
skip jsf lifecylce phase

Hi, How do I short circuit the jsf lifecycle so that the response is rendered before any model updates? In the diagram of page 59 of this document JSF Spec V1.2 RevB, it shows that you can skip from the "Apply Request Values" phase directly to the "Render Response" phase. How do I do this? I've got a PhaseListener hooked in, but not s...

How to reference file resource in a JSF Application

Hey there, I want to dynamically reference an XSD from a bean, how is this possible? I already added the XSD to the project, so it's located somewhere in the GlassFish domain. Any thoughts will be appreciated! Daniel Szalay ...

Richfaces repeating elements

I'm trying to work on a user interface for adding "events". These events have either 0 or many contacts. Ideally I would like to have an interface that when entering a new event, has a section for contacts, with a little form to enter one contact (name, phone, etc). On the bottom of that mini-form I would like to have a link or butt...

Using managed-property with CommandButton in Java Server Faces

In addition to my question "Creating an “Edit my Item”-page in Java Server Faces with Facelets" I would liek to cover an issue that this provided. When I press the commandButton the ID=100 is removed and the page is refreshed, and this is Before it even runs the method, right, so this means that I do not have the ID when i press the but...

Using commandButton or commandLink to for Postback and managing the HTML Control Values

In many cases you want to add HTML-Controls or Facelets to your Website, but how easy is it really to just access these when you call upon an action? I have the following commandLink to execute an Action <h:commandLink action="#{MyBean.save}" value=""> <f:verbatim><input type="button" value="Save"/></f:verbatim> <f:param name="...

Pattern to model a business object in Seam framework ?

Hi, I habe been studying Seam framework for a long time. Altough i do not use it at work, i like its approach. It is very interesting. But i have some doubts. After reading Seam in Action book, i think it is not possible you bind more than one parameter to a business method. Something like @Stateless public class BusinessObjectImpl imp...

Netbeans Facelets code completion

Does anyone know how one can enable the code completion for xhtml (facelets) files in Netbeans (6.7.1)? According to some information I found on Google it is a known issue that there is no code completion for xml namespaces as used in the xhtml files, but that should be resolved by installing the netbeans facelets support module. But eve...

Seam auto login using credentials

Hi guys, I succesfully created a project using seam credentials for authentication, but right now some requirements has change (as usual) and i need authenticate the user automatic. See example bellow: user call the page: http://server%3Aport/project/index.jsp?parameter=xyz. This page has to call a seam component and get the parameter ...

Setting focus to a JSF inputtext

I need to direct the input focus to a specific inputtext component upon loading the page (to allow entering a value using a barcode scanner). In plain HTML I would add a JavaScript "onload" handler to the body tag, but there must be a better way in JSF. What is the "cleanest" way to achieve this for: "static" cases where the same con...

jsf application as portlet into Jboss portal

Hello I have been trying to integrate a simple jsf application into jboss portal, I can create instance tabs on the portal but when i click on the instance tab, i get javax.portlet.faces.BridgeException: javax.portlet.faces.BridgeException: Error processing render lifecycle javax.faces.FacesException: java.lang.IllegalStateException:...

JSF/JSP mixing problem

In an simple web application I have to combine jsp with jsf (for a school assignment). I am using NetBeans 6.7.1. In my login page I have the following code: <html> <body> <form name="form" method="post" action="processuserinfo.jsp" > UserName: <input type="text" name = "username" value=""><br> Password: <input type=...

Richfaced rendering takes longer time

Hi we are using various combination of data table and rich combobox and tab panel. the rendering is taking too long. is i did the performance tuning suggestions from stackoverflow and other websites <context-param> <param-name>javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD</param-name> <param-value>server</param-value> </context-param> <context-pa...

Creating your own Validators in JSF 1.2 with Facelets 1.1.12

I was reviewing the following link and found out that javax.faces.webapp.ValidatorTag is deprecated and replaced by ValidatorELTag, however I can't seem to find any good information about this. I want to create a Regular Expression Validator which takes input: regex and error message. Meaning I would want to have a control like this: ...

Using Trinidad in JSF environment

Hi all, I'm facing an unpleasant issue with an JSF based application of mine. Right now i have several xhtml-Files which include / make use the following taglibs: xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:t="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk" xmlns:...

JSF 'total' variable something like c:set in JSTL

Hi all, I don't like JSF but I need to solve this problem with it, I am working in "pure" JSF. So this is what I baisicly need but I don't know how to accomplish it with JSF: <c:set var="total" value="0"></c:set> <c:forEach var="item" items="${cart}"> <tr> <td>${item.product.name}</td> <td>${item.product.price}</td> ...

Navigation in JavaServer Faces, redirecting with correct parameters

I have a page: http://mypage.com/items.jsf. This page takes the following for granted: ID is set by GET or ID is set by POST. Now, I can manually call items.jsf?ID=10 But what I really want to do is have a Button which calls a function that returns the navigation URL. public String test() { return "10"; } Now having the foll...

Mixing JSF and Trinidad tags

Hi all, recently I got the Trinidad library going in a JSF based application of mine. (cmp this SO-question) Now I want to include some user interaction, making use of the dialog API. I worked alongside the fairly detailed DevGuide provided with the API, but I'm stuck at the followong point: TrinidadTags work in my JSF-xhtml Pages add...

Maintaining RichFaces panelMenu state between requests

I'm attempting to use a RichFaces panelMenu as a navigation menu but have yet to figure out a way for it to maintain state between requests. Is there anyway to tell the panelMenu to render itself with certain groups expanded without using ajax? I've attempted setting the value on the panelMenu and using selectedChild, all to no avail. ...

Does JBoss cache class files?

I'm wrestling with a strange problem: When I make a change to a POJO or Seam Component in my localhost JBoss instance, restart it, and load the page, the change is visible. However, on our server, running the same version of JBoss, when I stop the instance, delete the WAR file, upload the latest version, and restart JBoss, it won't show ...

'A4J' is undefined

hello i have a problem with ajax4jsf library on ie7 it give me error 'A4J is undefined' but this error not appear on firefox and chrome library which i used myfaces1.1.5 and ajax4jsf1.1 Here is my web.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"; xmlns:xsi="w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-...