
JSF/Spring How to use h:selectOneMenu without SelectItem objects

I have a Collection of model objects in my backing bean, and I want to use the f:selectItems tag to display them in a h:selectOneMenu. I have read many tutorials that recommend using a collection of SelectItem objects instead of my model POJOs. However, I do not want to do this because it ties your model to a faces presentation. Is th...

Mixing JSP and XHTML (Facelets) in JSF2 Project - possible?

I have a client who wants to use JSF2 and they like that XHTML is now the default (Facelets). However, they have a huge amount of "legacy" JSP from their JSF1.x codebase. I know it's probably not desirable, but will it be possible to support a mix of both in JSF2, at least for a transition period whilst they port? I know it was possib...

How can we develop an n-layered architecture web application in java using jsf framework?

I am going to develop a multilayered architecture web application in java using jsf framework. I want to create one data layer where all the database connection is avaliable for use my application, second layer is application layer etc. Please give me any link where can I can get details about the n-layered architecture of web applicati...

Long poll for JSF - what are the choices?

I need to implement long-poll for a notification system, I current using Primefaces ajax framework but currently does not support long poll. I just wondering what is available for JSF developer if they want to implement long poll? Another question: between long poll and web push, for notification system, which one is prefer? Note: I am ...

JSF: Can inputText invoke a method inside managed bean when I press the return/enter key

So I have an inputText that has its value hook to myBean.text, I want that if I click enter/return key, the inputText will invoke a method inside myBean to do something. Can any one help me? EDIT <p:inplace label="Add Comment"> <h:inputText id="keyword" value="#{PostComment.comment.comment}" style="width:100%;" onk...

<a4j:commandLink> Not Rerendering

I'm trying to display a shopping cart in my application (Seam/RichFaces), and have included a "remove from cart" <a4j:commandLink /> next to each item to remove the item from the cart. When I click the link it is supposed to rerender the cart contents to show that the item has been removed. However, when I click the link, nothing happe...

How to create dynamic view in one page

Hello all ! i have one page index.jsf, i was use ui:include for include header and footer,i want to dynamic view in content, it mean when user click on register link just content change header and footer didn't change i image my code sample is: <ui:include render="#{mybean.include}"/> and in backing bean my code will : public void g...

Prevent user from opening JSF page in more than one tab/window in a browser

Is it possible to prevent user from opening JSF page in more than one browser tab or window? ...

in RichFaces, While using Email validation i am getting NullPointer Exception?

BeanClass code is: public void validEmail(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws Exception { //Set the email pattern string Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".+@.+\\.[a-z]+"); //Match the given string with the pattern Matcher m = p.ma...

select All checkbox in JSF without using Javascript

I am trying to select/unselect all checkboxes in the datatable using a single checkbox. As I am trying to set it on the server, I am unable to do so. I have looked around for solutions but could not get how to accomplish on the server side. Here is the code. xhtml file### <rich:column styleClass="center-aligned-text"> <f:fa...

Pretty Faces Mapping problem

Hello All! i using PrettyFaces for Pretty URL but i have first problem with PrettyFaces: my mapping in pretty-config.xml <url-mapping id="home"> <pattern value="/" /> <view-id>/faces/index.jsf</view-id> </url-mapping> i have one file index.xhtml when deploy on server url http://localhost/myproject it not found index.jsf wh...

Invoke method just before session expires

My webapp has users who login. There is a timeout. Before the session expires, I would like to execute a method to cleanup some locks. I've implemented a sessionListener but once I reach public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent event) the session is already gone and I need some data from it, so I would like to execute a method (whi...

Bizarre bug: inputTextarea only hook its value to the last row in dataTable

The bug is the inputTextarea I have below. Only the last row can record any input from the inputTextarea, in other word, only the last row, hook it value to #{PostComment.comment.comment}. Why is this? <h:form id="userCommentList" > <p:dataTable value="#{CentralFeed.profileComments}" var="item"> <p:column> ...

How can i redirect in JSF 2.0

Hello Everybody ! I'm new in JSF and JSF 2.0 i want to redirect in JSF how can i do it? in html i can use tag for do this but in JSF i use h:outputLink or h:commandLink for render user if he is logged , login link not display to him, but if he not logged login link will display to him. and i want redirect link to other page or redirect ...

how to display rich content using jsf component??

Hello, I used the rich: editor component to enter rich content and I save it in a database. but when I tried to display it in outputText field , rich tags are not interpreted and are displayed as simple text. So my question is: how to make jsf component (or Richfaces) interpret this rich content and display it properly?? ...

Setting list items in ice:SelectOneMenu

Hi!! I wish to set items from a list to the selectonemenu in icefaces. But when I do the same I get the following error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to javax.faces.model.SelectItem The is an entity class. Please Help. ...

Jsf property not saved

I don't really understand why this simple stuff won't work. I can see that I set the constructor is called everytime one property is set. The problem is that when I reach the sendInvitation method then all inviteEmails is null. @Named(value = "adminBean") @RequestScoped public class AdminBean implements Serializable { private Strin...

JSF Command button inside a JSF data Table

I am using a JSF data table. One of the columns in the table is a Command button. When this button is clicked I need to pass few parameters (like a value of the selected row) using the Expression language. This paramaters need to be passed to the JSF managed bean which can execute methods on them. I have used the following snippet of c...

Redirecting Icefaces page from an independent thread?

I'm performing a validation task that takes a while and am spinning the validation process into a separate thread. I've got the progress bar side of things working, with PortableRenderer and a ViewScope allowing it to update the progress bar component. However, I'm trying to redirect the user once the page either finishes or a error in...

JSF- passing a parameter to valuechangelistener

Hello, I have a litte radiobutton like this : <h:selectOneRadio value="#{test.answer}" valueChangeListener="#{TestService.changeanswer}" immediate="true" id="answer"> <f:selectItem itemValue="A" itemLabel="Absolutely True"/> <f:selectItem itemValue="B" itemLabel="True"/> <f:selectItem itemValue="C" itemLabel="Partially True"/> <...