcat. I want to be able to 'branch' to a page external to the web-app then have that page branch back to the original JSF page. Complications are that (1) occasionally a reasonably large chunk of data needs to be passed back and forth; and (2) the url of the external page is dynamic...

Ajax and JSF 1.1 using hidden iframe with "proxy forms", what do you think about this development strategy?

Hi, currently I am using yet 1.1 specs, so I am trying to make simple what is too complex for me :p, managing backing beans with conflicting navigation rules, external params breaking rules and so on... for example when I need a backing bean used by other "views" simply I call it using FacesContext inside other backing beans, but often i...

Why the jsf view is not updated after new data in the backing bean are loaded from database?

hello, I am - unfortunally - working with jsf and I am experiencing a problem. I have a jsf page that displays a table with some data, using the <h:dataTable> component. Every row of this table has an <h:commandLink> with a Remove action to remove the item in that row. When I perform that action, the method in the backing bean is correct...

ICEFaces Session Auto-Extension

I have an application in which users frequently leave the page running in their browser all day. The page has an intervalrendered that updates data every 30 seconds. However, if the user doesn't interact with the page for a while, it still expires. I'd like it to auto-extend for as long as the browser is open and making the scheduled r...

JSF 1.1: question about lifecycles, why the rendering attribute influences the managed bean action below?

I have a page "start.jsf" which points to an action #{ruler.start}, this action forwards the request to "flow.jsf". The managed bean "ruler" (request scoped) contains some properties, one of them called "ruler.operation", correctly filled into "start.jsf". The page "flow.jsf" has a command button pointing to an another managed bean c...

How many ways there are to declare variables in facelets?

I noticed that c:set does not work well used inside "include of include of include", as important notice facelets documentation does't recommend it too. Now I am using ui:param inside ui:include, but it is a bit dispersive when no attached notes about params comes with the include, is there something other way to declare "global vars"? ...

What is the namespace to use for adding JSP taglib support into facelets pages?

Something like the following xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" seems to not work, any hint? alternatively how can I inject beans into JSF lifecycle flow at startup without the filter usage? ...

Which framework should I choose - Seam, Wicket, JSF or GWT?

I'm debating whether to use Seam, Wicket, JSF or GWT as the foundation for my presentation layer in a Java project. I narrowed my selection of Java web frameworks down to this subset based on job market considerations, newness of the technology and recommendations from other S.O. users. What factors should I take into consideration in...

JSF backing bean structure (best practices)

I hope that in this post, I can get people's opinions on best practices for the interface between JSF pages and backing beans. One thing that I never can settle on is the structure of my backing beans. Furthermore, I have never found a good article on the subject (correct me if I'm wrong). What properties belong on which backing beans?...

Form getting submitted even A4j validation fails +jsf

i am using a4j for checking username exists or not for onblur event it displays the error messages when user already exists but ,if i click on submit button after displaying the error message it gets submitted when it comes to the required=true for inputtext it doesn't get submitted public vo...