
How to dynamically set focus to next text box in ui:repeat

I have one text box immediately after that one button. If i click on that button dynamically i get one more text box, but the focus is not coming to new text box. Can any one suggest something. Thanks in advance Venkat ...

rich:tree - programatically set the selected node

I have a tree (a parent could have any number of child ) and an inputText for searching nodes by name. Assume the following tree: A --A1 ----AA1 --A2 Where A has two children A1 and A2, A1 has one child AA1. When i type A1 in input text , i want to set nodes (A1,AA1) programmatically to select and if it is necessary expands nodes. (i...

JSF: How to bind many of h:selectBooleanCheckbox ?

I have a problem to bind list of h:selectBooleanCheckbox to my bean. Anybody helps ? This is not working: <ui:repeat value="#{cartBean.productsList}" var="cartProduct" varStatus="i"> <h:selectBooleanCheckbox binding="#{cartBean.checkboxes[i.index]}" /> </ui:repeat> public class CartBean extends BaseBean { public List<Product> get...

Focus on Perticular raw of ice:datatable in JSF

I have one data table (ice:datatable) in which i set one list of object.i have one search criteria on particular field.now i want to set focus on row in which searched field is available by using JavaScript.but JSF itself create it's own id for each row and field.So how could i set focus on searched row in JSF using icefaces ? I m using...

Is there a way to create dynamically <rich:tab> elements?

Let say that I want to create a variable set of <rich:tab> elements within a <rich:tabPanel> component. So I tried to do that way: <rich:tabPanel switchType="client" ...> <ui:repeat value="#{myBean.myTabs}" var="tab"> <rich:tab name="#{tab.name}" label="#{tab.label}"/> </ui:repeat> </rich:tabPanel> But it didn't work, ...

How does Seam Framework handle composite primary keys in pages.xml using EntityHome?

How does Seam Framework handle composite primary keys in pages.xml using EntityHome? The usual approach is to assign an ID to entityHome components, like: <page view-id="/team-list.xhtml"> <param name="club" value="#{clubHome.id}" converterId="javax.faces.Integer" validatorId="javax.faces.LongRange" /> </page> This assigns the (ato...

Set ID of each line on a link in a dataTable

I have a page that lists all from my Post table, it looks like this: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>TODO supply a title</title> </head> <body> <p...

h:inputHidden within ui:repeat

I'm creating an h:form within a cycle, and I'd like each form to have a hidden input with the value taken from the cycle's variable. Like so: <ui:repeat value="#{controller.elements}" var="element"> <h:form> <h:inputHidden value="#{element.value}"/> <!-- Taken from element.value, but submitted to controller.myvalue --> ...

JSF2, i18n and SEO

Hi there, I am migrating an application from Struts2 to JSF2. In struts2 I had mapped most of the actions so that the same action returned different locale content depending on the URL. For example: http://site.com/en/content.action http://site.com/es/content.action The action returned the same JSP which showed spanish or english de...

Changing language by clicking a button

I have a JSF/RichFaces setup, and I found this tutorial. I followed it step by step, but I can't manage to get it. Also: language.jsp is mentioned in the tutorial, can anybody tell me what exaclty it is? Or if you think this is not an appropiate tutorial and have a better one, please, let me know. ...

Best Practice to Handle Backing Bean initialization with JSF 2.0 jsf-2.0

I have an @PostConstruct init() function in my backing bean that performs a lengthy database query. The backing bean is @SessionScoped. Every time I perform an Ajax query, I hit that init() and the database query fires off again. Do I need to check life cycle phase in my init() before firing the database query? Or should I store the d...

How to make a redirection in JSF

Hello, I have a web-application where the users can be sent directly to some specific pages (such as a page where he can view or edit an item). To achieve that, we provide a specific url. These urls are located outside the current web-application (i.e. they can be present in another web-application, or in an email). The url looks like ...

nullpointerexception on RestoreViewPhase.Execute method in JSF

My application uses spring security and JSF 1.2 State saving method defined in my web.xml is stated as server.. When the user is already logged in to application and still tries to login to the application in the same browser in different tab. I get following exception : javax.servlet.ServletException at javax.faces.webapp.FacesSer...

How to authenticate users by their role declarative?

How can Seam be configured to use different security-constraints for different web-resource-collections? In web.xml I included a sections like <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>AdminPages</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/secure/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <au...

JSF validation. can this be simplified?

I have a simple form with a bunch of fields. each of them is required, and each has a different name: city state when the form is submitted i check if each field is empty and add a unique message for each validation to the context like: city is required state is required i cant simply use the required=true attribute on the jsp be...

How do I access an ice:dataTable's varStatus, an ice:dataPaginator's firstRowIndexVar? Where are they?

How can I access the varStatus variable and the firstRowIndexVar variable programmatically? I couldn't find them in the request parameters. I'd even be happy just to inspect them in the debugger. Thanks, Eli ...

Sink JSF 2.0 Composite Component Event in Parent Page Backing Bean

Hi All, I have a conceptual mind-block around the use of a JSF 2.0 composite component within a parent page. I understand how to implement an ActionListener (and others) for a composite component's action but how is this wired-up for the parental page to consume? For example, I want my login composite component to perform authentication...

JSF: EvaluationException and NPE when method in a @ViewScoped bean is called

Hello, fellow Java warriors! I have this managed bean to handle the Rede (Network) entity related operations called RedesBean (NetworksBean). I have three pages to insert a new network: redes/nova.xhtml (new.xhtml), which is basically a series of input fields to insert the Network properties and a commandButton which invokes a cadastraNo...

JSF/Rich Faces Drop down funtionality suggestion

Hi friends, I am using JSF/Rich Faces with Spring Webflow. I am implementing a functionality where in I have a drop down menu, where with each selection I need to trigger different transition in the webflow. For Example I have a drop down with values [Admin, Home, Logout, Search] On select of any of these items I should fire an approp...

Primefaces, JavaScript, and JSF does not work well together or am I doing something wrong

Here is something so simple <p:commandLink value="Tom" onclick="document.getElementById('tom').focus()"/><br/> <input id="tom"/> When u click on the Tom, the textbox get focus. Great, now try this <p:commandLink value="Tom" onclick="document.getElementById('tom').focus()"/><br/> <h:inputText id="tom"/> <br/> when I click nothing ha...